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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Please no! Hell no! Warren is not even a football guy. Seriously, he was a basketball player. Leave Poles alone to finish his vision.
  2. One good thing about MHJ is that he'll be ready on day one. He's been trained his entire life by possibly the best route runner of all time. (Along with Rice and Fitz)
  3. If he's not picked up on waivers, he's a free agent. The team he goes to can sign him for whatever. He doesn't fit the new scheme the Colts play and he's not back to 100%. He's a perfect fit for this system and can probably be had on the cheap.
  4. Mongo3451


    Here's my wish list for 2024. Ryan Poles GM Ben Johnson HC Vic Fangio DC asst HC Joe Brady OC Poles has done a great job of bringing in talent, despite the bungling of Flus. I'm not sure if the failure of Getsy is a result of Flus being too conservative or Getsy just not getting it. Too bad you sad. You had your shot. I'm sure Poles has already passed judgement on Justin. What he thinks, I don't know. But, for some reason, I trust him. Regardless of anything, Flus has to go. There is no room in the NFL for conservative coaches. Modern players just don't respond to it.
  5. Braxton Jones needs to work on his squats and deadlifts in the off season. Nate Davis simply needs to train. Both of those guys were moving backward a lot in passed pro. Feeney came in and did OK, after the snap count issues, but was also giving ground. Darnell Wright had the most pressures. I can assure all that he had a solid game. Hutchinson was in a bar fight all game against him. Going forward, we need a new center that can hold his ground and Jones needs upgraded.
  6. Mongo3451

    Final 7 games

    100! The way that box was stacked, nothing should have been run inside. Nothing! You have one on one's all on the outside, with a mobile QB. It has Flus written all over it. Coaches plan these scenarios during the week. Getsy asks which set, Flus inputs. Usless field goal was all Flus too. I wonder if that is where all the chicken shit calls originate. Don't get me started on that damn prevent defense.
  7. I'm with you. The defense really screwed us when Flus went to the prevent. Those runs into the heavy box were stupid. Flus blamed Fields for not choosing to pull the ball and take it outside. But, if it didn't work the first time, why run that crap again? Also, on the pass to the rookie, why is Mooney not running that route?
  8. Mongo3451

    Final 7 games

    There's another good one. Why is Darnell Mooney not running that route?
  9. Mongo3451

    Final 7 games

    Flus had the balls to blame those plays on failed execution. He said Justin had the choice to pull the ball and go outside. OK, my question to Flus is, if he didn't see it the first time, why was it called again? I would follow with, why did you go for a field goal instead of trying for a first down?(when you were already up 2 scores) Then, why did you stay in prevent when they destroyed it just one minute ago? Flus ain't the guy...
  10. I'm interested to see if any halftime adjustments are made by Getsy and Fields. Both started hot and faded. They need to tighten up the pressure up the middle. It is killing our passing options.
  11. On a revisit of this, the OL and DL is everything. Whenever I hear that another team has both better fronts, it screams beat down 9 outta ten times. That being said, we are very close on physicality. Where they are better is through continuity and tenure in system. Everyone knows how important that is for the offensive line, as the best OL's are built through time. Defense is the one that's harder to figure, but I've been hearing more and more on the importance of cohesion on the DL. The LB's need it for gap assignments, while the DL needs it for pass rush coordination and timing. It's deeper than that, but y'all get it.
  12. It's been trending better guys. We are number 2 in run offense and 1 in run defense. The OL is ranked 4 in run and 7 in pass. That's a huge win given the injuries. I know Getsy gets a lots crap, but that stat is a part of his offense. They've held it together on that regard. At this point, it's up to Justin to hit those guys that are flashing open. All told, this team is trending up, in year two of the rebuild. At the end of the season we should look at the blue chip players we have vs two years ago. A top center and another WR on offense and 3T, edge and safety on defense is the next level. And probably QB...
  13. I was a fan of Trubisky, but thought the trade was idiotic when it happened. My thought was always, plan B if plan A didn't work out. I've never hated a GM more than Pace. So embarrassing...
  14. He has prototypical size and amazing athletic traits. Quick release, mobile, cannon arm, accurate deep ball, known clutch performer, plays in a pro offense and succeeds with lesser talent around him. Another plus, is that he comes from a well rounded athletic family.(other D 1 athlete) I encourage you to read the latest Athletic scouting article on him as well. Mack Jones is not the same coach that Trubisky had, so similarities should end there. The system that he plays in is one of the few that asks the QB to read both safeties on every given play. This is important in that it gives a better assessment of his pro abilities...
  15. Fields makes something like 7 mil in 2024.
  16. Swifty is off his damn rocker sometimes. Nobody called Mayfield, Goff and Young generational. As far as Harrison Jr is concerned; he's a stud, but at what cost. If drafting him makes us miss out on fixing the offensive and defensive fronts, I'm out. My hope is that Poles makes a free agent splash to give draft relief for BPA.
  17. And what is Justin? Oh, and what is Justin again? You are trying to turn a battleship with a squirt gun in this argument. 2,507 yd, 14 td, 5 int, 99.1 rat 1,201 yd, 11 td, 6 int, 91.6 rat Which stat line do you like? Do you want the wins and losses? I'm dying to be wrong about Fields...
  18. 100% He was one missed pass from winning the Superbowl. Justin would've not even seen the guy.
  19. Here's one I like. The front line rebuild is complete, on both sides of the ball!
  20. It's not working properly yet.
  21. This is the standard to go by. I believe this was the last draft of two generational prospects. Of course we know Manning and Leaf went polar opposite directions in their careers. Taking it full circle to Trubisky and Fields, some still believe in Justin like others believed in Trubisky and vice versa. Say a football prayer for the last seven games...
  22. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, when it comes to generational quarterbacks.(just like me, so you know the above was for laughs) Cleveland didn't draft one and neither did we. Nobody called the Cleveland five and our last two generational. Experts determine that crap. Guys like you and I just have the eye test. They considered Luck and Lawrence the last two "can't miss" guys. Now they are saying Williams and Maye will be the first two generational talents, in the same draft, in decades. You were right about Trubisky being a scrub. I hope you also correct on Fields, because that would be our best draft scenario.
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