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Everything posted by BearFan2000

  1. To quote Butthead. This sucks more than anything has ever sucked before. We had them down 24 -14 with just over 3 min left and couldn't finish the deal. We let them drive at will and put up 10 unanswered points to force over time, then we nearly gave them the win in OT if not for the grounding penalty then we pin them deep, stop them then get a stupid freakin personal foul, that gives them a fee first down then we let them drive the length of the field give them a chip shot FG to win. We are 1-2 and should be 3-0 but we can't get out of the way of our own stupidity. We suck worse than any freaking team in the leage. We are a sick joke of a team I'm getting sick of watching this crap.
  2. Agree, it doesn't quite fit the album or it's namesake songs. If it was named anything else I'd probably not make any connection to The Unforgiven or the Unforgiven II. The piano intro threw me but I've grown to really like that song. But it is the odd ball track out of a very fast and heavy album. But even Ride the lightning had it's ballad in Fade to Black. I wasn't sure what to expect with the new album. Would it be another disappointment. So much hype about getting back to their roots but they said that last time and we got St. Anger which could have been called St. Chaos. I saw Some Kind of Monster and thought "they are done." The band that were the masters of metal were going down in flames. Seeing videos of them now the group seems to be having fun again and are more cohesive than they've been in a long time. Rick Rubin's done a great job at helping refocus them. The other relief has been that Jame's vocals don't sound like the tortured animal that they did in St. Anger and in many of the live performances I've seen on youtube. Gone are the painful vocals, paint can drums, cruddy production, etc. Back are the shredding solos, fast tempos, real drums, solid vocals, harmony guitars, crushing riffs, crazy tempo changes. It's kind of like listening to Lightning, Puppets, and Justice for the first time. You have to listen to it a few times not because your trying to force yourself to like it but to absorb all that's going on. Rubin's comment about them getting back to the essense of Metallica is a fitting way to describe the album. There's a little bit of everything in here. IMHO it's probably closest to the direction they were heading with puppets before Cliff died. The next album should be interesting. Just hope it's not another 5 years. They aren't getting any younger and neither am I LOL.
  3. He left the game on a cart with a rib injury?
  4. That second Olsen turnover was not a forced fumble. Olsen lost control of the ball all by himself. Harris was in the area and held him down so his teammate could pick up the ball but he didn't force the fumble. I'd have to see the first one again to be know for sure but the announcers were sure giving him all the props. That's not to say that he sucks or that he doesn't deserve credit he has turned out to be a solid player. Cutting him was a mistake and it was even worse when we then had musical safties due to injuries.
  5. We should have kept Polite and cut McKlutz
  6. The miracle catch in 2001 vs the Noners was David Terrell. That brought us within 2 pts and then Anthony Thomas ran it in for the 2pt conversion to tie the game at 31 all. But point taken. I hope that it is a defining moment of the season in a positive way that wakes everyone up that they all have to do their part and contribute. That we had the lead and momemntum and then snatched a loss out of the jaws of victory. Today should be a wake up call that we can't get a lead and just sit and coast and hope you can ride out a win. The offense went into a shell and and when they needed to step up they failed. Olsen is a recieving TE which means he should be used to catching the ball and being tackled he needs to secure the ball. Once you might be able to forgive but twice in one half on plays that looked very similar. This cost us points and in turn cost us the game. In close games everyone needs do their part. Mistakes in games like this are magnified and become turning points in a game. Till that point we had just scored off of an awsome INT by Tillman and had Carolina on their heels. We were moving the ball then Olsen caughs it up and they score 10 straight points. We are now on our heels and they are gaining confidence on each play. The tired Defense surrenders a TD and just like that we're down 3 with just over 3 min remaining and we had two offensive possessions where we did nothing. The last posession we had good starting field position and only needed to get into FG range to tie it up and we couldn't even do that.
  7. I blame them all, each and every one of them. This defense deserves better. They and the special teams have to play a flawless game for us to even have a fighting chance and that is ridiculous. We kept running the same plays that failed over and over. I thought Shoop was dumb, Turner's giving him a run for his money. Orton can't hit the broad side of the barn on the deep ball, and he wasn't much better with the short game.... He is Shane Mathews. I thought to myself on those long balls Rex probably would have completed a few of them. Forte was having success and then we stop feeding him the ball when we are trying to hang onto a lead.
  8. I lost count of how many wasted plays that we ran in the second half. That stupid quick throw to the WR for little or no gain, the Long moon ball that never got within 5 yards a of the receiver. It's like what was working in the first half we completely avoided in the second half. It was maddening to watch. Then the two big Olsen turnovers killed us late. We gave them 10 pts. The defense gave up the winning drive but had we not given them 10 pts off turnovers before that it would have been a moot point. This was one of the more aggravating games I've watched in a while. We were in control of the game and then gave it away. We should be 2-0 but Honestly with that Effort we deserved to lose. I called it game over with over 12 min left unless our Defense scored cause we sure as hell weren't' going to get it done on offense. I knew I had to pay for having my Irish win 35-17 against Michigan.
  9. Anyone else digging the new Metallica album? This is everything St. Anger was supposed to be which failed miserably. I think of Anger as the potential good album that never was. Finally Metallica is sounding like their old selves again. Just wondered if there were any other fans on this site. I'm working on an acoustic cover/interpretation of The Day That Never Comes that I intend to record in Garage Band. Some this stuff would make nice background music for some Bears highlight footage.
  10. My vote is in, or should I say votes. I'm voting from a couple different computers at work and will vote again when I get home. Bump this thread and vote early and often
  11. Definitly don't miss the moose droppings. And as for Berrian he got his cash, guess it's true money doesn't buy happiness it only rents it. Kinda makes the Vikings front office look stupid paying all that money to Berrian without having anyone to throw him the ball.
  12. Thanks, whatch me reverse that record next week LOL I couldn't believe it when I was 9-1 after the early games. there were quite a few of us in that in that 10-13 win area week 1 is always a crap shoot. The NE game I thought the spread was too high, I never expected the Seachickens to get beat by Barfalo, and I figured the GB/Minny game would be a toss up (turned out to be a litteral truth as Jackson tossed it up and GB got lucky).
  13. You're buddy's point is valid. When it happened it reminded me of the missed FG return agains the Giants. Which that worked because the opposing place kicking unit isn't expecting to have to cover a return. In this case a return was expected and then waiting made our guys stop blocking. When your teammates are in the dark you also run the risk of a block in the back penalty or hold because the thought process becomes "oh crap I gotta block someone now". If his teammates were expecting him to do that it would have had a chance. I realize half the time he's back there he's making it up as he goes. At that point in the game we had the momentum coming out of halftime and they turn that mistake into 7 points off a short field. If he was going to return it he should have taken off the moment he caught it.
  14. DA BEARS!!! I loved the post game interviews of Forte and Urlacher. Url was waiting for that question, you knew she was going to ask it because all the "expert" figured the Bears wouldn't be much more than a small bump in the road for the Colts. They instead turned out to be a road block. GO BEARS!!!
  15. I've said many times this kid has what it takes to be a special player. 100 yards in one half. Did we have a single back get 100 yards in a full game once all last season? I think not. GO FORTE, GO BEARS!!! Entertaining game so far.
  16. I'm happy with my pick of Philly 35 point margin of victory pretty darn good. A little concerned about my survivor Pick. Cards are trailing the noners. I certainly didn't expect the Bills to take care of the Seachickens. Clevelend with a good chance to tie Dallas and no score in the carolina/sandy eggo game.
  17. Turner owned them. Then watching the shouting matches on the sidelines. Let's just hope we aren't equally embarrassed of our Defense tomorrow morning.
  18. I'm thinking of signing up for NFL Field Pass so I can listen to the Bears broadcast call rather than the idiots that normally call the games. I do have a program that can record audio from an application so the thought came to mind to record the games and replace the audio with the Bears announcers. Would make for a cool option on a DVD to select either the original broadcast audio or the Bears call. I can usually get the broadcast on the radio but the signal comes and goes. Has anyone here had it in the past, has it this year and has an opinion on whether it's worth it or not?
  19. It sure was. It's a perfect example of what you tell young QB's not to do, but he does it and it's a TD LOL
  20. Offense I look for Forte/Jones combo, Orton, and Davis to shine. Davis has not gotten much notice the whole time he has been here but I think this is the year he steps up and people around the league will be like "who is this guy?" Forte/Jones should be one to watch, there'll likely be jitters for both as Forte will be starting his first NFL game, and Jones as he want's to show the league that he's healthy and back. Orton will be opening the season as the starter for the first time since 2005 and will be looking to show that is in fact more developed than the Rookie who played in 2005. Any other solid contributions from the other receivers will be a welcomed addition. Indy does have a solid Defense so my hope is that the offense looks competent. Don't freak out if the first couple possessions are 3 and out or end in punts. There will be drives that will look ugly. I think that we shouldn't freak out if the offense takes a few possessions to get into a rythem or struggles early. There will be failed drives. I predict a game where the offense is a little up and down. If they can hold their own today i'll be happy. Defense What is there to say, they can't play like they did in the preseason. We do not have an offense that can carry this team. The defense has to be the one setting the tone early. They want people to think they are one of the best, they like to think of themselves that way. Well, there is no more room for excuses like it's just preseason. It's on like Donky Kong. They had better walk the walk now. All offseason they've been talking the talk it's time to put up or shut up. Indy's line is banged up, and so is Manning, the defense has an opportunity to be disruptive. But we need to take advantage of it. Dusty and Harrison could both make a name for themselves today. Having a rookie center is big risk. The center is the one that calls the protection at the line. Watch for there to be some miscommunication on the line. If it were me I'd have my D-Line and LB to be moving around a lot presnap. Give the kid a lot of false looks. I want to see the Colts looking unsettled. Confusion can be a great asset to the Bears Defense today.
  21. Nice long bomb. Wouldn't it be funny if he has a a lot of success as a jet and the Packers who came close to a super bowl appearance struggles all year with Rodgers at QB. I say it's about time the Packers realize what the rest of the league deals with when trying to find that QB. Flipping back and fourth between the Falcon/Lions game and the Jets game. Detroit getting owned by a crapy Atlanta team. I should have picked Atlanta as my margin pool pick. Who'da thunk it? LOL
  22. As would most of us here Pix. I think Forte can be special. No one will ever take Walter's place but I think he could be one of the better backs that we've had in a long while. It was a shame that Anderson's was cut short by injuries. He had a lot of talent.
  23. Agree and also while we are talking about getting pressure up the middle. The defense MUST NOT lose outside contain. Indy has a much better offensive coordinator than we do and will likely run more plays to the outside knowing that interior blocking may be questionable. I don't want us so focused on pressure inside only to get beat all day on the outside. We didn't do well with outside contain during the preseason.
  24. Very glad indeed and also surprised hearing all the reports that the Bears were only going to keep 2 QBs and that it would be likely that Hanie would be the odd man out. Which given our lack of ability to find talent at that position and his performance in the preseason, it seemed absolutely asinine to chance him clearing waivers and then surviving on our practice squad. So glad to see he will make the roster. I assume he'll be #3 behind Rex at #2 and Orton at #1, unless we deal Rex in some way by either cutting him or trading him. This was the move I was hoping they would make I would have been upset had they let him walk. He's earned a spot on the 53 man roster so it was the right decision.
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