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Everything posted by Sense-A

  1. The Cutler effect = interception
  2. Sense-A

    THE DRAFT and FA

    You know? I still want to let Grossman keep the job. And yes give him more time to make passes. Teach him to step up in the pocket and not keep falling back when being sacked. And our defense is pretty good. not as good as 2 years ago but urlacher is great leadership. umm our running game slacked off last year maybe b/c injuries? or bad O-line. and i liked when they used hester for a few recieving plays. let him run some routes during practices or play whatever positions he's willing to try. overall i'm still a committed bears fan. we had a troubled cursed season. next year we come back strong as ever. stop doubting these guys
  3. Sense-A


    Pre-Game talk about a Bears Giants game. SNL skit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwW10UvymkA and the SHUFFLE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f50XrzO316g...feature=related ENJOY
  4. I think Rex Grossman is great. The BEARS made a mistake giving up on this guy so early in the season. Grossman, as young as he is, took us all the way to the SuperBowl last year and everyone in the NFL media was still talking smack about him. Grossman gets blamed for everthing. He's used as a scapegoat. But he's better than any other QB on the Bears. How many times does Grossman throw awesome passes that just bounce off the recievers' chests or shoulder pads!? Our recievers should learn how to catch before we start pulling GrossMan out of the game. I think our offensive running game is so much worse than last year. AND THAT is the major factor and difference between this year and last. Of course our defense isn't as good as last year but how could it be? Last year, defensively we had a year that we cannot realistically have expected to match. It was superb! And whoever mentioned throwing the last games of the season for a better draft pick, thats completely ignorant. Every game I expect my team to go out there and play for pride regardless of playoff eligibility. AND BEATING THE CHEESEHEADS FEELS GOOD! Bret Favre is overrated. Finally the packers have a good season in 10 years and all i hear is cornball announcers saying ooooooooh he's the greatest kissing his sorry ass. The Bears stomped the Packers twice this year. And our defense played the largest factor.
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