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Everything posted by BearFan2000

  1. Knox is da man!!! Nice drive spread the ball around and looked sharp.
  2. Brown making some big plays And the FG misses We have got to take advantage of these opportunities
  3. Anderson was held on that play. doesn't mean it's ok to retaliate but Pit's getting away with holding a lot
  4. we need to use Forte's speed to the outside. We have gotten nothing at all up the gut. AP's big runs were to the outside.
  5. Very true and I'll take it as well. I'd have been sick if we'd have ad to settle fore a FG. I admit I was worried when we gave up that long drive and did nothing on offense or defense till we got that pick. We very easily could have quickly found ourselves down 14-0. The thing that concerns me is we can't take nearly an entire first half to get our heads in the game. We need to get a better start out of the gate. We keep doing this we are going to be playing from behind a lot. That will wear a team out fast. It puts more pressure on a young group of wide receivers. We definitely miss Urlacher on Defense
  6. Also nice to see JK adjust on that play to get open and make a good gain out of it. This kid could be something special. Jay needs a dependable target like that.
  7. Davis has looked good and Knox has looked good both are showing good hands. Man is Knox fast. Cutler and the Receivers get on the same page and gel they could be dangerous. AP doing a great job on that drive. Forte has disappeared this season so far. Olsen has been disappointing so far as well. BTW I think that was a catch and at least should have been a personal foul for spearing.
  8. well, as ugly a start we have the ball and are still only down 7, albeit inside our own 5 to start the drive. offense really needs to do something here. field position like this can be devestating.
  9. Good job hanging on two. unfortunately that drive halted. That was a critical holding penalty.
  10. needed that turnover. Offense needs to step up now. Defense needs to get their heads on straight, steelers have it way too easy
  11. what an ugly first quarter We may well be down 14-0 when we get the ball next and have not gotten one first down yet.
  12. So far the Lions have kept themselves in the game. It would be funny if Detroit pulls out a win against the Vikings. But then again the Browns held them close for about as long and then collapsed.
  13. IMHO Screw Hub, always eager to get his digs in. Picking his brain is like trying to figure out what a woman is thinking.
  14. We've also had some of the worst QBing over that stretch of time and beyond as well. With the exception of a few flashes of competency. Yes Sunday looked absolutely awful from a QB/WR standpoint Jays body of work indicates that he's better than he showed and he did settle down as the game went on which is a big difference from Rex if Rex had had that kind of first half start he'd have found a way to do worse in the second half with him when he hit rock bottom he began to dig. The positive I take from that game is that Jay calmed down and took back control of his game and didn't let it continue to get away from him. As ugly as things got he put us in a position to win. We were a blown coverage away from possibly leaving GB with a win. But I also don't blame the D for the loss as they held a potent GB offense in check for most of the game and as an offense that's all you can ask. The offense just needs to step up their game from coaching all the way down to the execution on the field. The line needs to do it's job, Jay needs to trust his line to give him time and make his reads, WR's need to run their full route at least two of the picks were caused by a WR stopping his route. People will only remember that Jay threw 4 picks not that at least two of them were not his fault. The mistakes that are happening are chemistry and timing mistakes. Fortunately those things should diminish with time and the passing game should improve. There were a lot of drops as well. Hester did look the best of the WR's out there. He had a solid game. As Bolingtwig mentioned he did a better job in the return game as well, no big plays but he didn't lose yards and didn't attempt to field the punts inside the 10 like he did before he let them go.
  15. thanks for passing along and explaining that, now it does make sense why he's saying done for the year. Despite what we as fans want these things are a quality of life decision. Like when a player retires while they are still effective so they can physically enjoy the rest of their lives. Perm nerve damage is a serious thing. I can't blame him making that call. Brian has had his share of injuries and when you stop and think about these guys that have surgery after surgery when they get old are likely going to have problems. I too was thinking why not just get one of those big casts and keep playing when I heard just dislocated wrist I though, come on man tough it out. but knowing the details I don't blame him. Let it heal properly and be ready to go for the 2010 season. This season may in fact have many growing pains while I still think we can overcome the poor play of this past week and salvage this season and make the playoffs. I'm not going to expect anything beyond that. It's easy to loose sight that we have a lot of young inexperienced guys at WR and we have only had Jay with us since this offseason. Chemistry doesn't just happen it's built over time. I'm thinking that next year might be the year we make a push for the SB. This year I'm looking for improvement, and a playoff birth. Not having Brian will hurt but, it is what it is, and he's not there. Time for the other guys to step up. Brian left the game fairly early and to be honest I don't think that Hilly didn't do that bad of a job filling in for him. He didn't stand out but he also didn't make a negative impact either. I do think the idea of moving Briggs to the middle would work out. Aside from URL he's our most athletic LB. If we get Pisa back soon then we can fill the other spot with Hilly, Roach, or Williams and it may not be as bad as we think.
  16. Not defending Cutler but his recievers screwed him all night. If they weren't stopping routes they were dropping balls. Cutler made his share of bad decisions as well. He was scrambling on every play it seemed then rather than take what's there he was forcing things. He played better in the second half but you cannot dig yourself a hole in the first half like the Bears did. This was an ugly game from the get go. Offensive line had a rough night, Manelly had the right idea on the direct snap but took way too long to do it, if you have 12 men on the field on defense you snap it before the guy can get off the field. even if the play is a stinker you still get 12 man penalty and repeat the down. We waited too long and end up giving them the ball in field goal range. Vasher is getting on my nerves. He isn't defending passes but just letting his guy beat him and then trying to make the tackle. Here's a thought.... try break up the pass that's what real corners do. We were in this game only because of Green Bay having their share of drops too and the safety. IF it turns out we lost Url and Pisa for any length that will add insult to injury. What a crappy crappy game. Play calling left much to be desired. Jay looked out of sync from the start but we kept doing what wasn't working. It's like we were determined to make it work as if we didn't have in mind a backup strategy in case the passing game wasn't working. In a hostile environment when things can quickly get out of hand you settle down with the run game There just was no continuity from the play calling to the guys trying to execute on the field. How the hell does a WR line up offsides??? This should not ever happen. Thought the officiating sucked for the most part as well. Brad maynard gets taken out after a punt and no flag. GB players repeatedly piling on and hitting late, and so much for protecting the QB the one play where Cutler is tackled and the play is over it sure looked like the GB defender trying to snap Jay in two. There was the play we got away with an illegal formation and instead benefited from a bogus illegal contact call but other than that the Packers were allowed to take repeated cheap shots all game long. This is not by any means why we lost it just angered me more to watch that on top of the crap that the bears were trying to pass off as pro football. The Bears need to get their act together quickly if the expect to make any noise this year. We could easily start out in a deep hole record wise. If we go into game 3 of the season and are at the bottom of the division looking up at the queens, pukers, and the friggin lions I know I won't be the only Bear fan that will be pissed. It's clear that we do in fact need receivers.... real receivers. Right now this team is proving the doubters right. The few bright spots tonight are completely overshadowed by the mass of dark clouds. It is one game but that's not the way you want to play out of the gate two weeks to prepare for the game and this is what we get. I'm trying to find the silver lining but there ain't one we sucked big time today and deserved to loose. I don't think anyone can hold their head high other than Hester and maybe Forte.
  17. Them or the Queens. Watched the Vikings Browns game and Clevelend held it's own for a half primarily due to their defense and holding AP to 25 first half yards. Ultimately the poor quality of offense caught up to them. I'm sorry but Quinn looked stupid out there. Don't know why I subjected myself to watching that game, there was little doubt that Minny would win but I thought Madden was annoying the two guys calling the game had drool stains on their shirts... every spare second they were singing Bret's praises and he had a modest game, AP carried the weight in the second half to put the game away. When they weren't drooling over Favre they were talking up the queens as a super bowl team. Listening to the talking heads you'd think the NFC North was a two team division cheezheads and queens. I can see discounting Detroit.... who wouldn't but the Bears are discounted from the conversation. The good thing is these morons don't determine who wins and loses, I'd rather us be looked at as underdogs anyway. You play harder when you feel like you have something to prove than when you think all you need to do is show up. By seasons end I think the Bears will have something to say about this two team division nonsense.
  18. A safety in the 4th quarter up 118 to 9 with less than 3 min to go a punt is downed inside the 1 and the pack gets lucky and gets a sack of Caleb Hanie. It was a close call and Hanie made a valiant effort to get the ball out of the end zone after eluding the rush. Ruling on the field was that he got out of the end zone but after a pointless review in an attempt at gaining a measly 2 pts a safety was awarded and but the Packers comeback fell short. It was a long day for the packers as they were embarrassed on their home field fans left at halftime. Cutler called it a day at the half after throwing for an ungodly amount of yards and a single game record 10 first half TD passes that even a geriatric self absorbed Favre would drool over. It would have been less embarrassing had Jay not been blindfolded for his last 4 TD passes. Caleb Hanie added another 3 second half TD passes. Forte wasn't left out as he ran all over the packers adding 3 rushing TD's. Gould added a pair of FG's.
  19. Not involved in fantasy but that is a lopsided trade. on one side Marshall suspended till either the Broncos cave or he pulls his head out of his arse even if he does or they do with Orton at QB I don't think he'll be as effective as he was with Jay which IMHO is a large part of his little temper tantrums. Ho'syourmama while he's a good player I don't know about his productivity on a team like Seattle, I'm not sold on the seachickens being that good but he's probably the most talented receiver they have aside from Branch, so I think he'll put up consistent numbers. On the other side Olsen will likely be the primary pass receiver at least in the short term so he should put up good numbers especially early. Holmes is a big play receiver and has really made a name for himself as a clutch player and should put up consistent numbers. Holt is in his 11th season and is the senior WR on a fairly young group for the Jags he is the steady vet his numbers have dropped off a little but not bad I would expect him to be consistent. Personally I think for this to be fair the side offering Marshall and TJ should include someone else and or replace Marshall with someone more steady. TJ will probably provide some value but not enough to offset the crappieness of Marshall. Or on the other side perhaps leave off either Olsen or Holmes. Holmes is the highest value player in this trade scenario because he's proven it, even though he is paired with Ward on a run heavy team. I look for good things from Greg but it's yet to play out in in the season but he will have a good opportunity to do just that and if he does then that really makes this trade one sided. But since I'm not in a fantasy league you can take it for a grain of salt but that's just my 2 cents.
  20. speed kills and that's the irreplaceable ingredient that Troy brings to that defense, he is one of the fastest guys on that defense. He plays fast but plays under control. He reminds me of Urlacher earlier in his career. Brian's still fast and has speed but he's not as quick as he used to be. Without Troy that defense is a slightly different animal not to diminish the other 10 guys out there as the steelers have a great defense. They are a lot like Chicago, known for defense and running the ball. Honestly I'd like to beat them at 100%. If we were to beat them without Troy... what do you think would be the first excuse given by the talking heads? I'll give you a hint he wears 43 and has long hair. According to NFL.com he's out 3-6 weeks. Not likely we will face him. But I agree let's not look past this week. The Bears have something to prove Sunday Night against a Packer team that has looked solid in preseason (I know it's just preseason). This game will be an all out a dog fight..... no that doesn't mean Vick will be in attendance . The return of the Black and Blue division. It's funny how quickly things can change there was a time where we had one of the weakest divisions and now it could likely prove to be one of the strongest divisions. Whoever wins our division will have earned it. And if the Lions win it there's proof that someone has found the magic lamp or a leprechaun in the motor city lol Them finishing at 500 would be a miracle in and of itself. This is still a three team division.
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