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Posts posted by BearFan2000

  1. Watched this the other day, very good detailed breakdown.  There is a 2 of 2 film study on YouTube as well.   Kurt has a great way of explaining what's going on in the film study and I like that he talks about the difference in how he would read a play vs how QB's are taught read (outside in, vs inside out).  Excited to see what this kid can do.  He's got things to work on just like any other rookie coming in.  

  2. Another thing Fields exudes is confidence.  Mitch looked scared to make a mistake most of the time.  Justin looks at the game with the mentality of we are going to attack and exploit you.  Plays with confidence, and a killer instinct.  Mitch's limited abilities, experience and fear of screwing up made him timid, and unsure of himself.  Good kid, good teammate, just not a leader at the QB position that you need to win in this league. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Mongo3451 said:

    The main thing that excites me is that I never heard a single story about how Trubisky did anything like this, ever.  The most exciting story I heard about Trubisky, is when Pace went down to visit him and he booked the private room under the name Jim McMahon.  That's actually sad looking back...


    It really is sad.  I’m tired of looking to the past to find success. We’ve been looking back at 85 for 36 years. I remember that teams comments about finally getting the monkey off their backs about the 63 team being the last championship.

    The difference between Trubisky and Fields is night and day.  Both got a big reaction from the fan base  Mitch was a groan Fields made us want to dance in the streets.


  4. 10 hours ago, adam said:

    I think Fields has the lowest bust chance of any QB in Bears history after Sid Luckman. For every other QB, there was a higher risk of them not living up to potential. It seems like, at worst, Fields will be a dependable long-term starter, and at best, a perennial All-Pro QB. For Bears fans, that just does not compute. 

    Here’s to the dawn of a new era. If Fields turns out to be that perennial all pro, image a Bears QB being in the conversation of league MVP. I too think we got the QB with the lowest bust potential. It’s still hard to believe. What a difference a draft makes. Time will tell but it’s nice to finally look at the Bears future with hope. 

  5. LOL that twitter feed is priceless.  I would love to see Rodgers out of there and Love and Bortles battle it out for who gets to hold the clipboard.  But till there's an actual report of a trade being done, I won't hold my breath.  In the mean time I will enjoy the drama.  

  6. On 5/12/2021 at 10:58 AM, BearFan NYC said:

    I was so close to giving up on this team - something I NEVER though could be possible. And now, we have real reasons for hope and I am drawn back in, just like ASHKUM says.

    Whether it's fair or entirely true, if things turn around, we are just going to say "Trubisky was a huge mistake, and the reason why everything fell apart" and not even  going to remember with much emotion who even drafted him. Nagy, for all his faults, inherited Trubisky.

    With the new QB, who is probably right now the best QB in Bears history, even though he hasn't even made his rookie mistakes yet or thrown a single NFL pass, and some truly nasty picks, including Tevin Jenkins here, we seem to be getting an identity. A BEAR identity. A tough, grind it out blue collar Grubowski like Jenkins is something we have missed for too long. And Fields is something we have never had at all.

    Bear Down.

    While I could never bring myself to fully give up on the Bears, I was on the verge of not caring or watching the team this season.  I just didn't think I could put myself through another throw away season watching my team compete only for a high draft pick.  Last years games were mostly unwatchable yet glutton for punishment I was I still watched though I found myself shutting the games off early.  From the end of the season presser when they kept everyone other than a couple scapegoats told me they didn't care about winning or improving the product on the field.  It made me apprehensive about the draft since our GM was in "save my job" mode my expectations were quite low and my fears he'd sell the farm to trade up and take take a bust. I had visions of 2017 all over again.   But then some magic started happening.  SF was the team who gave up a ton to take a project QB, and Pace was the one who bided his time and worked a deal with the Giants to steal Fields at 11, and he wasn't done taking Jenkins, and Borom to upgrade our OL, and got talent at each pick.  On paper this is undoubtedly his best draft as Bears GM, probably our best draft in a long long time.  Time will tell but we as Bears fans went into the draft with fear, and came out with hope and optimism like we haven't experienced on draft day.  I will never forget the Trubisky trade up draft.  Everyone including Trubisky was surprised he was taken at 2 after getting fleeced to move up one spot.  Pace then compounded that error by drafting Shaheen in the second.  The only bright spots in that draft were Jackson and Cohen.    The other guy who's name escapes me isn't even in the league anymore.  So only two of 5 draft picks from that draft are still with the team.  


    To quote Lloyd Christmas "Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!"  Not that this observes Pace for his many sins as GM but it's a heck of a start.  I would not be surprised if he and Naggy have bought themselves some time.  If this is the start of them turning the corner then I'll gladly eat crow.  

  7. My condolences as well, It's always hard losing a loved one.  I lost my Mom to cancer less than a year after I got married, lost both sets of grand parents, and some aunts and uncles.  It's something you never fully move on from, time does make the hurt a little softer but you never forget, they will always live on in your memories. Always remember the good times.   Mom's passing has been the hardest one for multiple reasons.  She passed away 3 days after Mother's Day after a long battle with colon cancer,  my sister never once visited her and hardly associates with the family, blames every problem she has on Mom & Dad, that hurt Mom deeply as it did us, and lastly after a lengthy struggle my wife and are expecting our first and it's bitter sweet as our child will grow up never knowing who Grandma was.  Sadly death is a part of life.  Pix, I can't imagine losing your wife at such a young age and your daughter who was only 47 same with Chili losing a child.   It's a life lesson to take the time to show and tell those you love and cherish your time with them.  Sometimes it's easy to take family for granted.

  8. I absolutely love that the two OL that we took have that nasty streak. That’s been missing for too long and it’s contagious. Not since the enforcer (Kruetz) have we really had that element. Long had some of that but injuries caught up to him.  You need lineman that live for blowing up defenders rather than what we’ve had.

  9. That's the unknown, if Love is thrust into the starting role it's hard to tell, but even if he is good, it will take time before the team recovers from the change.  Rodgers covered for a lot of deficiencies on their roster over the years.  That's big shoes to fill for Jordan.  But if he turns out to be a decent to good QB then I'd have to think Fields would still be far better.  We'd still have the better QB.  

    Packer Fans have started to turn on Rodgers, most of the talking heads take Rodgers side since he can do no wrong in their eyes.  

  10. 7 hours ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Absolutely right about a horrible precedent.  I was trying to come up with a scenario involving a 50+ year old Brady vs the Bucs GM but it’s possible he’ll still be productively be playing then so never mind. .  

    The ‘masking of the draft’ is also right on.  They’re team barely got by with only Rodgers heroics saving them.  And then their “wizard HC” calls the wrong call at the end of last year’s Championship game to seal their fate.  After that they immediately fire DC Pettine (who is now on the Bears staff) as a ‘fall guy’ for it all and to cover up the ineptitude. Yeah they’re destined for despair once Aaron leaves.  

    This is where I see plenty of blame to go around,  Rodger's talent has been able to cover for bad drafting and roster management.  They got by with it when Favre was there too.  I can see it from Rodgers perspective that they haven't given him a lot of help through the draft/FA.  But that to me doesn't excuse his actions in creating this rift because he can't let go of any grudges, and thinks he should have GM powers as a player.  It was crappy that they didn't at least let him know they were planing on drafting a QB high last year, we did the same to Glennon which was crappy though those two players are apples to oranges. I was glad to hear that Dalton was aware prior to the draft that they were going go try and go after a QB high.  It's been a messy situation in GB that's been brewing for years.   They interviewed Brett Favre and his take was Rodgers won't budge once he has a grudge and feels he will sit out, hold out, or retire, till he gets his way.  

    Letting Rodgers have his way would be a horrible precedent and would really make the Packers organization look weak.  I feel like for their part they are doing what they should be doing holding their ground. Let him retire, 14 mil is a lot of dead cap to eat to give him his way, if he retires he owes the Packers money.  Granted if they do trade him, they would command a pretty big haul that might make that 14 mil easier to swallow.  It's crazy how the tides have turned and if he does in fact not play in GB in 2021 and beyond that would greatly change the dynamics in the NFC North.  

  11. Great article, thanks for sharing!  I can still remember going into the draft with a an uneasy mix of excitement and concern.  Watching the draft unfold the way it did in order for us to have the opportunity to move up and get Fields without giving up the farm was surreal.  Carolina and Denver passing on QB were key moments.  I had heard elsewhere that Pace had talked to Gettelman that morning about possible scenarios for moving up to 11.  Pace and Nagy did their homework on this one, stayed patient, and when the opportunity was there they took it.  

  12. To be honest you can find tape that focuses on flaws and tape that omits them and only shows the good stuff.   It's up to him and the staff to iron out the wrinkles in his game, no QB is perfect coming in to the league.  Fields strengths to me far outweigh his weaknesses. I don't question his work ethic and commitment to proving doubters wrong.  That chip on his shoulder tells me he's not going to be "satisfied" and will keep working on getting better in all areas.  Any QB you draft is going to come into the league and see things they've never seen before.  NFL defenses are far more complex and usually disguised better than college level defenses.  It's part of the learning curve.   This isn't Mitch who never seemed to overcome any flaws in his game.  There was a lot of talk about improvement, and "good weeks of practice" but on game day he rarely came through.  IMO we haven't had a QB as dedicated to his craft as Fields is in a long time.  

  13. 17 hours ago, Pixote said:

    Everything I've read about Jenkins is super positive. His nasty demeanor. His ability to pass protect, only giving up 2 sacks his entire career. His ability to run block, a road grater. His ability to pull. His ability to go to the 2nd level and block LBs downfield.

    The one thing I have read about is: Does he get called for a lot of penalties?

    I'm just curious as that was one thing that really pissed ne off about Leno.


    That's probably my only concern about Jenkins and Borom.  They both like to play hard whistle to whistle and sometimes pushing that boundary.  That's something the staff will have to be on them about keeping it within the rules.  I feel like that comes with the nasty mentality they both have.  Finding that balance may be a learning curve.  I love the nastiness and aggression in an OL way better than the passive reactionary types we've rolled out there.  The battle for the line of scrimmage usually goes to the aggressor.  Be aggressive but be smart.


    As for the Leno cut I think it was the right move and half expected it.  But, out of curiosity I thought I read somewhere that we would have saved more cap space had it been a June 1st cut.  I was expecting the cut but not this early.  

  14. First off, overall thoughts on the draft. 

    I have to give credit where credit is due.  Pace/Naggy had themselves the best draft of their time here in Chicago (not a hard hurdle to jump).  Some of that can be attributed to self awareness and the need to have the kind of draft that give themselves an opportunity to stick around past this coming season.  Pace drafted like a GM drafting with a sense of urgency but more patience and situational awareness than I anticipated he would.  I had feared he'd do something irrational just to take a swing, like trade the farm to move up and then take Trubisky 2.0 in Lance.  I could see him being enamored with the raw athletic abilities Lance possesses.  There were different things that had to happen for round 1 to play out as it did.  SF taking Lance as the 3rd QB off the board leaving Mac and Fields to drop.  Other teams like Denver, and Carolina opting to go elsewhere and both QB's continuing to fall all the way to 11.  Pace bided his time and when it was clear they were falling, he saw an opportunity to spend less capitol to jump 9 spots and take a guy who probably should have gone #3 overall at #11 is a STEAL.  Here's hoping he makes other teams ahead of us look dumb for not taking him.  He certainly will carry that chip on his shoulder and I love it.  Moving up in the second to take a first round talent in Jenkins, I feel was worth it even though I was bummed that that eliminated out 3rd rounder, but it did give us back a 5th.  Using that 5th to take a second OT in Borom who like Jenkins brings some nasty to the OL that has been lacking for a long time.  Both are versatile.  Jenkins has played LT, RT, and interior.  Borom project to be either a RT or RG.  Both can be day one starters.  We trade down in the 6th to pick up a 7th to go with our 3 sixths.  Herbert is the only pick I'm a little iffy on, though he can be a change of pace guy/returner/ST.  Daz Newsome is an intriguing late round WR who looks like a tough possession receiver type.  Graham is a chance to make an impact with potential.  He has sticky hands and locates the ball well as a DB.  Perhaps NB?  And Tonga could work his way in as a rotational DT.  The obvious highlight of this draft is the first three picks we made.  Needed a QB got a steal at #11, and added some nasty day one starter quality OL.   

    As the draft was happening I was like who is this GM and what did he do with Pace?  We've learned to expect the worst, but this was a breath of fresh air.  Pace made smart decisive moves that improve this team in the short and hopefully long term.  I feel like he has bought himself and Nagy the opportunity to fight for more time beyond 2021.  I'm not going to come out and say they saved their jobs, but the set the groundwork for that.  Now it is up to Nagy and the coaching staff to develop Fields the correct way.  I'm not going to say what that correct way is as I don't think it's fair to him or the team to follow or avoid any blueprint that worked or didn't work for a different player.  They need to do what's best for Fields and the Bears.  If that means he sits behind Dalton for part or all of 2021 then do that,  If that that means he's clearly ready to start from day 1 then do that, I feel like the right course may be somewhere in between.  Nagy stated that everyone would know when he's ready.  I don't want to see them rush him in, nor do I want them to blindly follow the Mahomes model.  Every QB is different.  I feel like Mahomes was more raw coming out of the draft than Fields is.  When I think about it from Fields perspective imagine the pressure to perform.  He comes in with the weight of a team and fanbase starving for a franchise QB. Fields coming in with the hopes and dreams that he will be what all but a couple QB's in the teams 100+ year history have failed to be.  That is a lot of weight.  While I would love to see him start day one and be great. I think the right call is to go into the offseason programs, training camp, preseason etc. with Dalton penciled in as the starter, till Fields is ready to take the reins.  This is on Nagy and his staff to do this right.  If he does this and he and Pace earn the right to keep their jobs and prove they truly have learned I would be willing to eat as much crow as anyone here.  As a life long Bears fan all I want is my team to strive with every fiber of they're being to be a winning organization.  This draft has the potential to be that turning point.  Plus with what's going on in GB we could potentially end up with the best QB in the division.

  15. 21 minutes ago, ASHKUM BEAR said:

    After reading on him, yes they say he is better suited to move to G.  Many WRs left, so they felt they need to shore up the oline. 

    Trey Smith OT Tennessee is mad.  Wonder why teams are passing him

    Definitely either RT or G.   Could indicate we're looking to try Jenkins at LT.   

    NFL.com has Trey Smith listed as a Guard.  

  16. 6 hours ago, DABEARSDABOMB said:

    Is this the draft that goes down in history where the Bears/Packers luck flipped. Bears draft franchise QB - Packers trade HOF QB elsewhere?  I saw a report where Schlerth (Broncos/ESPN Guy) indicated he was hearing Broncos making very aggressive push and deal was close.  I am sure Packers will get a haul - but man - Bears are due for some good QB luck...right.  

    It would be about time our luck changed. I would love to see GB struggle in bad QB purgatory for at least a decade or two.  GB can say no publicly but what matters is how ugly things get. No one can dispute Rodgers talent on the field but at some point you value the culture of your team over the ego of one player.  If the situation continues to devolve and become toxic those offers start to sound enticing. 

    Rodgers waning more money in a big contract extension which for his value to the team he’s not out of line.  But, to me, this is the difference between Rodgers and Brady. Brady knew he could command a high salary yet he understood if he was taking up a disproportionate amount of cap space it would limit his teams ability to surround him with talent that made the team better.  So, he chose to take less to make his team better.  Rodgers on the other hand lives in a world of one. It’s all about him.  The talking heads feed the ego by blaming his teammates or lack of supporting cast when things go bad and when it’s going well they act like it’s all because of Rodgers.  You win and lose as a team. No one is bigger than the team.  

  17. The top of the board went pretty predictably other than the curve ball from SF.  Thanks to them we were in a position to trade up for Fields at 11.  They may have snookered us in 2017 but this year they snookered themselves lol.  

  18. 3 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

    I hated the idea of trading up for a QB but , at 11, being able to keep 2nd and 3rd round pick will still fill some needs to make the team better.  Fields is the second best QB in this draft and to be able to get him at 11 with only giving away one first round pick and a 5,  4 next year i is great. This could be our franchise QB.  After reading about him, I love the pick.  He was responsible for getting the big 10 to play football this year. He is a hard worker and loves the game. Him and Lawrence were the top 2 ranked players coming out of high school that .year. production?? 67 TDs- 9 interceptions.  19 on the ground with 4.4 speed. After all these years this could be the one. 

    This is the key here.  Keeping most of the rest of this years draft in tact.  We still have out 2nd, 3rd, and four 6th rounders.  Outside of next years 1, we gave up pocket change.  A 5th rounder, and next years 4th.  If Fields turns out to be a stud, and the franchise QB we've been looking for for forever.  This move will be looked at as a steal.  To get probably the second best QB out of the top 5 at #11 and not having to give up the farm to do so, could go down as Pace's best draft move to date.  

  19. I'd like to see us take a couple OT's with they way the've been drafting depending on who's there at our 2nd & 3rd.   Next pick should be OT, then in the 3rd could go BPA at OT, WR, CB.   Was really hoping Newsome would have dropped, but DB's have been coming off the board quicker than I expected so I'm not surprised he's off the board.  Good draft so far, here's hoping we keep it up and finally have a draft we can walk away from and feel optimistic as a fan base.   TY San Fran for saving us from Pace trading up for Lance.  

  20. 5 minutes ago, bradjock said:

    Yep.  But what scares the hell out of me is that Vegas has the Bears over/under for wins as 7.  If that’s close, we will have around the #11 pick.  So we gave up this year’s #20, next year’s #11, and other picks.  

    We REALLY need to win this year.  

    Vegas lines will change a lot as the season goes. Really the only pick of value we gave up was that 2022 1st. If the rest of the draft goes well and if I e get better play production and better play calling we could surpass that prediction. Heck with the dumpster fire that was last season we still managed to get to 8-8.  A lot has to go right but it can happen. 

  21. 37 minutes ago, Mongo3451 said:

    Here's my PFF draft for the remainder.  No trades.


    I’d be good with this. Would like us to take a second OT somewhere but I like Newsome and Marshall. Tough to fill as our holes in one draft. This would be a good start.

    *edit* Newsome off the board. Maybe we do get a couple OTs and a WR

  22. Pace actually made a smart trade up and took a player I liked. My second choice would have been to stay put or trade down and take Monds.  So far thes draft has played out about as well as we could have hoped. 

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