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Posts posted by jason

  1. I have a feeling he'll be a Bear if he's at 14.


    If the Bears were to draft Mendenhall at 14, it would go down as one of the stupidest draft picks in NFL History. Not only because it's bad from a team perspective, because you either are completely giving up on a first rounder, or admitting that last year's third rounder is worthless, but also because it will be yet another first round RB picked by the Bears that will amount to jack in the NFL.


    Mendenhall was a stud in college, but he'll be slightly-above average at best in the pros. To use an Angelor phrase, Mendenhall isn't a special player.

  2. Call me out damnit!!! This new site has been too damn quiet! (You are the Jason who was formerly from Tennessee who moved too . . . I forget where.)


    I generally don't bitch about how much NFL players get paid. Only when it comes to the cap & how it hurts the team. If you can get paid, do it. But you do have to appreciate the fact that NFL guys make the majority of their money in the early part of the years, and the rest of their lives for most of these guys is basically downhill. Jason, you mention you could turn that money into a fortune now, but could you have done that when you were Orton's age (25)? Christ almighty, I'd have pissed that away on strippers & Hot Pockets faster than anything when I was his age.


    As for Orton getting paid, I just appreciate guys who appreciate the chance to make more money. They don't bitch & piss and moan about how unfairly they are being treated and how they never want to play for Chicago again. (Unlike Lance Briggs). They don't collect a ton of dough & say they have to worry about their future (Cedric). I feel like he'll try his best & do his best. If it works out for him, it works out for the Bears.


    On a side note, wouldn't it suck to have to find a new career after leaving the NFL??? Although used car salesmen are always in demand. That's why this money is so damn important.


    Yes, same Jason, but more apathetic. I didn't want to call you out on the new site because I didn't want to hear anyone cry and whine about their sensitive feelings or some other such nonsense.


    As for the $$, at 25 I would still have made a fortune with that kind of cash. And any halfway intelligent NFL player will get an accountant and do the same. Hell, I'd be surprised if it's not included in the price/package for their agents. And I don't think finding a new job would be too difficult. There's always some former buddy, college friend, college coach, or person seeking notoriety for their company, who would hire a former NFLer with the quickness.

  3. Good for the Bears. I'm skeptical if he'll ever be a quality starter, but he's at the very least a good #2.


    Also good for Orton. When I first heard yesterday we might resign him, my initial thought was, "Why the hell wouldn't he want to try and get paid somewhere else." Then I saw he's only due to make $466,000 or something like that this season. Sure it's a ton of money to me, but these NFL guys have to worry about setting a ton of money aside for their future. I'd speculate he'll make over a million each of the next two years with the Bears.


    Hell, lets hope he wins the QB job this year and next year at this time we're worried about him becoming a FA in 2010.


    I'm not really calling you out, but I find it ridiculous, and borderline obscene that half a million dollars isn't enough to alleviate their "worry about setting aside a ton of money for the future". That's over ten years worth of salary for most of the US, who will still have to work many, many years to even get to keep anything near that amount. Orton and his 466K, meanwhile, can buy everything he needs right now, and just sit on the rest and let it gain interest, and with the help of a smart/shifty accountant, he'll easily double his money before ten years is done.


    Nobody should ever feel bad about the money these guys make, nor should anyone feel bad about their future. They are playing a game for way more money than 99.9% of people in the US make, and they know the stipulations when they get into it.


    Give me half a million in one year and see if I don't turn it into a pile of money. It's a lot easier to make more money if you already have a lot.

  4. Let's say that the Bears do the smart thing and get an OL in the first round. Otherwise 99% of us would go crazy (like I did when they drafted Benson).


    With this year's WR class, it seems there is a great possibility to draft a stud in several of the first few rounds. There is a distinct possibility of having a good one in the fourth round.


    Desean Jackson will be gone when the Bears 2nd comes up. After that, it's almost a toss up among many there.


    Mario Manningham (had a bad 40 time, could slip)

    Early Doucet

    Malcolm Kelly

    Limas Sweed (will probably be gone after his good 40 time)

    James Hardy

    Devin Thomas

    Andre Caldwell

    Earl Bennett

    Adarius Bowman

    Lavell Hawkins


    So, what I'm asking is, would you be happy with is the prospect of drafting two WRs. I say OL, then WR, then fill needs with the two third rounders, but there is a very good chance a stud WR is there in the fourth. Maybe one of the ones listed, or maybe someone like Maurice Purify or one of the Hawaii WRs will be there.


    1. OL

    2. WR

    3. OL

    3b. QB

    4. WR


    Would you be happy with that?

  5. I won't flame you, because I like Hester a lot; hell, the kid is rugged, and seems to run over someone every time he gets the ball. I wouldn't mind seeing him get selected late and taking the spot of one of the current FBs.


    On the other hand, I think you are way off on Wolfe. I still don't get where the hate comes from. This guy, when given the chance last year, was better than Benson or Peterson. Wolfe came in and made things happen. Aside from Devin Hester, and at times Bernard Berrian, Wolfe was the only player in on offense that actually had the potential for a big play within the Bears' offense. He made several people miss, and even cranked out a few great plays in limited action.


    We'll compromise:

    Keep Wolfe, Draft Hester, Dump a FB (I don't care which one)

  6. Shortly after his season ended was about 2 months ago. the Sr. Bowl was about a month ago and he was a solid 3rd and a possible 2nd rounder then. He was NOT a 4th rounder a month ago. In October/November he was but not at the end of the season after taking his team to their national championship game. The buzz was really starting to pick up then which was in December. now he's a solid 2nd and possible 1st.


    So, maybe the "one month" thing was a bit off...but you are debating semantics at this point. I think it was clear what I was getting at.


    He was a guy thought of as a 4th, maybe 3rd, and now everyone is putting him in late 1st or early 2nd. That spells danger, especially for a guy with Delaware on his resume (not to mention the fact that his highlight films show him constantly throwing behind the WRs).

  7. Flacco didn't destroy the combine, not even close. Some thought he was good, but KFFL criticized his accuracy. His buzz has been gathering for a long time now, that's all.


    And why not pick Justin Fargas as a guy who killed at the combine? Did you just want to pick someone who failed to make your point? Why not pick someone who stayed at the same position?


    I picked Matt Jones because he was the first guy who I could think of. HE was not nearly as highly regarded before the post season buzz machine started, and next thing you know he's a first rounder.


    On a side note, I happen to think the guy still has a ton of talent, but is incredibly underused in Jax.

  8. He was not a 4th a month ago. he was a 2nd or 3rd a month ago.


    Dixon and Brennan do NOTHING for me. Dixon wont even be useful for a year with the injury. I'd rather take Josh Johnson over him. He's a pass first QB that can run like a RB. Dixon looked like a run first QB that tries to pass when he needs to.


    Brennan would make me puke. He's Rex with less talent and a worse throwing motion. I could at least live with Dixon.


    Shortly after the season ended, there is no way in hell Flacco was a second. No friggin way. We can maybe agree that he was a third, with the potential and upside, but he was mentioned quite a bit as a sleeper. Sleepers are usually not first day guys. Then the buzz started.


    As for Brennan, I tend to disagree. I think he has better talent, a similar throwing motion (albeit a bit worse), but with better height, better potential, and better intangibles than Rex.

  9. Matt Jones isn't a good comp. Jones had to learn an entirely new position. The only knock on Flacco is that he comes from a small school. I guess he'd have to transition from a shotgun offense, too, but that's a small thing, and pretty common for qbs.


    Matt Jones is a perfect comparison. I'm not talking about on the field ability in the NFL. I'm talking about someone who was relatively average as far as the scouts were concerned, maybe considered good, and then they DESTROYED the combine, and all of the sudden they are the best thing since sliced bread.

  10. I've been seeing everyone spooge all over the idea of Flacco for some time now. And, all of the sudden, this guy is flying up the depth chart at the combine like Matt Jones, going from a 4th to a late first.


    I can understand if you love the guy and want to draft him, but a late first rounder for someone widely considered a fourth rounder just a month or so ago is absolute lunacy.


    I'd be much happier passing of Flacco if it meant the Bears got to A) Keep their picks, and B) Draft non-reach picks with the first two rounds. If Flacco is there in the third, fine, grab him. But since he won't be there, why reach? I'd much rather see an OL, OL, QB draft sequence while keeping our picks, versus some of the other scenarios I've seen around here.


    Oh, and before you say it, I know that each pick is a risk. I know that he has "upside". However, that makes him the same as everyone else: we simply don't know.


    I'm still hoping that either Colt Brennan or Dennis Dixon fall into the fourth or fifth (maybe beyond), and the Bears wait to grab them there.

  11. Small market teams? This isnt MLB. All teams make more than enough money to spend all the way up to the salary cap.


    They only make "more than enough" because they are raping the fans. It's gotten completely ridiculous.


    The players do not deserve that much money. Period.


    The owners need to do something about it, or the fans will ultimately suffer.


    When an upper-deck seat for a Chicago game is upwards of $100, and it's nowhere near the front of the tier, then the fans are getting screwed. We pay because we love the game, but it's complete horseshit. Each and every owner could lower ticket prices if the players weren't getting paid so much.


    Would they? That's another discussion. All I know is that the rise in ticket prices over the last ten years is directly related to the crazy rise in players' salaries over the same period of time. It makes me hate the "$10M is an insult to me" players even more.

  12. So, everyone is so down on the Bears' WRs. I happen to think the bunch isn't actually that bad, but they simply don't get much chance since the line has done so poorly, the running game blew this year, and the QB play has been as inconsistent as Bea Arthur's bladder. Nonetheless, there are two guys who are available for big money, but are pretty much sure to produce.


    1. Randy Moss - I'm sure the Pats want to keep him, but what would it take to go after him?

    2. Chad Johnson - He's clearly not happy in Cincy.


    Do you want them? If you don't, and it's for a reason other than financial, then I just don't buy it. You can't have everything. You either get great, prima-donna WRs, or you get the guys we have now. The great WRs who don't have big heads are few and far between.

  13. I think that you don't really understand how fast our D was that year. Moss is the only Pat I see giving us trouble, and frankly, I don't think Brady would have time to get the ball to Moss deep because of the pressure he would face. Our LB's were some of the best and fastest in the business that year. No I don't think the '85 Bears would have had trouble keeping up with the Pats at all.


    Agreed. It's like shaking hands with someone's grandfather. Often times, the guy looks a little weaker, a little smaller; it's generational. But then you realize there is some sort of wirey strength in there, and he can really keep up. Not to mention the fact that he could have whooped your ass just a few short years ago.


    The 85 Bears were like that. They were fast, strong, smart, dedicated, and intense. If there is any sort of speed differential between that team and teams of today, it would be negated. That 40 track time doesn't mean jack when the pads are on and you realize that therre is a borderline insane man (Danimal) lining up across the line from you.


    Not to mention the fact that the 85 Bears D had multiple HOFers, and should probably have more. I'll take a bunch of quick HOF players over a bunch of quick good players.

  14. Sorry to say it, but the current Pats would win by 2-3 touchdowns :(


    I'm convinced by this post that you are a very young guy who has no idea about football in the mid-80s, and didn't actually see the 85 Bears. And after looking at your profile, the thought is confirmed.


    No disrespect intended, but there is no team in the history of football, and may never be, that would beat a fully healthy 85 Bears team by 2 or 3 touchdowns as a simple matter of fact. To say otherwise shows a serious lack of football knowledge, a lack of historical perspective, and just a bit of ignorance.

  15. Things I know about the Bears this offseason...


    1) OL is the most important position to be addressed. Without the OL, like this year, the skill positions can't do their job effectively.

    2) Drafting a RB in the first round is insanity.

    3) The skill positions on the Bears are not as bad as many are saying. The WR corp, if ever given a chance to play with a good OL and a semi-consistent QB, is capable of incredibly much more than what they have shown. Berrian (if he stays), Bradley, Hester, Davis, MuhMuh, and the TEs are a very talented group that should give opponents trouble each game.

    3a) The skill positions also need a competent OC to maximize ability.

    4) Many may like Grossman, Griese, or Orton, but QB has to be one of the picks. To pass up on potential like Flacco or Brennan with what is essentially a freebie pick in the 3rd round, would be ridiculous.

    5) Drafting BPA is great in theory, but anyone calling for strict BPA is not thinking clearly. Should the Rams draft McFadden if he falls to them? BPA has to be balanced by need.


    Last but not least, at the end of the draft and FA, the Bears should have a combination of players that resemble the following very closely:

    -3 new OL

    -1 new QB

    -1 new S

    -1 new WR (if Berrian leaves)


    Aside from that, add depth as needed.

  16. There is no way the Pack repeats what they did this year (13-3). They were good, but not that good. They seemed to play teams just at the right time, and were not hit with any major injuries. Minnesota is more of a threat with AP.


    Agreed. I tried telling people all year long that the packers were highly overrated. I watched every game I could when the Bears weren't playing, and I saw a good but extremely lucky team. They had at least 5 or 6 games in which the exact break needed got them over the hump. Whether it be a wet ball causing an opponent to drop a snap, two vikings DBs running into each other allowing a GB TD, a phantom-call that kept a GB drive alive (happened multiple times this year)...they managed to squeak through.


    They had all the luck in the world on their side this year, and there is no way they can repeat that luck.

  17. ...we could go OL with 2nd round pick and our first 3rd, and then go Flacco with our 4th pick (actually our second 3rd rounder), or an OL with our 2nd, WR with our 3rd, then Flacco.


    So maybe something like...

    1. Kenny Phillips, S, Miami

    2. Gosder Cherilus, OL, Boston College

    3. Barry Richardson, OL, Clemson

    4. Joe Flacco, QB, Delaware


    Just giving credit here....I like this idea for a draft. And if Phillips ends up being as athletic as Taylor was, then the draft is wonderful.

  18. I'll puke if JA takes Woodson with the first pick. My only options there are


    Kenny Phillips

    Ryan Clady

    Jeff Otah

    Johnathan Stewart

    Felix Jones


    And I'd only think about taking one of the RBs if the OL is addressed in FA.


    And I'll puke if JA takes a RB in the first round.


    The Phillips, OL, OL, Flacco (or Brennan) draft idea posted earlier would be great.

  19. I dont know, I think I would rather spend the next 2 weeks hearing about Favre's resurgence rather than hearing




    I'd much rather hear about the NY/NE matchup, and historical significance that spans multiple sports, than hear announcers across the country slobbing Farv's knob like they have been for the past few weeks. Announcers were all but openly cheering for green bay, showing their bias on every questionable call. Thank goodness Madden didn't announce the playoffs.


    Brett Farv is, and always has been, a very good, if not great QB, who is highly overrated, and throws too many boneheaded crucial picks to be considered the best of all time. This year was no different - gotta love that late INT that was just a horrible throw, and the fact that a great deal of his success this year was due to


    I'm ecstatic about the packers losing, and I'm quite surprised the refs and the league let it happen (depsite the fact they tried otherwise).

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