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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. He's the only idiot EVER to make a statement like this. Who has four years in today's NFL? If you can't succeed in an offense after one year, the offense is FATALLY flawed...
  2. Chris Carter talked about that too and said that is a real thing. He also talked about the fine line of, "ok, you kept your promise, now let's go!" The line will be clear today, as we are supposed to beat the Bengals. If not, there will a fly in the soup...
  3. I agree with the invest in offense philosophy. If a 2nd could be had for Arob, that would be a steal for us.
  4. I was watching Chris Carter on GMFB Thursday and he ripped Dalton in a fun sorta way. Basically, said he cost him 25k in a Pro Bowl game he was coaching because he was reluctant to drive his throws downfield. He then went on to state that it occurs when QB's get older and are not willing to take the hits anymore. It seems fitting seeing we didn't have a completed pass over 10 yards, with 13 yards being the longest attempt. If he doesn't push the ball this week, I'm afraid Nagy will put Fields in before he is ready. Meaning, the plan they put in place will have already failed.
  5. I'm sorry, but as bad as Leno was, he was average. And is still starting in the NFL. Did I want an upgrade, absolutely. Did I want him gone, no. He would have been a great bridge for the new OT. That's not hindsight, it's common sense. 8 million dollar starting OT vs 10 million dollar aging TE? It's not even close. Pace, in all his arrogance, again trades up for a guy that's a pure right tackle, then says he's a starting left tackle. Based on what? I'll tell you. It's based on the fact that we did not have one damn left tackle on the entire roster. He has to go. He must for the future of our franchise. I am also on record wanting to keep Trubisky until we got our guy. If that happens, we have Kyle Fuller too. Hindsight, looking at Pace really pisses me off. Sorry for the rant. I'm just done with Pace moreso than Nagy.
  6. So, here we are again wondering what went wrong and how to fix it. Let’s start with our first offensive series. On the second play from scrimmage Monty hits a nice hole for 41 yards. It was great play with flawed execution. Why? If Montgomery switches hands with the football and uses a stiff arm, he scores. He learned this in fourth or fifth grade. Plain and simple, opportunity missed. After no gain by Williams, because Nagy decided Monty needed a rest after running a forty, Fields enters the game. Boom, 8-yard pickup to the three yard line. In comes Dalton, why? Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to let Fields utilize his tremendous gifts with three yards to go? How easy would it be to grind out a yard for first down, then one yard for a touchdown. No question mark on the previous sentence due to entering the mind of Matt Nagy. He needed the veteran Dalton to lead the team to the touchdown to feed his storyline and unearned ego. Next, we have a false start on a play that was going nowhere, followed by a timeout 3 minutes into the game because Nagy can’t manage down and distance while calling the offense. IMO he already had the next play in his head because his ego told him it was going to be a first down. What happens next is pure Andy Dalton. It epitomizes his entire career of one back breaking interception after another. How could he not see that the linebacker was in position to make that play? How could he not see Cole Kmet wide open against a DB? Game over. Please don’t get me started on the highest paid members of our defense. We had 55 mil a year out there between Mack, Hicks, Quinn and Jackson and they did nothing. Quinn gift wrapped that bomb to Stafford by fully biting on a play action fake that gave Stafford all the room and time needed to eviscerate our secondary. Note to point, that it was to Kyle Fullers side of the field. (Who was cut to sign Dalton, and because Pace overpaid for Quinn the year before) Next possession we get nice back-to-back receptions for first down. The Rams played off the entire game, daring us to run and make those completions. The next series, we throw to the flat on third and eight, which is rarely the best option, while ignoring a wide open Kmet for the second time. Kmet had room to turn and run for a big play. On forth and four, Dalton simply doesn’t see Montgomery wide open in the flat. Honestly, if we would have kept Mitch on for another season, we would be better off, plus could have kept Fuller. (BTW, I was on the record stating that before it all happened) Did Dalton figure that since he screwed up by throwing to the flat that he should go elsewhere the next play? Another piece of his playoff winless career. Here’s his numbers for his 4 playoff appearances. One TD, 6 INT and a 57.8 passer rating. I’m not going into the rest of this game, because it is futile. But I am going to reiterate my true disdain for Ryan Pace. From the day he didn’t listen to John Fox about wanting Desean Watson or Pat Mahommes to the day he started binge trading our draft picks once he looked into Mitchell Trubisky’s chocolate drop eyes, he has traded away two and a half drafts worth of picks. That’s enough picks to have gotten one of the great receivers out of the 2019 class. It’s also enough to have drafted depth at corner, safety, DT and edge. He got lucky to get Fields. He wasn’t good. Virginia could’ve made that trade because the Giants were dying to make it. He follows that up by drafting, wait, trading up for a right tackle with a back issue. But Pace knows so much, Jenkins is healed and now a left tackle on a team with zero left tackles. And yes, I was on the record with that before the Jenkins injury. Now we are stuck in a situation where Eddie Jackson doesn’t have to tackle, let alone touch guys that have the ball near him. I could go on, but WTF. One last thing, If Pace wants to save his reputation, he needs to be Matt Nagy’s boss and sit his ass down from play calling, permanently. Nagy needs to get ahold of HIS team and breath some fire into the defense, instead of going to the presser and throwing his DC under the bus. Then, saying Desai was good on the headset???? Is that some code they have at Halas Hall for how Pace and Nagy still have jobs? I’ve said too much…
  7. At this point, I would not be surprised if we win. Looks like the favorites came out flat today. Bills, Titans, Vikings, Packers, Falcon's. Even the Chiefs and Buc's had to take it to the very end. Today is the day of the pissed off underdog. Let it be ours too!
  8. I'm noticing that the teams coming out with a chip on their shoulder are faring pretty well. Hopefully us...
  9. He's listed as the backup LT, but is considered a jack of all trades.
  10. Would you trade Damien Williams to the Ravens for Patrick Mekari?
  11. Would you trade Damien Williams to the Ravens for Patrick Mekari?
  12. Just tried logging into Yahoo sports. They are having a system issue.
  13. Here we go again with free agents. If other teams don't sign their own blue chip free agents, it means they don't want them or we overpaid. Free agents should be icing on the cake or depth pieces, not the meat and potatoes.
  14. I don't know man. If they are fired, it means Fields and the defense underperformed. With minimal draft picks, how do you rebuild? New GM would have to come in and gut it out with a terrible team, while waiting for the next year's draft. Pace has done this organization a huge disservice. Not enough hits in the draft with stars.
  15. Welcome back! And amen. Only Pace could trade up for an OL in the deepest draft ever for OL. He's traded away two and a half drafts and counting. He's unacceptable.
  16. This game is a series of big IF'S. If Ifedi and Peters can be game ready and hold up for 4 quarters, Dalton can work, as I have faith in our interior. If we can establish a running game, we will tremendously help our defense by giving them the rest they need. If Desai can channel his inner Fangio, our defense can do take the ball away. If Nagy, which is the one I trust least, can stay disciplined in his gameplan, our ball control offense can work. End of day 20-17 Rams. Game prediction: Because Nagy is Wile E, they will throw the double move on Ramsey with Mooney, just because Nagy thinks it will work again.
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