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Everything posted by jason

  1. And it's one of the reasons why no Bears fan can be completely satisified by this coaching staff, even in a dominating win like this. That is two goal-to-go series that the Bears got absolutely nothing. Why is this shit so difficult for them to understand? Three runs up the pipe? HORRIBLE IDEA. Three drop back passes? HORRIBLE IDEA. Run, run, drop back pass? HORRIBLE IDEA.
  2. DAMMIT!!!!! When will they learn!? 3 straight runs up the gut on goal-to-go is EFFING STUPID!!! Dammit Lovie and Martz! Play action you dumbasses!!!
  3. HAHA...James Allen. Haven't thought of him in a long time. Although, I must admit that Taylor sure hasn't seen any holes when he's gotten the ball. At least Forte has seen two or three plays where he's gotten a glimpse of the second level.
  4. That wasn't on Knox. That was just a good play by the safety. Looked like he got there just in time to knock it away.
  5. That ball was most certainly NOT uncatchable. Both could have caught it. But it was a really bad call.
  6. Actually, I found it in this thread: http://www.talkbears.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6137 Your logic: If A] The Bears had kicked the field goal Then B] The Bears would have never had the opportunity for the punt return Same thing. If A] Webb doesn't hold the TD stands Then B] Cutler doesn't throw the pick
  7. If this is Farv's last game of all time, I'm buying a Wooten jersey at the end of the season.
  8. This has been mentioned too many times. It's one of the primary reasons why people began calling him Zombie Lovie.
  9. Farv downgraded to "melon bounced off the ground."
  10. I remember you bringing up a play before a play in reference to making a point. I believe it was first a bad offensive play by the Bears, then a punt by the opponents, then a punt return by the Bears. You used the results of the third play to defend the first two. I don't feel like searching for it, but I know you did it. I submit to you that Cutler would never been put in that position (what turned out to be an inconsequential INT) if not for Webb committing the holding penalty and taking a touchdown off the board. --edit-- I think it was the Packer game.
  11. Yeah, if the NFL wants to be consistent at all. But I'm much more upset at Webb for taking 7 points off the board with his penalty.
  12. Aromashodu wide open. Cutler makes time and then chucks it perfect. Holding call. OF course. The next play? INT. Of course.
  13. Yes. Forte has looked like Barry Sanders on one or two plays. Love it. I just wish we could see more and more games like this, where the OL actually does their job. The skill position talent would then shine like never before.
  14. NICE hole from the OL! Give Forte a little room and he absolutely PLOWS the Viking LB!!
  15. jason

    In advance

    Yeah. Dilfer was the only one who picked the Vikings, mostly because he hates them. Chris Berman picked them too, but only because he was behind the others in picks. Dilfer also corrected someone else saying the Bears' D was "good" not "great." (I agree) He also called the offense pathetic.
  16. I agree with your idea (i.e. 7 step drop on 3rd and 2 is a stupid), but I'm not quite so sure that was a 7-step drop play. I think that was a 3 or 5 step drop play in which Cutler just felt the pocket absolutely collapsing (what's new), and he continued to backup.
  17. When is the last time the Bears' OL opened a hole like Toby Gerhardt just got? My goodness that was wide open.
  18. I love how the OL not only sucks, but also gets called for penalties because they suck. Two in a row. Nice.
  19. Peppers wasn't the one who missed the tackle on the TD. He missed the tackle on the Gerhardt run of 10ish yards.
  20. DJ Moore got juked, and then Chris Harris tackled like a 10 year old little girl.
  21. Disgusted thus far with the offense, and in particular (OF COURSE), the offensive line. Could they either pass block long enough to give Cutler a chance, or maybe open up some running lanes? Just one thing would be nice.
  22. I'll say it: I WISH an injury onn Farv. I want something horrible to happen to him that will not injure him longterm in life, but will effectively finish his playing career. I'm absolutely disgusted with this guy and all the media attention he still gets.
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