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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Yet another instance of the NFL slurping on the Packers. See play clock...
  2. He's had 4 years to install his offense with multiple quarterbacks and were still at the bottom. It's Nagy's scheme and play calling, along side of too many picks traded away.
  3. Lol, just read my post. Looks illiterate. Fixing
  4. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. He has a race agenda and has been a proven liar before.
  5. Mongo3451

    Sean Desai

    Truth. Why Pace needs to go...
  6. Mongo3451

    Eddie Jackson

    As much as I hate Pace, this one was a proper and smart extension.
  7. Mongo3451

    Sean Desai

    100% He definitely passes the press conference test requirement for Teddy and George though. Too bad Arians wasn't in the mood for that dumb shit. Until that mentality is out, we'll be lucky to build a dominant organization.
  8. Remember when Brady held up the 4 fingers last year and he got clowned on in memes? He'll do it again, but for TD's, because he's petty that way. 28-13 Bucs
  9. Shit, I'd take that all day everyday!
  10. I don't think that is that big of a deal. Daboll knows how to call plays and design a solid offense. IMO - that develops a QB more than anything. Confidence and boldness blooms when you believe in something. We've already seen the other side of the spectrum with failure, doubt and sharp criticism. In order for our offense to turn the corner, major investments must occur with dollars and draft capitol. The defense will have to suffer while this occurs. Once we start scoring more, the defense can be rebuilt. That's my two year plan and I approve this message...????
  11. Daboll is proven. The only other proven coach we've had is John Fox. No more chances for unproven guys.
  12. At the end of the day 14 points doesn't win very often and our defense is older and slower, so everything has to be perfect.
  13. Here's the rub boys and if it sounds like I'm beating a dead horse, I don't care. Every game we win, we have to play almost perfect football. Why? Every game we lose, we see our deficiencies and lament about them. Where are we weak? DB: We had Adrian Amos, who continues to play well, but he was replaceable. Problem is, we've never replaced him. We had Kyle Fuller, who was our most physical corner, but because he was too expensive. That leads to Eddie Jackson. How do you bench him if there is no depth on the roster? This is all on Pace. OL: I'm tired, so I'll let brother Jason preach. All on Pace. WR: Anthony Miller is better than his two replacements, let alone Cordarrell Patterson. Yeah, I said it. Where is our depth at this position? Hey, they are fast and cheap. All on Pace. TE: Jimmy Graham makes 8 million a year and has zero endzone targets. Kmet needs 10 targets per game. Horsted needs 5. We are no where close. Graham is on Pace. Nagy the rest. QB: How often did we work the middle of the field yesterday? There should always be someone Fields to throw to when in trouble. He's a damn rookie, please help him. Also, if you are going to run RPO's, it would help if he actually would choose the run part. As a coach you have to tell him it's there and to trust the process. Trust me, it's been there a dozen times and Fields doesn't choose it, just like Trubisky didn't choose it. Then there's the dumbass sacks, just like Trubisky. Those aren't rookie mistakes, as they did learn this in college. I blame Nagy and Pace equally on this. Overall, I see no reason why we need Pace at all anymore. Start the search and replace him ASAP. We are bereft of talent and depth on both sides of the ball. Add to this, that we are already down a draft pick again next year because of Pace. Trust me, we'll be mediocre next year as well, because you can build any quality starting units and depth in one year. It's very disheartening knowing that we also roster one of the oldest teams in the NFL.
  14. Totally agree. Some teams say, "oh no you didn't!", while the Bears say, "here we go again".
  15. Everyone should be forced to watch All in the Family, the Jefferson's and anything Dave Chappell has ever done before being allowed to vote, lol. BTW - watched Chappelle's 'The Closer' last night. I had to turn the fan on! ?
  16. I'm well versed on the Constitution. I said it didn't apply to him. Our nation is pussyfied and butthurt way too much these days.
  17. I'll take that shot. Ask Trent Dilfer, Kurt Schilling, Ditka, Sage Steele and Rachel Nichols how they feel. They are being silenced. Freedom of speech and expression doesn't even apply to Gruden. His private emails were hacked. God forbid if anyone makes it and their porn history comes up. This is completely stupid...
  18. Run the ball forty times. There's nothing that would make me happier than to see them bruised and bloodied. I don't even care if we whack Rodgers every time he drops back. We owe them perpetually because of Charles Martin...
  19. What constitutes someone's eligibility to be employed is getting ridiculous. What's next; hunters for killing deer, devout Christians for believing in biblical sin? ?
  20. That was the rub the last couple years with Trubisky. Was Trubisky late or Arob slow off the break? He's a possession receiver, not a dominant #1.
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