Jason, I share your pain. I've been a Bear fan for 58 years. 1963 was the year I started with football on CBS Sundays following Halas and his team. After that there were many tough years. Now that I'm an old man I realize it's a game. I love it and I love Da Bears, but it's like monopoly, not my $ and just entertainment. I'm always hoping for '85 to repeat, but not expecting it. Great to follow, but it's just a game.
Sorry, I'm tired of giving up 1st rounders for anyone but Sid Luckman at this point. Man, I could choose and whiff on these guys as any times as Pace. But, then, I ain't in charge, and I'm never gonna be. So, just gonna say CRAP.
Askum, come on, this is the NOT FOR LONG league. It is always now. And we are, somehow, in the now. LOL I'll take it and I so hope the Puckers come to see us with something on the line.
Larry Wilson, DB for the St. Louis Cards died. I remember him as a solid player. About 30 years ago I sent him a card to be signed. He thanked me for being a BEAR fan and graciously gave me his signature. I read the he was a real class act, and I believe it.
Are we asleep? One of our icons, BRIAN, opens his mouth and spews garbage, and there is no comment here? Is this the Bears board or do I need to be looking for a new source to link with my Bear fans?