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Everything posted by BearFan2000

  1. Saints struggle in this game on the road in freezing cold. But the final score is close. The Bears do what they do best. Start out with a lead and then go to sleep the rest of the day and hope it's enough. 27 - 24 Bears
  2. Looks like I'll need tonight's game, it's only on direct TV and NFL Network. Here's my email address: mdrarick@yahoo.com Thank you so much. Bear Down!!!
  3. Every game I hope the same thing for all 11 playing on defense. Yet, I'm frequently disappointed. Here in Chicago we think we can hit you to the ground or arm tackle. We also leave our feet early and make anyone look awesome. The whole team needs to get better and more disciplined at tackling. I'd start fining each and every player who misses a tackle.
  4. this game is a perfect example of no killer instinct. We jump out to a 20-3 lead and go into hibernation at halftime and it takes us giving up the TD after several half hearted efforts before we start to try and get aggressive again on offense. It's not a light switch that you just turn on or off at will. When you pack it in on offense the way we did in the second half it's very difficult to find a rhythm again. Plus while you struggle it gives them confidence to keep fighting. We should have come out of the gate in the second half and stomped on them there there would be no chance of coming back. We did the same thing against the Lambs. We jump out to a lead and get complacent almost like we think they won't catch up. How many times does this strategy have to bite us before we learn. We got away with it in S. Louis, and today but. Because those teams just plain suck. In this game mercy will get you no where, when you have a team on the ropes finish them off.
  5. I'm glad I checked the local listings the local CBS station is going to carry the game. TV schedule that EyeTV shows listed a different game. So I'll be good for this game but the one I will need will be the Monday night game vs the Packers. GO BEARS!!!
  6. Are you still recording the games on DVD? If you are and could make a copy I'll pay you.
  7. What is it with Chicago OC's? They fall in love with one play that never seems to work. In the chat room before the play I asked for the over under on the FB dive and sure enough we run it. It's one thing to give it to a guy who has SOME experience but we give it to a guy who is playing his first game here as a FB...... RON YOU ARE NOT CLEVER!!! YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!
  8. What a game. The second half that the Pukers had I thought the Panther's would choke. If it wasn't for Steve Smith the Packers win this game. That was a heck of a catch inside the 5. The throw was behind him, and he grabs it and maintains possession and gets it inside the 1. That defensive stand prior to that to hold GB to a FG was the difference. Not sure what GB was thinking with the play calling there. They had been killing the Panthers with the play action in the red zone then they run the same play back to back and get stuffed twice. It was an entertaining game and now the Packers playoff hopes are all but gone and you know who has the Jets in first place. Carolina did their part and put the Packers away now the Bears need to do their part and put the Queens away. Tonight is a golden opportunity to put ourselves in the driver seat for the division title. Can we do it? If we do it will be the biggest win of Kyle's career. The Metrodome is a tough place to play but if we can keep the crowd out of the game but getting out on top early with a fast start I think we have a good shot at 7-5.
  9. Personally I almost think that he's trying to keep from getting injured in the return game and putting all his effort in to the WR position. It does seem like he is simply doing either one of three things, running straight into the crowd and getting tackled, trying to makes something happen when it's not there and hurting field position, or fair catching inside the 20. There have been numerous times where he'd catch it and head to toward the sideline and get tackled I'd be watching and thinking 3/4 of the field is vacant because everyone is converging on one guy... bounce it back to the open field and turn on the jets. To be fair though that's me watching on TV and looking at the play from a birds eye view and on the field that may not look like a good option. I think that three things are in play here. 1. The blocking isn't as good as it has been 2. Hester isn't giving everything to the return game as he was when he was not a WR. 3. The cat's out of the bag, unlike the Bears other teams do watch film and are doing a better job of containing him.
  10. that doesn't suck? What a pathetic atrocious display of crap and ineptitude.
  11. With Rex starting Bears 12 Packers 31 Offense provides a TD off of a short field after a turnover. The only other points the offense manages is a meaningless Field goal. Defense gets a safety. But the Packers take advantage of our inept offense and the D struggles to keep us in the game and eventually loosing the battle. The game is close for a while but then the flood gates open. With Kyle Bears 28 Packers 17 Orton still recovering from the ankle will require more focus on protection, quick passes, and the run game. Forte has another solid day on the ground. The offense being more balanced puts up 3 TD's 2 passing and one rushing TD. Hester gets his first TD return of the season appropriately at the same place that he got his first career return for a TD. The packers make a valiant effort after the Bears jump to a 21-3 lead but come up short.
  12. Maybe Rex thinks he's playing DB in Babich's defense and is simply employing the bailout technique and adapting it to the QB position.
  13. It was a self perpetuating problem. They got pinned deep and kept going three and out so what do expect when Brad is consistently punting from the end zone. They are going to get the ball back at mid field or on your side of the field. So what if you hold them they pooch punt it and pin you deep again. I don't have the interest to go back and watch but I'd be curious to know how much of the game time wise was spent on the Bears side of the 50. To blame bad field position in this game holds little credibility. it's like me putting my hand in boiling water and whining cause it's hot. If you get pinned deep and can't move the chains how do you expect to not have bad field position. IMO quit blaming the result of your own ineptitude and do something about it. I don't know maybe complete some of those passes, make good decisions, etc. It's also play calling Rex had a good first drive and then the offense went into hibernation after that. Watching this game it seemed like we were polar opposites of the Titans. We had success running and we were stuffing their running game which I believe was 3rd in the league. However that success at running the ball and our ability to stop the run was negated by our lack of ability in the passing game and their success in the passing game. So what if we stopped their run game we made Kerry Collins look like Joe Montana despite the fact that they are likely the one team in the league who might be able to challenge us for the worst WR corp in the league. We made little or no adjustment to how they were attacking us. On you saw what a quality coordinator does when somethings not working Tenn abandoned the run game for the most part and went with what was working. When they were picking us appart we continued to stack the box, why? By contrast we continued to throw despite the fact that Rex couldn't hit the broad side of the barn. Watching this game got me to thinking about the differences between Rex and Orton. I get the sense that Kyle can do more with less in the passing game than Rex can. Let's face it we don't exactly have a who's who of receivers. We have backups masquerading as starters. Booker was good once but he simply doesn't have it anymore. Davis is so so. Olsen IMO has made up for some of his past mistakes by making some pretty athletic catches which a couple of those he turned into first downs. Hester is really surprising me with his development I no longer think of him playing WR as a gimmick and more of it as a legit WR. Loyd is still not playing, Clark has been steady. IMHO Rex will only thrive in a system where all the other pieces are in place, meaning solid line, top quality receivers, solid run game. We have a line that's played better than expected, a respectable running game, and mediocre overall receiver corp. It seems like Orton gets more out of this offense as it stands than Rex does. I've been a fan of Rex in the past. He's got the tools and skills, he's got the arm. What he seems to lack is the tool that counts the brains. I just question whether he has the mental fortitude to handle the QB position in the NFL. We all know he's done in Chicago... I might go as far as to say he's done in the NFL. I'm sure someone will sign him but I just don't see him returning to anywhere near the success he had early in 2006.
  14. That is good to hear. I felt horrible for him when he was carted off. He looked so dejected and understandably so. Finally get your shot, and find success only to have something like that happen. It was similar to the way Rex looked when he had is second major injury. He tried to walk on it and then went down again and was visibly in tremendous pain. I'm hoping it is a minor thing and that he will be back soon. He has really taken over the offense it's truly his team and he has earned the respect of coaches, teammates, fans, and others around the league. Get well Kyle, we need ya.
  15. Yeah, it's a bit early to speculate on time till the MRI results are known. Durring the game they were saying ankle, from the replay it almost looked more like it would a knee but we know we won't get much beyond a general answer from Lovie. Either way I hope it isn't major and I hope he gets back on the field soon.
  16. The booing didn't start till he had a few bad plays sure some of it may be unfair but let's be honest he's done in chicago he will not get a fair shake from here on out but much of the ill feelings of the fans is his own doing. People are on the Orton band wagon because he has earned that respect. Let's be honest here I for one and I know I'm not alone I didn't expect Orton to come out and play as well as he has this year. I assumed going into the season the offense would suck, the defense would be strong but would eventually wear down due in large part to offensive ineptitude. In some respects I didn't think of Orton as a real starting QB in this league let alone one of the better ones. He has earned my respect with his play on the field and he has been showing steady improvement this season I now firmly believe that Orton is the better QB between him and Rex. I felt Rex did ok, he looked shaky throwing the ball what was his strength which is the the deep ball he overthrew on those passes he had some that could have been picked. The INT was a tipped ball so I don't count that one against him. He had is moments and I will say he did enough good things to help us come back and win it in the second half. Though I wouldn't get too high on coming back from 10 points down in the second half to beat a winless team. I suspect he will start against Tenn. let's se how he does when we face a real defense. IMHO ripping on fans for getting behind Orton is to me a bit classless. The guy has earned respect from Bears fans and the League because of his play on the field. He's earned the respect and deserves it. While I agree that booing Rex is silly and counter productive but if he doesn't have thick enough skin to take the good with the bad then he's in the wrong sport or the wrong city. Fans fork over a lot of money to see men play a kids game and when they don't like what they see they have every right to voice their displeasure. I myself wouldn't express that by booing but that's me. To be honest when Orton went down my first thought was "so much for the offense, and the way the defense has played we are doomed." Which is something I never thought would cross my mind before the season started. My expectations on Kyle and the offense were so low at that point but now I've come to expect a higher level of play. At the point where Kyle went down I felt like I was going to see a game like the Minny game where the defense wouldn't stop anything and the offense would have to carry the team. Kyle going down to me meant the offense would come to a halt. Rex does deserve some props for coming in cold off the bench and helping to put this game in the win column. His performance wasn't spectacularly good but fortunately wasn't spectacularly bad either. Forte had a huge second half, and the defense finally stepped up a bit.
  17. Heck, we could use some pass rush
  18. I thought too there should have been a flag Orton was on the ground out of bounds and what's his name fell on him anyway. Rex looked a little shaky on his passes the pick was a tipped ball but again not a very accurate throw. The QB sneak from about a yard out on 3rd and goal was an odd call but fortunately Rex got it in. So... both our QB's had rushing TDs. I felt they should have tried to get Forte a TD on that drive. He was the reason that drive was successful. At halftime I felt we were going to lose and lose big because our D wasn't showing up and with Kyle going down I was concerned about the Offense. I must say Kudos to the D for stepping up more in the second half and Rex doing a decent job filling and major Kudos to the line and Matt Forte who had a career day rushing the ball. It was ugly but was a win. We are still in first place though I thought we may be tied for first and Green Bay darn near knocked off Tenn. And we get to play Tenn next week.
  19. I'm going to start growing a neckbeard in honor of the Captain. Hey, I'm single I can get away with it. I've been very impressed with him on the field and off the field. Each week he looks more the leader and I like how he isn't getting full of himself. I think that's part of what caused Rex to be so unstable after the Arizona game. Orton was the starter in 2005 though many of us forget that by the time the Atlanta game at Soldier Field people were tired of the anemic offense and were thrilled to see Rex start the second half and instantly we started moving the ball. From that Moment on Orton has not even had an opportunity to crack the starting lineup and somewhat became a forgotten man. Fast forward to 2008 and we have a competition between the two. Some of us are not sold that it was actually a competition but that's in the past and I do think Orton is proving that he was the better QB of the two. For a lot of us and media it can be easy to thing of 2005 when we think of Kyle but I think he's done well to shake off that "game manager" title almost like some (I'm just being general here) may have had the impression that he wasn't a real quality starter type of QB and but rather a backup waiting to have his training wheels taken off. I didn't think he'd be putting up the numbers he is I bought into the game manager. I imagined words like safe, basic, effective but not impressive. He's so far proven that he is that and much more. His pocket presence alone is leaps and bounds above Rex's. His decision making is very good, he doesn't seem to get flustered or loose control. That was one of the big knocks on Rex if everything went well he was fine but he would get flustered the moment things started going bad. It tells me that he wasn't just planning his next night at the bar while sitting on the sidelines he was very actively involved in what was going on and was studying. I'm glad he got his chance to show that he's not the restricted player that he was in 2005. But that he is capable of leading the offense. Keep it up Kyle
  20. The guy has been MIA in the offense for the most part till he was involved a few times this week. In past seasons he was our go to guy. Is it that Kyle's comfort level with Olsen is higher than his comfort level with Clark? Or is Des just not as sharp this year. He had what could have been a very boneheaded mistake by getting the ball punched out at the end of that reception. He owes Davis dinner for saving his arse by following the play. Just seems like he's been non-existent for the most part. I had thought they'd lean on him more then they have.. and maybe he had a slow start but is coming on.
  21. I bid on and won an Xbox Elite from eBay. Tracking number only states that shipping information is received. $232.50 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=160292499102 As of yet I don't have any Xbox 360 games other than the obvious Madden 09 any good game suggestions? Also will I be able to play my old Xbox games on the new system?
  22. I agree on never wanting to look past a game but the Lions are the official black hole of the NFL. On good thing about Williams going to Dallas.... well actually two things, first we won't have to watch this idiot stretch his arm out signaling a first down wether they are ahead or getting pummeled by 40 points twice a year. Second is that he's left one sinking ship to jump onto another. They already have one Prima Dona WR whining about not getting the ball, now they have two Prima Dona's whining about not getting the ball and they gave up picks and cash which the picks are a waste anyway as Detroit will squander them. I think it would be a good opportunity to rest them again. Ok to let them practice but let them get completely healed and ready. Besides our young guys could use some more live game reps. We're going to need Tillman, Vasher, Hester, and Lloyd the next week when we play Tenn. Actually no real need to lie just be honest we are giving them an extra week off to rest and get healthy and get our young guys some more experience. Anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out the reasoning and strategy that if there were a game you could afford to give these guys a week off it would be against the Lions. My guess though... if they are healthy they'll play.
  23. it sure is. Not just here in Chicago. Look at Dallas getting owned by freakin' St. Louis, The packers beating up on a Colts team that looked pathetic. Three weeks in I was way ahead in the margin pool and now I'm 35 pts behind first place. I've picked some real dogs lately in both the regular pool and the margin pool. Now it's going to be two weeks before there's another Bears game..... I will say though as banged up as the D is the bye week couldn't have come at a better time.
  24. Agree as well as we were throwing the ball and scoring on offense I never quite felt comfortable particularly in the 4th Qtr. It seemed as well as the offense did we could never pull away because the Defense would allow them to tie it up. When we were up 17 in the 4th and then we gave up a FG, then a TD, the whole time I was thinking screw run time off the clock we need points we need padding. I had visions of us giving up that 17 pt lead and losing this game. The only time I felt remotely comfortable was when we first went up 17. But we got conservative, I wanted us to keep pushing. just under 8 min in the game is not the time you decide let's just run as much clock as possible. On Minny's TD drive I thought they wasted an awful lot of clock to do it.
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