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Posts posted by jason

  1. As an admin, it is possible to lock a thread when your clicking through other posts (if you double click on the post icon as an admin/mod the thread will be locked).


    The thread was locked on accident. No one meant to lock it. However, in the future, before creating a stir on the forums, please send the admins/mods a PM (as that is the appropriate way to handle such a situation). I am removing the other thread (the goodbye one).


    I was just following the precedence.


    We all know there are no hard rules for deletion/modification/locking threads. We also know that mistakes are made, in judgement and in mouse-control. HOWEVER, we also know that there needs to be action when problems arise, and there needs to be admins. Otherwise you end up with the ESPN boards, which suck.


    With that said, I will speak out for anyone who feels wronged. Since I was clearly the target of the previous attack on the old board, I feel it is my duty as someone who has learned from the mistake, to campaign on the side of the wronged party and ensure that their issue is given attention. You gave it speedy attention, and I appreciate it.

  2. First off, I was in favor of Justin Fargas, but he signed a 3 or 4 year deal for 12 million with Oakland a couple of weeks before FA started.


    I'm skeptical about Alexander, and it would depend on how much money he wants. He looked flat-out awful last season. That being said, I'd be thrilled if we dumped Benson after he gets healthy, signed Alexander, and give Wolfe more of an opportunity. There's all this talk about drafting a RB, but we've done it twice in the last 3 years with no luck.


    I think the point some are trying to make is this:


    A great OL makes an average to good RB look great. See Shaun Alexander and Emmit Smith.


    Take that same RB, especially one who is known for habitually running out of bounds rather than taking on contact in the hole, and combine him with an OL that opens up like Kobe Tai, and you have the opposite...averge/good looks average/bad.

  3. If you could change one piece of the Bears, no matter what it is, and the sole purpose was to make them better, what would you change?


    I think I'd go with an OC. I'd like the Bears to hire a guy who is well establishe, well known for being successful, a guy who is considered a good gametime adjuster, and someone who has a track record for QB development.


    Is there even a guy like this?!

  4. From NFL.com:


    The Jets have doled out $137.75 million worth of contracts, including $67 million worth of guaranteed money in the past 48 hours.--Adam Schefter




    Peace :bears


    And they got the one player I really wanted the Bears to get, who was also someone I thought the Bears might actually get: Faneca.


    If the Jets keep TJ as the #1 RB next year, look for his numbers to go way up.

  5. WTF are you talking about? I dont care if he retired because he was pissed they didnt get Moss or because he broke the records or because he doesnt like the color of the uniforms. Im just saying it doesnt make him a pussy for getting emotional about retiring. He has done enough for football for us to give him the benefit of the doubt on his reasoning for walking away. Just because you think he should play doesnt mean shit, who are you?


    It's cool if you want to change debate tactics. I understand it's difficult to back up the points I just destroyed. At least we can agree that his emotions are genuine. I'll just continue to say that the main reason he stuck around was to break records, and all the BS he fed everyone about "love of the game" and "playing as long as he was still capable" was just that, total BS.

  6. First of all, for Hester316, it's actually spelled Favre. I just prefer to spell it Farv.


    As for your post, it makes nearly no sense.


    Who are you to say why he retired? Youre stating your opinion and thats fine, but its only an OPINION. He also had two more games this year because of the playoffs. Since you made it painfully clear you didnt listen to what he said at his press conference he did say he could play physically but that he was exhausted mentally. For a qb to be successful in the NFL they have to be more prepared mentally than physically. He knew he couldnt give his all to the team anymore so he retired. He never said it wasnt fun playing the games or that his body couldnt hold up, he said he was mentally tired. To me him retiring this year was the right thing to do because he wouldnt have been able to give it 100%


    What do the two more games have to do with anything when talking about a guy who has started every game for over a decade? Nothing. Actually, I did listen to the press conference, and while I thought the tears and emotion was genuine, the reasoning seemed fake. To preach his two points of playing while he still could and playing for fun, and then quitting after putting up a good year and clearly having fun is disingenuous.


    Im sure he wanted those records and that factored in but theres no way that was the only reason he came back. Him coming back got that team to the NFC CHampionship THIS year. Should we disregard that fact because he also broke the records? The team was better with him on it plain and simple. Im sure every one of his teammates begged him to comeback the past few offseasons, is that being selfish?


    Once again, you completely missed the point. I don't know how to make it any more simple for you. Are you even reading what I am writing? He should have stayed before the year started! Hell, he should still stay. The fact that he led his team as far as he did is proof that he should stay. But he isn't. If you want to call it selfish then fine, he should be selfish and stick around. I happen to think that it's not selfish and he should play more when he is obviously capable. However, this is the year he chose to retire. And it just happens to be after a year in which he A. Had fun, B. Could clearly play, and C. Conveniently just broke the last few remaining passing records.


    Weve seen the guy go through things like his dad dying, his wife getting breast cancer and him going through an addiction and weve seen him overcome all those obstacles.


    I love the idea of you saying he was being selfish for helping his TEAM make a playoff run. If he was on the Bears he would be as highly regarded as Payton was here but because he played for a rival you shit all over his accomplishments.


    If he stuck around and was losing every year you could make a case it was only for the records, but when his team had as great a year as they did how can you say he was only there for records? He was trying to win a Super Bowl more than anything.


    Actually, this last part is just proof that you are either skipping my posts or failing to understand them. HE.SHOULD.HAVE.PLAYED.LAST.SEASON. HE.SHOULD.STILL.PLAY.THIS.SEASON! The fact that you mention the hardships he has been through only proves my point. IF he can make it through that, then he can make it through the "mental toughness" that it "causing his retirement".


    Also, your last sentence happens to just prove my point as well. Did you even watch his games the year before last? Have you looked at his stats? Did you even read a single article about how he was washed up or how it was time for him to quit?! That was the perfect time for him to retire, when it wasn't fun, and when he evidently didn't have it. It would have validated everything he stood for, everything he said about retirement, and paved the way for the Packers to move on. it would have proven that he wasn't sticking around merely for the records. But he didn't do it that year. He stuck around one year, after having a horrible year, a year in which many thought he should retire, and showed everyone he still could play, and that the game was still fun. And during that season he broke all the remaining passing records.


    And then he retired. It's just awfully convenient when it's apparent, once again, that he was having fun, and that he still has plenty of gas left in the tank.



    Please read this again so you understand what I'm saying, because you have clearly missed it the past two times.

  7. Jones averaged 3.6 YPC behind the Dallas OL last year. Once in his career he had over 4 YPC for a year. he'll be lucky to get 3 behind the Bears OL. Jones was given all the chances to be the man in Dallas. there are a TON of weapons around him and they have a very good OL.


    The ONLY way this makes sense is if Benson is cut.


    I'll take someone that has real potential in the draft.


    Completely agree. It makes absolutely no sense to me. If the Bears wanted a Jones, they should have kept Thomas. He's better than Julius anyway.


    No sense whatsoever.

  8. Yeah, damn him for stringing the Packers along the past few years. I really think he stuck it to them the hardest this last year, you know, being an MVP candidate and taking his team to the NFC Championship game. Im sure the front office of the Pack is elated he finally unburdened them by retiring so Rodgers can take them to the Super Bowl next year with Favre finally getting out of the way after only being an overtime away from going to the Super Bowl.


    Jason, thanks for the imput, I didnt realize taking pain medicine was cheating. Glad you cleared that up for me. Dont tell Goodell though because he might have to suspend 99.9% of the league. Also, Damn Favre for blatantly getting favoritism. Maybe if he could have played worse then nobody would have favored him.


    Dont even get me started on that time that he fell down to Strahans sack either. I say we get say we get a petition going to put an asterisk next to Strahans name in the record book and try to get their Super Bowl win scratched from the books.


    Youre right too, everyone knows Favre was only in it for the records, he is such a piece of shit. Hes a selfish son of a bitch, his hanging around for the extra year really hosed the Packers because look how much worse of a draft pick they got. If he cared, he would have broke the records in a losing effort on a shitty team, *cough* Emmitt Smith *cough*


    Thanks for that insight Jason, I never realized what kind of cheating, glory hog, pill popping, record abusing, selfish son of a bitch he was...


    Thanks for taking it over the top and totally ignoring what point I was making. You either didn't understand, which is what I suspect, or you are just being irrational. Brilliant.


    I'm sure the organization, the city, and everyone who likes the Packers is upset about the decision. That's not the point. I'm sure that he could have played more. That's not the point either. And I'm quite sure leading the organization along for the last few years with talks of retirement, while slightly irritating to some, was no real concern as long as he stayed with the team. THAT'S not even the point.


    The point is, he fed everyone this line about playing for fun, and playing until he couldn't play any more - something everyone in their right mind admits that he's capable of - yet he retired when he was clearly having fun and clearly able to play.


    He retired after breaking the records.


    He didn't retire after his team had a horrible season. Nooo, he wasn't too tired then. Evidently, he was still having fun when they sucked and he was having one of his worst years ever. He wanted to play some more. Fine.


    But don't feed me this BS about being tired now. It's painfully obvious that he held on for the records, one of which was the INT record most Farv ball-swingers fail to mention.


    Hell, I think it's awesome he stuck around. I think all players should play until they drop. I think as long as they are good enough to play, they should. Honestly, I do. But don't try to sell the story about playing for the love of the game or some other such nonsense. If a player is holding on to break a record, get paid, or because he needs to pay child support like Travis Henry, just say so. Don't lay it on so thick about this "love of the game" garbage, or "playing until I can't play anymore" nonsense.


    As for the other stuff...


    The Vicodin Thing

    He was addicted to pain pills. Maybe that's how he got through to his record streak of games. I know he isn't the only one to abuse presicription pain pills, but maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with the fact that he was able to keep the streak alive. Abusing any sort of medication to help you do better is definitely a gray area of cheating. It's only a small step away from performance enhancing drugs like steroids. Actually, it's quite a deep issue of degrees when you think about it. At what point is an athlete cheating by using prescription pain killers to stay on the field? Isn't that improving performance?


    The Sack "Record"

    Exaggerate and be stupid about it all you want, but Farv laid down for that sack for his buddy. To others it may seem insignificant, but to me it shows that there's a chink in the armor. He doesn't respect the game as much as many would have us believe. You simply don't give away a record because your buddy is on the other team.


    The Media/League Favoritism

    That's the only one I admit has nothing to do with him. It's the fact that he became one of the NFL's poster boys, and he got every benefit of the doubt for the last ten years. And I won't even go into the love afair between him and Madden.


    The Three Consecutive MVPs

    I'll go to my grave saying he only deserved two, and the media man love of Farv was partially responsible for Barry Sanders retiring early. How the hell a guy rushes for 2000+ yards and doesn't win the MVP is beyond me. Of course, that plays into the Brett Farv love that I despised so much.

  9. I cant believe you guys. Who cares if he was crying. Half of my high school football team was crying when we got eliminated from the playoffs our senior year. When something has been that big apart of your life for so long and you realize that you are never going to do something you love again youre gonna get emotional.


    Despite being on our hated rival I dont think theres one player in the league I have more respect for than Favre. He is one of the last guys that seemed to play because he loved the game and not just for the money. It must have been especially hard because of how the team has been turning the corner the past year and a half,


    Dont get me wrong, its good to see him go as a Bears fan, but as a fan of football in general Ill miss watching him compete.


    I think you are mistaken and misguided.


    You have more respect for a guy who:

    A ) Openly cheated by abusing pain pills

    B ) Fell down on purpose to help a friend break a record

    C ) Blatantly gets favoritism from the league officials

    D ) Hanging on for an extra year just to break records


    That covers misguided, as for mistaken...you might want to rethink the whole "played for the love of the game" angle.


    He strung out his team three or four years in a row with retirement talks. Then he used the "playing until I can't play" and "as long as it's fun" garbage. And THEN, hangs on after one of his worst years as a pro, a year in which many said he was washed up. IF anything, he should have quit after that year because it "wasn't fun" anymore. Conveniently enough, he waited one more year, broke the records, had a great season, and THEN quit. He didn't retire; he quit. If it was all about "love of the game" and "playing while it's still fun", then I call BS. Because he clearly can still play, and he sure as hell seemed to have fun last year running around like a loon with a WR on his shoulders.


    Love of the game? My ass. He played for the records. He played for pride. He played for personal accolades. Love of the game and fun are afterthoughts. If they weren't, then he would have retired before this past season.

  10. Not only did I roll my eyes when he cried like a schoolyard sissy today, I rolled my eyes at the decision.


    So, let me get this right:


    You keep playing as long as you're able to play, and you're doing well.


    Wasn't that basically his mantra for the past three years when he toyed with the retirement idea? And now, "all of the sudden", he retires the year after he breaks the records?


    Hmmm...sounds an awful lot like a bunch of BS, and like a player who held on just to get the records. I have always hated him because he is a packer, and now I have one more arrow in the quiver.


    Drugs, virtual BJs from the media, never getting called to task for his INTs, giving up the sack record to his buddy Strahan, the refs allowing him to get away with murder and break rules, and now his selfish "retire right after breaking the records" deal.


    Screw Brett Farv. The era is over, and the deal with the devil is done.

  11. You sure as hell are quick to rip on someone as soon as they are gone. I'd welcome TJ back with open arms. The guys is a human muscle. And as far as breaking tackles, I think you watched a different Bears team than I did in the past. He's pretty shifty for a guy that bulky, and he can run over a few guys. Someone on another board had a .gif of him stiff-arming a Dolphins player in the face and thrusting him out of bounds, but I can't seem to find it.


    EDIT: Found it...



    I love being right. I was right about TJ the entire time, and it appears that I was right about Benson (wish I wasn't). Anyone who says that TJ didn't run through tackles needs to watch this video. He clearly breaks arm tackles more than once, and has the cutback ability that is so sorely needed behind a bad OL. Come to think of it, he did well with the Bears this whole time because he was that style of runner. And then Benson comes in and is a one-cut, dive to the hole kind of guy. Well, those holes aren't there, and Benson sucked.

  12. I think this is a great move, and I wouldn't be all that upset with a WR corp of Booker, Bradley, Hester, Haas, Olsen, Clark.


    Every time Bradley saw the field he seemed to be bigger, stronger, and faster than most. He seemed to be on the verge of a big play, but the OL sucked so bad, and the QB consistency wasn't there, so we never saw it. We also know that Devin Hester is a threat to Forrest Gump a play on every touch. We may also see Haas this year, who knows? And seeing a double-TE package that we were promised last year would be great!


    I'm not all that worried about the receivers...unless of course the OL is not addressed...in which case the WRs won't matter nearly as much.

  13. Jason, why do you think drafting a tackle with 14th pick and maybe more o-line with the other picks will help benson? Last I checked the BEST tackle in the draft last year didn't help. Fergusen was a very high pick and look what happened to jones. I believe if you want a good o-line you have better luck signing fa's who are experienced as to the rookies who have the "learning curve". Remember columbo? Where'd that end up for us and then look at dallas now. Get the free agents when they're past the learning curve instead of signing and puting up with mediocrity waiting to develop. I'm not saying sign old farts like we did with brown and miller, last I checked both starks and olivea are on the better side of 30 (26 I believe).


    I've used the analogy before, but I'll use it again. Drafting a RB in the first for the Bears this year is like fixing the tires on a burning car. Sure, the tires will be better, but they'll still go to crap since the car is on fire.


    Drafting an OLineman is a crapshoot, just like all other positions for the most part. HOWEVER, there are tons of RBs who do well behind good lines. Pretty much any scrub can be put in behind a good line and show production. Look what the best OLine in history did for that moron Emmit Smith! He was good, but there is no way he should have Walter's record. Watch his highlight reels and you'll see a bunch of 5 foot holes being opened, and Emmit being chased down by a safety 20 yards down the field. Great OLs make average skill players look great. Very rarely do great skill players excel with poor OLs. Look what the incredible OLines over the years have done for Denver RBs. Look what an upgraded OLine did for the Cleveland Browns last year.


    I never said I wouldn't love getting some good FA OL help. I'd be happy as hell. However, it doesn't seem to be happening, and I know what I saw last year. Anyone who doesn't realize the OL is the biggest problem on the Bears either missed a lot of games last year, or only follows via radio. Getting Mendenhall will do nothing but give the Bears another first round RB who will get disappointed after getting stuffed at the line over and over again.


    The point is, it all starts in the trenches, and it's best to stockpile good, young OLinemen rather than take shots on RBs who can pretty much be had in the first four rounds. If you look at the draft history, and I just did, you'll find a ton of bad first round RBs, along with the good. What you will also find, however, is a ton of RB talent in other rounds. As for OL, you want to point out Ferguson...fine. I'd rather look at Joe Thomas.

  14. We do not have a RB on this team, plain and simple..


    How can you possibly know that if they are continuously getting blasted at the line by three defensive players?


    The question was rhetorical...you don't know what the RBs on this team are capable of until the OL stops sucking. There's a reason why each of the Bears' RBs were record setters in some way, shape, or form. They have talent. However, just about any RB will appear poor or average if the OL is horrible...which it was.

  15. Jason, let me start by saying I agree. Let me add that if McFadden were to fall to us, it would mean he has a broken leg. While he might fall a few slots, it is ridiculous to think he falls to us. That is why I had not responded to this poll. While you get some players who are rated top 10 that fall some, it is far more rare to get top 5 players that fall. If you are going to put McFadden in there, why not Jake Long?


    W/ it said that I agree though, I am curious what your thoughts are if there is a run at OT, which I think is very possible. If you look at the top 15 in the draft, there are a boat load of teams that could be looking at OT. Not only do I think it a lock Clady will be gone by our pick, but I also think Chris Williams will be gone. Otah seems to be dropping some due to an awful combine. He will be there, but if we do not think he has a chance to be a LT, is he worth the 14th pick. Ditto Cherilius, who I think is a pure RT as well. I think Baker will be a solid LT, but never a great one, and is a reach here.


    So do we reach for an OT, which I think is what we would be doing at 14 if Clady and Williams are gone. Do we draft another position, as wel have many needs. Or what? I already know you response will likely be to trade down, but it is easy to say, and not as easy to do. Give me two scenarios. One w/ trade down and one w/o.


    For me:


    Trade down, but no lower than Dallas, picking up maybe an extra 3rd. I say no lower than Dallas because AZ, Hou, TB and Wash are all potential to go OL, while Pitt is a near lock. I do not want to drop below Pitt. If we stay in front of Pitt, I think we can still get one of the high OL prospects. Besides Otah and Cherilius, I would add Albert, who I actually am starting to like the most. He looks like a pro bowl OG, w/ high ceiling potential at LT. I am fine w/ a trade down, but understand, if you trade down much below Pitt, I think you could then be looking at the likes of Baker as your best available.


    If we do not/can not trade down, the choice is to reach at OL or draft value at another position. If Mendenhal is all that, I might go ahead an take him, while going hard after OL after that. In fact, I might use my extra 3rd to try and jump to the top of the 2nd, or even the back of the 1st, and get whoever the best OL available is. While I am all about drafting OL this year, that does not mean I want to reach, and at this point, I think Otah is a reach at 14. At the combine, he showed very slow feet, and the early thoughts that he could potentially play LT basically went out the windown, and as a pure RT/OG, his value simply has dropped some.


    There's a reason I keep mentioning the Payton, Sanders, Jackson, Tomlinson group. I happen to think that McFadden could be another one. IF he falls to the Bears, it means he is injured - like you said - and is no longer in that group. With that said, I'm not including him in the scenarios.


    As for scenarios if there is a run on OL and none are left:

    1) You already know that I'd trade down as option 1. I'm not sure on the trade value chart, and don't care to look it up, but a late first and late second are probably pretty close. I'd like the Bears to do something like that.


    2) Let's say there is a run on OLinemen. To me, this means that the following players (more or less) are gone before the Bears make a selection (which I HIGHLY doubt):

    Chris Long, Vernon Gholston DE

    Jake Long, Ryan Clady, Jeff Otah, Chris Williams OL

    Matt Ryan, QB

    Darren McFadden, RB

    Glen Dorsey, DT

    Leodis McKelvin, Mike Jenkins CB

    Top WR (maybe Malcolm Kelly), WR

    Keith Rivers, LB or Cromartie, CB - can't decide who to fill in there


    Well, if that scenario plays out, which it won't, and the Bears can't trade down, then I would want the Bears to select the highest ranked WR on their board, which would hopefully be Limas Sweed. I'd hate to see him go so early, because it would be a reach, but I'd rather see that than another first round RB.


    At least that way when the Bears OL sucks because of the OL draft craziness, the QB, whoever he may be, can throw bullets into Sweed's hands from 5-10 yards away. Also, this would give the Bears one of the most formidable physical receiving combos in the NFL (Sweed & Olsen).


    And if that does happen, then the Bears need to draft OL with their next two selections.

  16. Does anyone else relize just how terrible our offense looks right now.


    Starting Recievers

    Mark "sheila" Bradley

    Devin Hester


    Cedric "im gonna run for 2000 yards" Benson



    Rex Grossman

    Kyle Orton


    Its sounds like the last round of a 12person fantasy draft. My god its pathetic. Jerry better get off his ass and sign a few free agents to shore up the Oline and draft some frikkin talent.


    Heres my ideal

    FA - SHane Olivea, Max Starks, DJ Hackett


    Draft - As our picks stand now

    1. Rashard Mendenhall

    2. James Hardy or Malcolm Kelly

    3. Chad Henne

    3. Oniel Cousins

    4. Josh Barrett or Quintin Demps

    5. Dre Moore


    I will go on record as saying I agree with the idea, but COMPLETELY DISAGREE with the idea of drafting Mendenhall in the first. That would be a horrible decision. In fact, I'm slightly irritated that so many Bears fans could be so blind as to honestly think that drafting a RB would help right now. Plain and simple, the OL sucked last year, and unless the Bears have Barry Sanders, Walter Payton, Ladainian Tomlinson, Bo Jackson, or possible another absolute stud at RB, there is not going to be productivity.


    Enis, Salaam, Benson...how many do the Bears have to get in the first round before fans start to realize that there is just as good of a chance in later rounds of drafting a stud RB? If the OL is right, it can be done year after year after year. Just look at Denver. Besides, RB is one of the easiest positions to transition to in the NFL.


    Mendenhall in the first is a horrible idea.

  17. If we don't draft an O-Lineman...then maybe we'll get a better one when we get a top 10 pick next year because the RB we took couldn't get past the -1 yard line without being hit.


    Thank you for being just about the only person in this thread to make sense.


    First of all, if the Bears were to select Mendenhall in the first, it would be one of the stupidest damn moves in the history of the draft. I don't care if he's the 2nd best RB, which is debatable. At that point there are going to be better players at OL that the Bears need more.


    Secondly, if the Bears were to have McFadden fall to them, the only way drafting him would be a great idea is if they already have the trade worked out with Dallas for the two first rounders.


    I'm simply stunned that anyone who isn't blind, and actually watched the games last year, thinks the Bears' problem is at RB. Unless that RB is named Walter Payton, Barry Sanders, Bo Jackson (pre injury), or Ladainian Tomlinson, they aren't going to do squat with the Bears' OL from last year.

  18. I'd be happy as hell with him being a Bear.


    As others have said, his major flaw is in coverage. However, much like Brown, he just seems to be in the right spot at the right time.


    In other words, don't let the measurables confuse you. The kid can play.


    Also, as an added bonus, he's a boxer...so you know he's a tough SOB.

  19. I would love it if the Bears gave Mike Williams a shot. He still has all the talent in the world, vice-grip hands, and can match up physically, dominate even, just about every DB in the league. It's just that he's got an attitude problem, and a possible work ethic issue.


    Why not sign him cheap, tell him he's in a legit battle for the spot Moose left, and see what happens? Maybe the guy is finally ready to buckle down and show why he was drafted in the first.


    It can't hurt. It would be relatively cheap. Could pan out huge though. The possible rewards outweight the risks.

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