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Everything posted by BearFan2000

  1. I'd prefer the division. Both those teams are warm weather teams and a game in Jan in Soldier will be anything but warm. The second one would place us at the scene of the crime where the Bears blew the chance to control their own destiny. Revenge could be a theme either way. We didn't play the cowgirls this year but I think they will remember last years matchup and the cowgirls is a team that the Bears don't like.... then again not many like the cowgirls.
  2. I second that, Merry Christmas to all of you in the Armed Forces you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Come home safe.
  3. They made the point durring the Queens game how quiet the crowd was Viking's fans have gotten used to watching their team show promise and then collapse Imagine if they do in fact loose to the Giants and we win out. We take the division they are stuck at home when they were in the driver seat. LOL I can't imagine a more deserving fate for the Queens. Not sure who I'm pulling for tonight other than having picked the Giants in the pick 'ems. The winner will have home field throughout the NFC playoffs. I'd almost rather see that be the Giants than the Panthers.
  4. In that Wild Card scenario obviously we need wins against GB and Houston. But do we need both Dallas and Tampon Bay to loose or would one of those two losses suffice? I could see the cowgirls loosing but Oak beating TB? They did beat Houston so any given Sunday.
  5. We both posted the same thing at about the same time. I thought my post had disappeared but then saw they were combined. We know you're not an idiot. Been an exciting day. I'd have never imagined we'd get everything we needed. The Vikings deserved to lose that game. Practically gift wrapped it. They had a golden opportunity to make our game meaningless but fumbled it away. We win on Monday week 17 will be interesting
  6. Everything we needed to happen today happened. Dallas Lost Tampa Lost Philly Lost Minny Lost Now the Bears need to take care of business on Monday Night and they are one step closer to the playoffs.
  7. Game over!!!! Vikes lose, Eagles lose, Dallas lost, Tampa Lost. Could get very interesting. No way do they overturn that and give Philly a TD
  8. I missed most of the 4th. Power went out again.
  9. What an entertaining contest. Someone needs to tell Ryan you don't dive for the End zone that far out. That could have been a costly turnover. Dallas lost, Tampa Lost Minny's loosing, Philly's loosing.
  10. A truly bizarre game so far. Vikings have tried hard to gift wrap it for the Falcons but they can't increase the lead. Thought that last 4th and short should have been a first down. That was a bad spot.
  11. Vikings are their own worst enemy. They are a turnover machine
  12. Rather have seen them score a TD that was a give up play on 3rd and goal. But 17-7 at half is good. Who gets the ball to start the second half?
  13. Berrian coughs it up and the Falcons get a huge turnover. Go Birds
  14. so far Tampa is doing their part they trail the Chargers 14 - 7 and the Chargers are in the red zone
  15. I agree, we joke about the coaches excuse always being we just need to execute better but there is some truth to that. There's plenty of blame to go around both players and coaches. Like the defense I've harped on it all year and that is we don't seem to know how to tackle we try to arm tackle, hit the player to the ground, or just outright take a bad angle. These are basic things that should not be a problem at the pro level. If the scheme puts you out of position that's one thing but if you put yourself out of position by not executing the basics of football that's another. Drops by WR's where the ball hits you in the hands or is catchable should be caught, period. You are paid to run routes, get open and catch the ball.
  16. point is it should have never come to that play.
  17. We have the weather that is being called for in Chicago right now. Ice storm Thurs/Friday with a snow chaser on Saturday. Temps at or below zero with wind chills 10 - 20 degrees below. It is brutal out there. I've been without electricity for most of the day till about 11:45 am. Bundle up it's going to be insanely cold.
  18. Honestly, this doesn't feel like a 10 win team even if they reach that mark. It's almost like losing a game where the final score was no indication of how badly you were dominated. I think a 10-6 record would sugar coat the train wreck that this season has felt like. Maybe that's just me but it I'd feel that record is a bit empty. It's frustrating to know though that the talent is there that this could be a team with a better record and having confidence about a playoff spot, but instead we have a team that has underachieved and coached by living brain donors who's only chance at the playoffs is to back in due to a collapse of the team they are trailing. Let's be honest here this is a poor to mediocre team who's record may make them appear more competent than they are. Don't get me wrong though if we do win out and Minn. collapses I'll cheer my heart out in the playoffs but I don't think they deserve to go. I think there are aspects of this team that are salvageable. Offense A solid OL would do wonders for the Offense both in the run game and the passing game. A couple solid WR's would do wonders as well for the run game, pass game, and Kyle. Overall, the offense has been a surprise this year, though I am getting a little unnerved by the frequency of recent turnovers. Defense Our secondary needs help, I'm not real sure where I'd start. Both Peanut and Vash have played below par this year. Brown has been healthy but isn't having the impact he normally has. I think Payne has potential. We need to address our secondary this offseason. D-Line and Backers Leave the LB's alone Briggs, Url, and Roach I'm ok with. D-Line I think the talent is there. Problem with the D is the schemes and coaching is a joke so it's hard to tell if the talent is lacking or if it's more a case of a coach who hasn't a clue how to effectively use that tallent. I'm inclined to believe the latter. Special Teams Well, they haven't been all that special this year. We've had one return for a TD this year and it wasn't Hester. I've about gotten to the point where I don't want to see Hester back there returning anything not even retrieving the kicking tee as he'd probably drop it 10 years backwards. I have no idea what this kid is thinking.... actually I hope he isn't thinking because I've yet to figure out what his logic is. Last two years he was lightning in a bottle... this year he's disaster waiting to happen. Part of the problem is that we draft this kid and he sets records for return TD's and he's so fast it looks like everyone else is going in slow motion. The temptation is to think let's invent ways to get the ball in his hands... let's make him a WR. This used to be a team built on Defense, Run game, and solid to exceptional special teams. The Bears reached the super bowl with a team that dominated you on defense, made just enough plays on offense that was set up with good field position by stellar special teams.
  19. All they have to do is lose both remaining games, we win out and we're in. Taking notes Santa? I've been good this year.... honest. Go Birds
  20. Officiating this year in general has sucked. I don't buy the conspiracy against the Bears You can watch any game and there are atrocious calls being made or missed that have huge impact on the game. I realize they are only human and are capable of mistakes but the sloppy officiating this year seems like it's been especially bad and most importantly has been inconsistent from game to game, week to week. As a player it's got to be even more frustrating to not know where that line is what will be call PI this this play, quarter, half, game, week, etc, may not be called PI the next play, quarter, half, game, week etc. I think it's a bigger issue that there seems to be no continuity or consistency to the way games are called. It's frustrating to watch a play where your D-Line gets held blatantly in the backfield and then your DB gets called for a questionable PI on the same play. Often it is a wash as it's bad both ways usually, but as fans of a particular team we tend to only notice when they miss a call or make a "bad" call that hurts our team. I know I can get sucked into that thinking when I watch a game.
  21. I know it's cliche but stranger things have happened. Of the two scenarios I'd say the most likely is a Vikings loss and us winning out and taking the division. Just too many if's the other way around. I totally agree with Briggs comments after the game. Their backs are against the wall by their own doing but they have to do their part in winning out to have a chance. I like that he realizes that it's their own fault they are in this situation and had they played like they are capable of they'd have been in a much better spot but you can't change that all you can do keep fighting. The Packers game you'd think we should win. I thought we had a shot at winning at cheez land prior to that game also and we got owned by a team that a week later embarrassed themselves. The Packers are an enigma much like the Bears it all depends on which team shows up. After that we travel to Texas to take on a Texan team that is better than many give credit for the game is on turf so there shouldn't be the slipping problems we've seen at Soldier. Of the two remaining games this one worries me me the most.
  22. I'm Jacked getting set to hopefully watch the game on www.channelsurfing.net It must be the right spot because they have the Thursday night Football logo and just showed the Bears players momentarily. 30 more min till go time. This should be a playoff-like atmosphere. BEAR DOWN!!!!
  23. I agree, it's so refreshing to see a young kid get a chance and find success but remain humble and maintain a respect for the game, his teammates, and coaches. The kid is mature beyond his years. Hopefully he becomes a household name in Chicago. I LOL when I read Benson's comments "I'd have had 1,800 yards at this point, at least 1,500" Yeah right. The only thing bigger than his ego is his mouth. In 4 seasons he's racked up a massive 1,985 yards. Just a case of Jealousy
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