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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Yes. Thing is MHJ isn't close to the freak in athleticism. What you will get is a bigger, stronger version of his dad, which I'm very good with.
  2. My pops would say, "you're looking up a dead goats ass". ?
  3. Nobody hates you. Remember when grizz was one of the first ones off the Trubisky train. He took a ton of crap. I got him a couple times. In the end, he was the one holding the scepter. Some folks have more patience, while some see enough. As of now, I'm 75% out on Fields and hoping the light turns on.
  4. IMO, one and two are spot on. I often talk with my dad about the Bears and the ups and downs of it all. What always galvanized me, is that he and I see the game exactly the same. It's kinda freaky. To your point of basing an offense, rings the loudest bell. Pops and I are of the opinion, that offensive football is a symphony. It must have a tempo set by the conductor, which is Justin. In football, being on time is the most critical component of every offense. Snap count, ball fake, line assignments and routes must be at a precise place and time. For the main piece of the puzzle to be out of sync, that has to be a nightmare for an OC. The clock is ticking.
  5. He didn't say he couldn't do it. It's that he generally doesn't. Or offense is designed for YAC and we honestly don't do that well, due to Justin being late. We often see our receivers fighting for extra yards, due to late delivery.
  6. Mongo3451

    Bears Defense

    Poles: Jaylon, we're placing the transition tag on you. But first, I'm going to give you this one time offer. You can choose to accept or be tagged. If your tag value is down with other teams, this offer goes down with it. Please remember that teams can't outbid us, so they really won't try as hard as you may think. We want you to be a Bear for life.
  7. Definitely keep the quality depth.
  8. I like what I see from the core. When Poles started the rebuild, we assessed that he had 5-6 blue chip players on the team. I'm seeing that we at 9-10. If we go by the Polian model, he says 12-13, depending on the QB. That leaves us with a deficit of 4 blue chippers with Justin as our QB. The easiest draft path: Marvin Jr, Bowers and Zach Frazier(C) are rated as good in their class. That can be done easily with trading back. After that, a 3T and safety mat get you over the top.
  9. I know you didn't. Not the point. I brought up Aikman saying, non committal. Then, you brought where he was just complimenting his improvement. So, I clarified. Then you rebutted. So, I again clarified. Now, I'm clarifying again. I know you and I agree on most everything. Sometimes it's verbal semantics...?
  10. Huge difference in stating that someone is getting better vs he's the man. Aikman did not endorse, but only suggested improvement. That was theb entire beginning point of our convo. None of us were commenting on if Justin was getting better. We're all concerned with if he is getting better, fast enough, to ever be the guy.
  11. Good one! After all we have pontificated, someone has to go! I don't care if it's a ball boy...?
  12. This is a big concern of mine. Poles has his work cut out for himself. It is great coming in to a season where young players have stability and confidence of knowing their coaching staff will remain intact. Nothing worse than rats fleeing a burning ship. As of now, there has been no sign of that. I can see where Flus and Getsy are learning from mistakes. What I don't know from Getsy is he being conservative at the end of games because of Flus, Fields or himself.
  13. He was non-committal on both instances, I mentioned, within this week.
  14. Aikman is not convinced. He said as much during the broadcast and on PTI.
  15. He would thrive in Miami, LAC, LAR and Denver easily.
  16. It's obvious when Getsy calls downfield plays. It usually ends with Justin running or everyone, including Thayer, yelling at him to throw the damn ball. He has made one great play in each of the last two games throwing downfield. He needs to triple those.
  17. Mongo3451

    Final 7 games

    This is where he must get better. The game will pass him over if he does not. He needs to complete 8-12 in this area per game. He has to throw to the deep third a minimum four times instead of two. I'm happy for the win and I'm glad Justin hit that deep third when it counted. More please...
  18. There is something to be said for that. We can also look at the Steelers, who have had the coaches on their history. Patience is a good thing.
  19. Ok, Stinger and PHX, time to hug it out. You both are great posters and know your stuff. Time to recognize it from each other. Let's get back making our Bears winners...?
  20. I will fight you over this one brother. Winning is always good. It's a learned trait.
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