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Everything posted by ChileBear

  1. And that's the conundrum for Poles. Great problem to have, but gonna be nay-sayers either way. I just hope this offseason gets us over the hump and I can look forward to a solid winning team for a change.
  2. All three? And probably what you want in your QB, e.g. Rogers?
  3. And I agree with you that a rookie will serve just as well as what we've got with Fields.
  4. Rookie QB with a rookie deal for four years? That's certainly good for other positions on the team. The upcoming season is Fields last before we need to give him and extension, right? Interesting issues for Poles, and I agree that paying Fields big money doesn't fit with his production.
  5. Agreed. Poles seems to have a plan and he sticks to it.
  6. Disagree with you, but you've got a right to your opinion. I've watched him here in So Cal and I believe it all. Strikes me as the same as the Ball family in basketball.
  7. There's an anouncer on Fox radio Sundays that played for the Pats and other teams and he contends Harbaugh is a quick fix at the pro level, but after two or three years the players get tired of being trated like college kids and revolt. Says he's heard it from several players from their time with him at SF.
  8. So, are we being ". . . fooled all of the time" by management? It would appear so, but it is their team.
  9. We are definitely in a great position. If Poles hits a homerun we will be solid for several seasons. If not you can resubmit your application, with a big I told you so attached. LOL
  10. When he says he doesn't want the Bears to draft him and his dad hints he would want ownership shares in the team, yes I think he's acting like an entitled child.
  11. He's not giving any names because he's a kid that is really thinking it is all him, his work, his vision, me, me, me. He's thanking himself. Sounds like an entitled prick. But hey, if he brings us several Super Bowls I could swallow my disdain.
  12. Amen. Flus made too many bonehead coaching errors throughout his second season to be patted on the back for "stability".
  13. I now hope Jerry Jones has a melt down and trades the farm to move up for Caleb at no. 1.
  14. Wow, did Bagent piss in your cereal? imDo he showed he is at least a competent backup and perhaps could be developed with the right coach/coordinator. Do I think he's our franchise guy? Of course not, but he showed confidence and moxy for how he came into the league.
  15. I know it, that's why this offseason is going to be very interesting.
  16. Probably rain in Tampa. And yes, ifs and buts....
  17. I agree that Poles now needs to keep his foot on the gas. Right now I'm leaning to trading the pick, stick with Fields and be set for several drafts to come. But only after they've checked out all the QB candidates and concluded there's not one that is a must have. And yep, I guess right now I want my cake and eat it too. LOL
  18. And I am praying that Flus never forgets those FUBARS and corrects it. And Poles idea of "consistency" might not be something to desire with Flus.
  19. So I should grab some of these bonds to "support the team"? LOL
  20. He probably mumbles something about we've turned it around, we won the last game, now we're 1 and 4. LOL
  21. Washington didn't take him. He's now on to the Chargers for an interview.
  22. Agree 100%. And I thought those questions about Stroud were useless. Hindsight is something no one has. Poles, and Warren, kept coming back to stability and the plan. I am trusting him on this. Of course, they made it clear next year needs to show much more, so I see that as Flus has got to coach or hit the road.
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