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Posts posted by BearFan2000

  1. 16 hours ago, DABEARSDABOMB said:

    Those that say this is a terrible team are wrong - that said, I don't know a way to turn it into a great team quickly, unless the franchise is going to luck into a franchise QB.  

    I would agree talent wise it's not a terrible team.  They are poorly coached and poorly utilized through play calling/game planning (if we can even call it game planning).  Like you said this team could be better or more successful if everything was designed around their strengths.  Good coaches/coordinators can recognize what their players strengths are and what their players weaknesses are.  Mitch for example, is a mobile QB.  In 2018 plays were designed around his mobility and it worked because it played to his strengths and away from his weaknesses. Defenses had to account for his ability to make plays with his legs and improvise on the run.  Since the injury that season they all but took that away from him and tried to make him a pocket passer which he is not.  And surprise surprise he's struggled.  Look at our run game.  There is absolutely no creativity there at all.  We have one run play and it's run up the gut into defenders who are in the backs face because of the turnstiles we have on our line.  Calling run plays that have 0 chance of success doesn't qualify as trying to run the ball.  Use the perimeter more.  At times I feel like Monty needs to also do better at running to daylight rather than just try to run where the play is designed to go.  He has the speed to take the runs outside.  His odds would have to be better than just running into the defenders in his face.  And no one's fooled when Patterson comes in.  They know it's a run play and he'll get the ball.  No need to defend anything else.  We literally make it easy on opposing defenses to stop us.  They're playing chess while Naggy's playing checkers.  We could go on and on listing examples of poor coaching/play calling.   You don't force players to fit your scheme, you fit your schema to your players.  Football is a game about adaptation, stubbornness will get you no where which is exactly where this team is heading.  

  2. Only reason I watched the whole thing is I’m in a tight matchup in fantasy. I need the win this weekend. I had Rodgers and Crosby and my opponent had Adams and the Packer D. The two garbage TD’s helped as did two of Rodgers’ three TD’s going it someone other than Adams. 

    It’s just sad to watch. Five years ago we blew it all up and here we are at the cusp of doing it again. It would have been nice if the defense put up some kind of fight. There was little resistance. Offense put up 25, granted 15 of those pints came in garbage time with no sense of urgency. Mitch was Mitch. Two bad picks, a lost fumble returned for a TD, and nearly had another lost fumble amongst other near picks. What a mess we have here. 

  3. certainly puts things in an interesting situation.  Reading the other thread on current draft position, a win over the Packers would actually put us in position to play for a playoff spot but losing would get us closer to a top 10 draft spot.   I don't see us beating the Packers.  With the offense the way it is I don't see us finishing higher than 5-11 or 6-10.  I don't see how our offensive woes can be fixable or the offense salvageable with the current roster and coaches.  This only makes this year more frustrating as if we had a half decent to average offense we'd probably be sitting pretty high up in the NFC standings and be in position to make a real playoff run.   But alas here we are.  Even if by some miracle we actually make the playoffs we'd be 1 and done and probably look very bad doing it.  I don't like losing for draft position but I'd also hate to see us somehow make the playoffs only to get embarrassed and have a poor draft position.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    All the more reason why now is probably the right time to make Pagano interim HC. He’s going to keep the defense at the level it is but offset that with sensible play calling on the offensive side. Whether it be he himself making those calls or someone more intune with how an offense should run, this is the best option right now.  Pagano’s no dummy and has been around long enough to know who he needs to get the job done.  I’d say let him use the rest of this season as a dress rehearsal. The worst he could do is not make the playoffs.  

    I'd be down for this.  At least Pagano's been HC before and he's done well with our defense.  I don't see how this possibility could be any worse than what we have now.  

    At least it's a bye week and the Bears can't lose this weekend, but if they could they'd find a way. lol

  5. nothing more than kicking the tires.  I did like him coming out of college but, he's not shown much at this level.  There's not much worth looking at in the FA market for QB's but at this point it's like trying to put used tires on a car you drug out of the salvage yard.  There's no fixing this team this year they are what they are, we might see one or two more wins at most.  

  6. Not sure it can even be called and offensive game plan.  what it looks like is lack of a plan, there's no logic, continuity in the play calling whatsoever. I've never seen a Bears offense this awful in my life.  Even when we've sucked there was some semblance of a plan, this literally feels like plays are being drawn out of a hat.   

    We need to clean house and we need to get real football people in here.  So tired of the smartest guy in the room types that don't realize they are actually idiots.  The Bears are the laughing stock of the league on offense.  When ever we ask why we don't get respect, this is why.  We are a bad joke.  The only thing salvageable on this team is the defense and dare I say it kicker.  How's that for irony we finally have a consistent kicker but now it does't matter.  Going to be a long rest of the season and yet another year watching other teams in the playoffs.  

  7. When Pace was first brought in it felt like a breath of fresh air (though often rebuilds can feel that way initially).   With Pace came Fox, and Vic Fangio.  The 2014 Bears were an absolute mess, the once proud D was atrociously bad, Trestman had completely lost the team and it was a toxic locker room.  So I do credit Pace for turning that situation around.  We now have a solid to great D, but sadly we never seem to pair a good D with even an average offense.  The culture changed for the better.  In comes Nagy and 2018 was a promising year that ended in disappointment, and disappointment became 2019's theme and that has continued into this year.  

    A lot of our issues on offense can be traced back to the line.  We have not invested capitol into building a decent offensive line.  Everything starts in the trenches and the only thing our offense does consistently is lose the battle for the line of scrimmage.  We rarely give our QB enough time to throw, we rarely open holes or if we do open a hole it's not open long enough.  We've watch draft after draft where we have passed on OL talent that would help us build a line that could allow our backs to have room to run, and our QB's to stop running for their lives.  It makes it hard to truly evaluate the QB's and RB's. When neither trust they will get protection or holes will be where they are supposed to be it creates hesitation, indecision, and throws your timing off.  Both Trubisky and Foles have looked bad at QB except in 4th quarters when teams are playing soft prevent.  I believe both are better than what we've seen from them but neither is anything close to a franchise QB.  Monty has underwhelmed but it's hard to evaluate how much of the rung game woes are on him.  He does tend to get happy feet and try to jump/stutter, but he's also usually facing defenders in the backfield.  The whole offense is a dumpster fire.  If I'm Robinson, I might be glad I didn't get an extension his talent is being wasted here.  

    It's getting to the point where Pace and Nagy might be fighting for their jobs. As they should be.  5 seasons into Pace's tenure, two coaches, and what have we got to show for it?  Double doinked our way out of the playoffs in 18, and a fools gold record to start this year which is quickly heading towards at best an 8-8 season with again no playoffs.  

    If we do fire Pace, I feel you need to do the wholsale house cleaning.  An incoming GM would need to at least have the option to hire his own coaches and staff.  it hurts your search for GM to say you have to keep this coach or that coach.  The thing I'd be most concerned about in a transition would be the Defense because it's playing at a contender level.  The offense you can blow it all up for all I care it's not functioning at any level.  I doubt it happens during season.  If it did you could make Pagano interim HC make one of his assistants the interim DC, and have Lazer play out the rest of the year as OC.  

    I really hate that 5 years later we're again talking about another rebuild rather than enjoying an ascending team with SB aspirations.  Tired of this vicious cycle that we never seem to be free of.

  8. This should be a winnable game but with our offense looking like it's trying to avoid scoring any points it makes it hard to look at any game going forward as a win.  The D is having to hold opponents down but every game it's a matter of when the levee will break.  It's excruciating watching the offense try to do anything remotely positive and when they do Naggy will blow it with bad play calling, or we'll commit stupid penalties.  I can see Cook running all over us by the second half.    Heck I picked up the Vikings D in fantasy this week because our offense is so inept.

  9. Another issue beyond having a GM in Pace and HC in Naggy who have the "smartest guy in the room" syndrome, those above them aren't great football guys either.  Sweaty Teddy is a purely numbers guy, and while likable George is not good at evaluating staff.  Likelihood of new upper management/ownership is nill so our only hope is the blind squirrel finding a nut.  

    We are again wasting a good-great D on an offense that does no one any favors. I feel like Naggy has tried running the ball more this season, but at some point you have realize you need more than 1 run play in your play book.  Our line is hot garbage running it straight into the teeth over and over is pointless.  For every run that you gain positive there's ten that get stuffed at the line or for a loss.  The gadget plays are only successful if your overall offense is successful and they are used sparingly as a change of pace play.  Relying on them when nothing else works plays right into your opponents hands.  Hello Naggy the only one your fooling is yourself.  This crap may work in madden but it won't work in the real world.  Defenses (even average ones) are too quick and too smart and will sniff that out.  

    It's going to be a long frustrating season, unless in the unlikely event that Naggy actually admits fault and hands over play calling.  Even then not sure Lazer would be much better but he might run a more normal offense.  This has been the worst offense we've seen in a long time.  Hell even Shoop's offense was more productive... now I must wash my keyboard with soap for saying that.  Mad hit it on the head, "Everything we do, looks so difficult". couldn't say it better.  We can have a few good play and follow it with a series of brain farts and bad plays drive after drive.  That Monday night game was horrible, the offense scored 3 points the entire game and it felt exceedingly laborious to get that.   The Saints game we looked like a team trying not to score down 3 with 2 min to go and 2 timeouts. That was the most painful, pathetic FG drive to send a game to overtime that I've seen.  Then the D does it's job and forces a punt and the offense of course does nothing.  I've not seen a Bears offense struggle this mightily do do anything positive.  Some drives we might as well punt on first down rather than back ourselves up with sacks, TFL, penalties, etc.  

  10. What to say that hasn't already been said...

    Naggy must hand over play calling asap.  There is no flow, no logic, and the only consistency is bad play calling.   When the offense finds any rhythm he throws it away with plays that have 0 chance of success.   We'll start with the hurry up, and as we get a defense on it's heals even a little bit we do something dumb to let them regroup whether it's huddle up, run up the gut for a loss, throw a short pass for no gain, call a time out, etc.  It is so maddening to watch.  The final drive in regulation is a microcosm of how ridiculously dumb our play calling is.  Just under 2 min to go, 2 time outs, and trailing by 3.  And the way he was calling it you't think it was the start of the quarter.  No urgency, we had to convert two 4th downs because we mostly wasted early downs either running up the gut, or throwing passes that gained us nothing on first and second down.  We should have been playing for a TD not playing for a FG to send it into overtime.  Have some friggin balls and go for the win.  No killer instinct at all.  Naggy claims to be aggressive but that was chickenshit.  pardon my french

    As much as Naggy is culpable for the play calling and clock mismanagement issues, Pace is culpable for this crap OL we have.  This unit sucked before we started having injuries, and we have backups of backups playing behind guys who wouldn't see the field on most NFL teams.  That is 100% on Pace he has neglected the OL and gone the bargain basement route bringing in late round draft picks, UDFA, and cast offs.  We get blown off the ball play after play, they don't run block they don't pass block they just waste space on the field they don't even bother getting in anyone's way.  Our RB's struggle just to make it back to the line of scrimmage,  Foles has people in his face immediately.  Like Mongo said there is no "OL sucks" offense that can work for us.  it all starts up front, and with this line It wouldn't matter who your skill players are.  You're never going to have any consistent success.  

    Trubisky vs Foles.  Both are average at best.  Thinking about Trubisky's issues with being slow to read defense, one read QB, etc.   Is it at all possible that some of these issues are caused at least in part by line play.  Is it possible Mitch has it in his head that he's only going to have time to check his first read and doesn't feel he has the luxury of time to do much else to the point where that becomes a subconscious mental block?  Looking at Foles, more often than not he's not able to set his feet to throw.  They both have been bad on deep throws.  Till last night Foles hadn't connected deep with anyone and he's been mostly every bit as off target as Mitch.  Watching this game and the past few with this OL line, perhaps Mitch could provide mobility that Foles cannot or will not provide.  There was one play in particular that stood out last night.  Foles evades the pressure to his left and there's open field where he could have taken off and at least had a fighting chance to make a first down.  Instead he stops, holds the ball and tries to find a target and gets sacked.  Long story short both QB's are what they are and it's truly hard to know if they are good enough to lead this offense given what they have to work with.

    Going into this game, as bad/ugly as we looked on Monday night I gave us little chance to win.  The fact that even with all the problems we have on offense this was a winnable game and we could have taken it but we crapped it down our legs.  And that is maddening to watch.  Add to that with the Packers losing to the Vikings earlier we had a golden opportunity to retake the division lead.  But I don't have high hopes for this team to do anything in the playoffs and even they they might stumble their way out of contention after starting 5-1.  All Know is after this game I had that feeling like you get after watching a horribly bad movie thinking that's 2+ hours of my life I can't get back.  I'm so tired of this vicious cycle of blowing things up new HC, new GM, rebuild, every few years or so.  We always seem to end up right back where we started with needing to blow it up again.  Each time there's that hope that this time it will be different till Lucie pulls the football away again and Charlie lands on his back.  We are again wasting a good-great defense on offensive ineptitude.  

  11. 2 minutes ago, Bears4Ever_34 said:

    It's getting harder to make a case for Nick Foles remaining as the starter. He has been every bit as awful as Mitch was in his 2.5 games as the starter.

    Agree but at the same time not sure it would matter who is under center behind this line... I mean turnstiles.  The only thing Mitch could have provided today that Nick couldn't is mobility. I don't think the result would be much different. This team is doomed with this line play.  We are constantly losing the line of scrimmage.  Can't run the ball, and the little short pass plays used like a run game won't do it.  We are completely one dimensional.   Right up there with main culprits of this offense is the play calling.  I like Naggy as a coach, but can't call a good game to save his life.  I think we're close to another "rebuild" than we are contending for a title.  

  12. In our league d/st starts a10 points and giving up points cost your d points while things like sacks, int, fumbles, etc. add points. Just looked at the settings again. -4 is the worst you can have. It’s the default nfl.com league settings. 

  13. This week first place in the league is on the line and I have an 8 point lead going into MNF.  His players are all done and I just have my defense to play (have both Rams and Bears D).  The thought has crossed my mind to bench my D and secure the win.  However looking at the scoring settings it looks like -4 would be the worst you can get with a defense. So in tis scenario it wouldn't matter but let's say for future ref if I had like a 1 point or so lead is it bad form or good strategy to bench players to protect a win?  

    I guess I have a second question then.  Who would you start?  My fan side says go with the Bears. 

  14. 17 hours ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Wasn’t directed at you, just in general between here and other sites that talk Bears football.  I’m part of a ‘smack-talk’ group on Twitter too that was sure Pagano was the biggest problem on the D.

    As BF2000 and Adam have said above and you, I think a lot of what we’re seeing from the D right now is Pagano getting more creative and the players getting more time to gel.  The lack of a true training camp and PS hurt a lot for what is normally a time to work out any wrinkles.  I will say this; what Pagano is making up in creativity Nagy continues to remain stagnant.  At this point I think Foles is better at running the offense than Nagy is calling it.

    I feel like this is one of if not the biggest issues with our offense.   Naggy's play calling, and clock management or should I say mismanagement is holding us back.  We can wish for a true franchise QB or this skill player or that at whatever position, but when the offensive flow is hampered by poor play calling would it really make that much of a difference.  Stellar talent that is miss-managed is bound to not be as productive as it's potential.   This doesn't absolve the Oline play and that falls much on the shoulders of Pace not putting resources and draft capitol into building an offensive line that can protect whoever is back there or open running lanes for the backs.   A perfect example of this is that play at the goal line where we sent in a run heavy package with extra TE's to help block and we lost a yard.  The entire line got pushed back and Monty had no where to go (though I felt he should have recognized it and bounced it out and possibly could have walked in with everyone focused on the point of attack).  We've seen drives stalled because things are working well and then we do something dumb that puts us behind the chains then we do something dumber rather than go back to what has been working on the drive.   Or we get the defense on it's heals and rather than hurry up the pace we huddle up or call a time out and let their D regroup.  We are often our own worst enemy on offense.  

  15. I liked Te'o coming out of college.  Don't know if it's the end of Travaton or not yet.   I think it's a good signing to at least take a look at him and see what he can offer.    With his speed/range he could fit well here with all the talent around him.  

  16. Earlier this year I commented that we need to start seeing the defense get after QB's, create pressure and that there is way too much talent on the D to not see better production.  Well, over the last few weeks it has gotten better and they seem to be taking weekly strides in getting more consistent.  I feel like it has a lot to do with lack of normal offseason programs and no preseason games that puts defenses slightly behind offenses.  It's good to see and I feel like Pagano is getting more creative in scheming to create added pressure.  I feel like our tackling is slowly getting more crisp in general as well.   With our offense playing the way it is it's on the D to keep games close.  At some point the offense is going to have to pull their weight.  It's sad when you see the statistic that we were the only team in the NFL to be shut out in any quarter.  It took us 6 games to finally put up points in the 3rd quarter.  A vast majority of our points this season have come in the 4th and that in large part due 4th quarter comebacks.  

  17. It seems like this season it has been even worse.  Like Adam said it's like we've become conditioned to see a big play for the Bears and just expect to see a flag called for something to take it away.  It's more infuriating seeing that even within the game it's not called consistently,  Robinson can get mugged and no call but they call Johnson for PI?  It goes for holding, roughing the passer, and so on.  Seeing us get called for anything close to a penalty but watching our opponent get away with murder gets old.  The only game this season that had calls actually go both ways was the Bucs game and I suspect that's because the Bears and the Bucs are two of the most penalized teams and it feels like once that stigma is there officiating crews tend to follow the trend and call more penalties on you rather than try to call things fairly.  

    I liked the idea last year of being able to challenge pass interference but in reality it essentially became a wasted challenge since the league would rarely reverse the call basically wouldn't admit their refs screwed up.  It'd be nice if certain penalties could be challenged but only if it's truly challengeable, meaning there's a reasonable chance of success if the video evidence shows the call was wrong or that there should have been a call and there wasn't.  Maybe limit it to impactful plays.  Like a well defended pass that gets called for PI on a 3rd and long gifting the offense get free first down plus yardage.  Or that play when Rodgers needs a hail marry pass play for a com-back and his OL is tackling D-linmen and nothing's called.  

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