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Everything posted by jason

  1. Hell no. I said it before, and I'll say it again, you don't trade away your franchise face. It's just bad mojo.
  2. Great site. I heard one time that the reason the McRib is only a part time offer is that the pork production in the U.S. would suffer a catastrophe because of the increase in demand.
  3. Adewale gave a quick phone interview. He was semi-indifferent. He basically intimated that it won't matter if the Defense doesn't step up. Urlacher gave a statement that is almost negative. He seems to like the idea of the Cutler trade, but it appears that he thinks the Bears gave up too much to get him. He also spoke kindly of Orton.
  4. jason

    Hey NFO!

    haha...so do you think McRib in the 7th was better than Ian Johnson?
  5. jason

    Hey NFO!

    Thanks everyone! I'm fairly excited and didn't think things through. Now it's ready.
  6. jason

    Hey NFO!

    Read the signature!!
  7. With today's news, I predict with fair certainty that the following will happen to my life and keep me too busy to participate in the board's happenings: -Jessica Alba will hire me to be her deep tissue massage therapist -Publisher's Clearing House will knock in a few hours -I'm going to find the Hope Diamond in my backyard -I'll become a hot commodity in the porn industry -The McRib will come back permanently -Chuck Norris will call to tell me how awesome I am -Keanu Reeves will never make another movie -The Cubs will win the World Series I'm sure there is more, but I'm sort of delirious right now.
  8. jason

    Way too much

    I just wanted to hook someone. Today is farking awesome.
  9. Which third rounder did the Bears give up? The first one or the second one?
  10. Agreed. I'm buying the Cutler jersey as soon as it hits the Bears' website.
  11. jason

    Way too much

    I just think it's way too much for me to absorb in one day. It's ridiculous to think that the Bears could feasibly have one franchise QB for the next 8-10 years. Cutler AND Pace?! Wow. Crazy.
  12. All I can say is that MadLith better not F up.
  13. Completely agreed...but I still want him on the Bears. I'm almost giddy thinking that the Bears could possibly have Pace. If they plan on making a play for Cutler, this would be quite an incentive.
  14. One point regarding your comments... I know of no hunters who train any of the animals you have mentioned to fight until the death. Others may die because of the hunt, or because we're hungry, but I've never seen a hunter in a deer-stand make two bucks go at it until one is butchered alive by the other's rack.
  15. I think you mean "far worse alleged or charged without conviction crimes".
  16. That's exactly what I was planning on doing. I have friends all over the nation (SF, Seattle, Dallas, Detroit, Green Bay, Minny, etc.) and I am going to choose who I think the team should take, but only after having a conference with the friend from that team. No worries.
  17. I'll defer. I'll take Seattle and Minnesota as a replacement for San Francisco.
  18. First and foremost, you'd be well served to check out each case you listed. In your brief paragraph above I can tell you haven't looked into the details of the cases. Having said that, I'm fine with agreeing to disagree, but are you trying to tell me that someone being charged with something is worse than someone being convicted with mass torture and slaughter of dogs? If so, I recommend checking out the 5th and 6th Amendments to find out why your point of view doesn't fly with the U.S. Justice System.
  19. I looked through your list, and excluded all the DUI/DWI/possession charges. In my opinion, those don't even come close to what Vick did. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, to be quite honest. As for the rest... Where's the evidence of inequality? The only two you have provided that are even debateable are Chris Henry and Brandon Marshall...and even their cases are more arrested/charged than convicted. Sorry, but your examples are severely lacking.
  20. Race, along with politics, has long been a sour note on this board. It probably wasn't a good idea to bring it into the discussion (where ya at NYC?). However, the simple fact is, neither of you know why Lovie, or any coach, would give Vick another chance. It very well could be race. It could be religion. You simply don't know. Maybe in fantasy land people don't do things based on religion, but not in reality. As for whether he should get the privilege of playing the NFL again - and make no mistake, it's a privilege - that's up to the commissioner. Personally, I think he shouldn't be allowed to play again. He may have paid his debt to society, but like nfo said, that doesn't mean all doors automatically open back up to him again. Felons aren't allowed to vote, so there is clearly something that can affect a person after they serve the time for their crime. In this case, Vick should be allowed to pursue a job just like anyone else...but the NFL doesn't have to allow him back into the "company". Last but not least, the double standards you mentioned... Because I'm curious, which players in today's stricter NFL have committed, and been convicted of, a crime that you feel is equal to or worse than what Vick did, and have been let back into the league?
  21. Out of all the mocks you've done, most of which I've despised, this is the most palatable. I think it's pretty good. I'd rather see DE bumped down and the spot filled with either a WR, FS, or OT (basically moving the other picks up one spot), but overall that'd be a fairly good draft for the Bears.
  22. The one thing I take from that article as fact: The Bears are DEFINITELY interested in Stephen Hodge. If the guy is a relative of Lovie Smith like the article says, there is no way that Lovie doesn't have him on the radar.
  23. I'm all for it. It's something I've mentioned before. Then again, I've been on record numerous times about signing troubled WRs.
  24. I actually quite like that idea. OT, FS, WR, WR sounds fine to me. Although, I would like OL, OL, WR, WR even more. 1. Duke 2. Loadholt 3. (two of the following four) Louis Murphy, Ramses Barden, Mohamed Massaquoi, Brandon Tate
  25. I'll do Seattle and San Francisco if available. I'll confer with two good friends who rabidly follow these teams.
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