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Everything posted by BearFan2000

  1. from the replay it didn't look good. Crumpler fell on him with all his weight when Troy was trying to recover the ball. Sucks for him because he's a heck of a player. But if he escapes with a sprain that is lucky. The knee just isn't designed to bend that way.
  2. It's packer week!!!! Let's get the party started. You know your a packer fan when 1. The Halloween pumpkin on your porch has more teeth than your spouse. 2. You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the dinner table in front of her kids. 3. You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws. 4. You think a woman who is "out of your league" bowls on a different night. 5. Jack Daniel's makes your list of "most admired people." 6. You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean. 7. Anyone in your family ever died right after saying, "Hey watch this." 8. You think Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader. 9. Your wife's hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan. 10. Your junior prom had a daycare. 11. You think the last words of the Star Spangled Banner are, "Cheeseheads start your engines." 12. You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels. 14. The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas is in it. 15. You have to go outside to get something from the fridge. 16. One of your kids was born on a pool table. 17. You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie at the House of Tattoos. 18. You can't get married to your sweetheart because there's a law against it. 19. You think loading a dishwasher means getting your wife drunk. 20. Your toilet paper has page numbers on it. 21. Your front porch collapses and kills more than five dogs. 22. Your quarterback pisses away his and your last chance to lose another Superbowl by throwing interceptions! haha
  3. I'm in. Nearly forgot tonight was opening night. No doubts that Steelers will win.
  4. Totally understand Pix and really appreciate your doing the pools in the past as well as the things you and all the mods do here at talkbears.com to make this board what it is. The place I work for is directly tied to the RV/Marine industry we downsized a lot, I'm now the only production artist left when we used to have as many as four of us and now expected manage all proto and production art with little help and no extra compensation, while barely making enough to cover my expenses. It has been tough for everyone. I probably didn't see the message about this season but but completely understand. The important thing is to take care of your family and yourself first, anything here is secondary. Moving back home can be the toughest thing to do for both parents and kids. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
  5. In all the bliss and excitement of a new season with a pro bowl QB I just realized, haven't seen any mention of pools this year unless I missed seeing it. If not it's cool, I know it's a lot of work to manage and my thanks for putting in the time in previous seasons.
  6. Agree and I was thinking the same thing watching Hanie in preseason you don't see any drastic difference in the play calling. He's an athletic QB who can make plays with his legs and his arm. He can extend plays and elude the rush to buy time. You don't need to dumb down the playbook for him. Last year he was a contrast to Kyle Orton this year it's great to see the similarities. I like the future implications of having a backup like Hanie. We can now develop a guy naturally behind a guy like Jay. Our starter and his backup have similar skill sets. We are now in a position to draft guys in the same mold of a Jay Cutler and keep developing QBs who can carry on. Someday when Jay is done we very well could have someone waiting in the wings to carry on the torch. Whether that Be Haine or someone else. What a breath of fresh air that we could actually have continuity at a position that has been our Achilles heel for so long.
  7. I think he will be more discrete next time though... being well known for having your picture taken while being loaded and having missed your mouth a few times as evidenced by the abnormally soggy shirt and many pictures like that which not exactly in short supply leads me to believe he's not that concerned about public appearance lol After finding that the injury is more than just a little cut, I can understand the look on his face as it probably did hurt. Reading the Bronco's boards and seeing things like "Orton's career ending hangnail" and "I'ts called a band-aid Kyle" shows that the Denver fans aren't amused but the rest of us get a chuckle. But leads me to wonder how on earth do you come up with that kind of injury by simply touching Whale's hand lol. I thought only Rex was that unlucky. As far as the half back pass I don't have a problem with them running it, but more the situation, they were getting close to the the red zone and it was the first drive where we were moving the ball and building momentum. I'd have rather seen a normal play on 1st and 10. Now on the positive it does give other teams something to look at and Forte didn't force it but wisely threw it away. I just felt at that point we should have focused keeping the pedal down and getting into the end zone. We followed up with a run up the middle then a coverage forced Jay to dump off and settle for 3. Not that there's any guarantee had we ran another play that the drive wouldn't have resulted in 3 anyway. In hindsight it didn't matter as Cutler had a good game. Just wanted to see a TD to shut the fans up (not that it would have). But it is preseason so this is the time that you can try things like that and it doesn't hurt you.
  8. There's also the possibility that Kyle voted left handed and actually clicked on the Bears by accident
  9. I wonder how much it is unwarranted respect of opposing WR's and/or QBs as it is lack of faith in our DB's. If we are not confident in our CBs I wonder if that is the big reason that we are backing them off. We do it no matter who we are facing and I agree with you it is mind boggling that we have played this way for many years now. We all want to see more aggressive play out of the DB's but perhaps the reality is we don't have the personnel to be that physical or at least the coaching staff doesn't think so. It could also just be that the coaching staff doesn't prescribe to that style of play and opts for the "safer" approach of trying to keep the play in front of you. If it's personal then lets bring in guys who can jam at the line without fear of getting beat by their man. If you jam them good you you should disrupt the timing, by not jamming sure you make it easier to keep the play in front of you but what's the point of giving them a free 5-10 yards anytime they want it. Any decent QB will pick you apart.
  10. very true, when your job sucks and things aren't going well it's hard to display genuine excitement or enthusiasm. I've been at my job for 11 years the last 3 years have slowly become more and more miserable and when tell people I've been there that long they are like "you must really like it".... not really just a lack of better options primarily due to job market. When things are going well and you feel like there's a sense of purpose it drives you and shows. As a coach of an underachieving team it's hard to get too interested in answering dumb repetitive questions so what we often heard is dumb repetitive answers. Having a guy like Jay here brings with him a sense of optimism that is evident from the top down and we as fans are giddy too. This offseason could very well save Jerry's job and Lovie's as well. I'm excited and I'd like to see it work out. How nice would it be to have stability between the front office, management, coaching staff, and players on the field. I'm tired of us changing coaches every few years or so. Tired of endless rebuilding projects. Stability is good for a team.
  11. I expected booing and a not so warm welcome but geeze out that made Soldier Field fans treatment of Rex seem like a "nice to see ya". I thought it was excessive and over the top blind hate. Funny thing is they thought they could rattle him and get under his skin, he showed them by playing through it and having himself a good game. And I thought he was a baby LOL Seemed like more of a man than the dipsticks on the other sideline and in the stands. I want to thank McDaniels for being such an idot...... I herby nominate him for Upper-Class Twit of the Year (little Monty Python reference) In his acceptance speech Josh was quoted as saying, "I'm a completely self taught idiot" Thanks Josh your stupidity is our gain pleasure doing business with you.
  12. After the way they and their fans acted in that game I don't feel a bit sorry for them.
  13. Some things that were going through my mind watching. 1. Sure did seem like the Broncos were acting like it was their superbowl in a sense like their game plan was built out of spite and hatred for Jay. Like they've all bought into the BS that the reason Jay's not in Denver is because he's just a big baby and the whole debacle was his fault. If the fans should be pissed at anyone it should be their arseclown coach. I actually laughed watching the clips of Marshall. Not because what I think he is doing is actually funny but more along the lines of "you made your bed now lay in it." Marshall needs to friggin grow up. Who in their right mind would trade for this turd. It's one thing when you draw the ire the media, fans and coaches but when your teammates are sick of you it's pretty bad. So for the time being Denver is probably stuck with him and he's stuck with Denver. Serves em both right. If anyone acts like a baby it's Marshall, McDannials, the players and their fans. 2. I'm glad we came out of that game without any injuries. The way that game started I wouldn't have been at all surprised to see some defensive player intentionally injure Jay to make a point. Seemed like every play there were late hits, like Clark getting spun out of bounds then hit and no flag, How many times did Jay get hit after he threw the ball before they finally threw a flag on it. Plays blown dead and Denver players continuing to pile on. I really got sick of watching that and them getting away with it. Particularly in the light of all the ticky tack fouls. I kept yelling that the TV... LET THEM PLAY, seemed like ever few plays there was a flag just sucks the fun out of watching a game. Flag for illegal shift then let a blatant late hit go unflagged. I don't know the final number but it seemed like Denver wad flagged more than we were but just the constant stoppage. 3. not to make light of injury but the look on Kyles face when he's walking to the sideline holding his finger up like "look mommy I got an owie" made me chuckle a little. Maybe I have sick sense of humor but the visual just made me crack up. 4. I have more respect for Jay now. That must have been Hell being pinned inside your own 10 for what seemed like every drive with the fans booing and stomping so loud out of blind hate. He looked a little shaky at the start but I like that he didn't let it get to him and he settled in and did his job. Rex would have soiled himself, then thrown a few pick 6's. You have to have a thick skin to play that position and play in situations like that he has that. Jay strikes me as the type of guy that is like screw them I've got a job to do 5. I was mildly impresses with Bazenez, that's the best he's looked this pre-season. He did some good things out there, I hope he never has to start but I'm ok with him as our #3. 6. Early on it sure seemed like the commentary was taking Denver's side catering to Josh's side of the story as fact. Really at the end of the day they both could have handled it better and beyond that it's all he said she said blame depends on your perspective and where your loyalties lie. It happened it's over move on. If they were completely satisfied with how things worked out as Josh seems portray then why all the bitterness if they think they got the better end of the deal then what's the need to sling mud and act childish. Answer, deep down they know that they got the short end of the stick. Fans are bitter that Jay isn't there anymore and are misdirecting their anger and projecting it on Jay. I say let em. The commentary did later com to the point that I've held to is when you have a franchise QB you don't pull that kind of crap and trade him. Franchise QB's are rare when you have one you do what you can to hang on to him. We know all to well how difficult it is to find them. Contrast Denver with Pittsburgh when they interviewed Tomlin who to me comes across as a real class act. He was interested in Vick but out of respect for Ben's situation he felt it wasn't the right time to bring another QB into the picture. That to me is a coach that understands the importance of team chemistry and doing what's best for his team. I'm not saying coddle but you sure as hell don't go behind their back and lie to them. 7. Thought the halfback pass was a dumb call and a waste of a down. May as well have had Jay spike the ball.
  14. tired of him as well tired of waiting for him to be healthy tired of him talking and failing to back it up tired of waiting for him to be the player he says he is and has been billed to be. Pre injury he was very good to great, looked like we'd found a gem and came off like a good guy.. fast forward to now and he's an injury prone, underachieving, player who despite his poor play acts and talks like the media and everyone else is to blame for his bad image... Well Tommie shut up, do your job, prove it on the field and let your game speak for it self... right now you are a walking contradiction. Time to put up or shut up.
  15. couldn't agree more and that I think is part of the growing and adjustment we Bears fans will be making. For a long time now we have been a team that likes the low scoring close games because we've not had an offense that can keep up in a shootout or score a lot of points for the occasional turnover to not hurt us. Precisely the reason Orton was given the starting job over Rex we were looking for a game manager from our QB to do enough to win but not loose us the game. Our offensive approach was safe less risks vs more aggressive with more risks the result was a less exciting offense that didn't put up a lot of points but was aimed at not turning the ball over. A philosophy I and many of us have hated. That is why Rex excited so many of us when he was drafted and with what we saw early in 2006. We saw a glimpse of what it's like to have an offense that can win games and put teams away. And it's the reason many if not all of us are giddy about having Cutler here. With an offense that puts points on the board in increments larger than 3 with regularity is an offense that can make up for the occasional turnover this less of a concern. Couple an offense that can put up points in bunches and a defense that is above average to great and you have a dangerous team. Jay is the first step into that brave new world
  16. And to think I had tickets to this game and sold them.... lol Some thoughts I had a feeling that Cutler would rebound and play better. I'd like to have seen him and Devon connect on that pass Soldier field probably would have exploded had they connected. Overall the offense was much better this week. - RB good to see Forte out there and that TD run reminded me just how quick he is. It was a big hole but he was gone from the moment he got the handoff. I thought Jones did a good job driving his legs and getting positive yards after contact. He did put the ball on the ground by holding it too low in traffic. Why are we trying to make Wolf a short yardage between the tackles back he doesn't have the size for that and it doesn't play to his abilities he's a scat back with speed not a bruiser I'd rather see him used better to suit his skills. - QB I agree that Baz is probably the odd man out and will either get cut or put on the practice squad if possible. He has not impressed me in the least. On the other hand Haine gives me more confidence that he can be a good backup option. If we carry just two QB's it makes sense that Caleb is getting the extended playing time. Thought he got robbed of a rushing TD.... that holding penalty was BS. Question is do we carry 2 QB's or do we carry three if it's 3 then who do we pick up as I just don't see Baz sticking. Then there's this one quarterback I think his name is Jay looked pretty darn good out there.... I think he's a keeper lol - TE/WR I liked what I saw here particularly the show of good hands. The catch by AD was a thing of beauty the way he laid out and kept his concentration. The first pass to Bennett I assumed it was incomplete when the ball got there but somehow Bennett hung on and made a good gain out of it. If this group steps up we may have a balanced offense that can run and pass on you and potentially do both well. Good to see Olsen back out there. - OL I thought played well some stupid false starts late in the game but they were backups. - D-Line good to see pressure. I want to see our defensive line disrupting the offense I thin the line did a good job of this there is room for improvement but I like the improvement over last week. - Tackling, the D did start to improve as the game went on but way to much not wrapping up early. Backs like Jacobs you will not just hit to the ground you have to use leverage and wrap up. We need to see better tackling and fewer yards after contact. - I like what I've seen from Payne and Alfalfa who seems to be right around the ball every play. Payne made a great play on a deep pass deflection. - Defense overall I like the improvement i've seen and I really like the way even at the end of the game we were still fighting to keep them out of the end zone. That shows this team has a lot of pride desire. It's a good thing to see. - Something I caught in the commentary early in the game that there's a chance a guy like David Tyree may not make the cut if he is waived, any takers? - I think this game was good confidence boost and good momentum builder going forward. Once this offense gets on track and the defense plays well and special teams plays well the Bears will be a dangerous team. I say that without the word if and it's more a when. Once the Bears get clicking look out, this could turn out to be a dream season. And unlike a fairy tale season the team won't turn back into a pumkin when the season is over. We keep it in tact and we could see the Bears being a perennial force. That my friends excites me
  17. BearFan2000

    Poor Bastard

    It's Rex Grossman need we say more? Much of what he does defies belief. Perhaps he needs to find a new line of work or start living in a bubble.
  18. As long as he survives to week 16 so I can see see him put in his place in person lol. By week eight he will be winding back down to retirement mode and as the season draws to a close you'll here the "this might be the last game at.......... Now I have some ideas for some signs to make for the game lol
  19. What's the media's favorite method of drawing interest, increasing ratings, selling papers? That's right drama and controversy, if they can get people riled up and stir the pot it sells papers. Doesn't have to be based on fact, speculation and reading into things is enough. As you said there's nothing in that statement about throwing someone under the bus. Yet they make it sound as though Cutler went out and blamed Hester. If anything he put the blame on himself and admitted that they need to work on it. The media loves to make something out of nothing they love to ride tide of dissent. How many articles etc were made out of the good Rex bad Rex. The media milks the cow till it's dried up and dead.
  20. Agree as well. The most common thing heard is "get through the games without injuries." any key starters with even minor dings are going to be held out. Preseason is a glorified scrimmage and more for the backups to earn their spots and for GM's to evaluate who's worthy of a roster spot and who to send packing. As pointed out in other posts the only real significant game is #3 where the starters play extended time and teams actually game plan to an extent. It gives teams a chance to try some things and if they work great if they blow up that's ok to since at the end of the day it's just preseason. I'd rather see a shorter preseason and a longer regular season. I rarely put much stock in what happens in these games. Our offense looked pitiful the year we went to the super bowl. The 85 preseason wasn't that great either. We've had years where we went undefeated in the preseason and laid an egg during the season so it's really not a good barometer of how the season will go. There's no need to panic an make a move to make a move. The offense is going to take time to get their timing down and gel. It's not going to be an instant fix. Just going out and signing someone on impulse is not wise. Let's see how things go and see what options become available I'd rather us be patient and bring in the right players.
  21. His statement can be taken to mean that he is making the point that the type of throw he was trying to make wasn't to Hester's strength in that he as the QB should realize that and learn from it. He doesn't place the blame on Hester but rather on himself for putting his teammate in a bad spot. I've re watched that play and when the ball gets there Hester is shielded from the play by the defender. IMO there was little Hester could have done to break it up. The ball was short the blame for that pick is solely on Cutler. Jay knows that they need to work on it. Watching him I get the impression that he just needs to calm down. It looked like he was trying to hard to make things happen. If it's not there throw the check down. I have a feeling next Saturday will be a better showing.
  22. commentary has sucked for a long time often not relevant to the situation but then again real life commentary often leaves much to be desired. Stadium announcements in the background like the "person in section.... row.... seat... has won an evening with the cheerleader of his choice. When it's a game at Soldier Field and there are no Bears cheerleaders. I've gotten to where I basically ignore it or turn it off. The feel of the game overall is the first thing I noticed camera angles more accurate, player actions/reactions more accurate. Adding the little things like the measurement, refs actually on the field, the sideline stuff, better opening to the game showing inside and outside the stadiums etc. For the first time I played a game and wasn't mugged the moment I fielded a punt and subsequently fumbled giving the opponent a walk in TD. That flaw was one of the most maddening things. I could rarely ever field a punt because their gunners were on me before the ball got there totally unrealistic. Once in a while they do get there due to the punt but not every time and more often than not in the past the result was a fumble recovery for a TD... no halo penalty for hitting me as the ball got there to cause the fumble. The only way to have a fighting chance was to fair catch or to set punt block and force max protect. This year I'm actually able to field and make an attempt at a return. The pre-snap ajustment controlls are taking some getting used. Like press coverage I hit the button and move the appropriate thumb-stick shown on screen and nothing happens. Should be Y then thumb-stick down Yet I see no movement by the defense? fatigue is it just me or is the fatigue set way too high. color key on the play calling chart dark green best, light green slight fatigue, yellow/orange fatigued, red very fatigued. after one run play Matt Forte shows up on the chart as orange.... what the heck? How can you be fatigued after one play? Perfect weather conditions and it wasn't even a tough run barely touched outside run for about 5/6 yards. I've turned the fatige slider down from 50 to 25 and will have to see if that helps but seems like players are getting fatigued far to quickly. I could see it if it was a long sustained drive where I ran the ball a lot but after one play is not realistic at all.
  23. But hey he's consistent... he hit two of those 49er defenders in stride. The other one had to adjust to the ball. I'm sure Kyle will work on that this week. Simms is probably thinking... I have a golden opportunity.
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