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  1. I think Poles has hit on more than he's missed. We don't really know if Poles originally chose Flus, but he did choose to not go in a different direction this year. I can see why, because the trajectory from last year looked good. My main thoughts from Monday night is, do we now take Caleb out of the firing line, because I cannot see what he's going to learn or gain from playing out and getting pulverized behind this porous offensive line. Describing them as being offensive is the right word choice, because its been criminal if any of them think they have offered any level of protection to him this year. I would be happy with putting all of this years’ resources into O line because they have been shocking in the run and passing game.
  2. I don't know why we are focusing on Edwards’ play when we have have done next to nothing on offense and they haven't done nothing to help the defense. Am I right this is the 2nd blank on the first half this year.
  3. The first half is about as bad as it gets. How Poles has neglected or chosen poorly in the draft or free agency on the O-line is criminal. If we are going to be successful is there anyone on the O-line including the depth that has the ability to become good to elite. I think that's doubtful. I thought the O-line contributed to Fields’ poor play and I think their terrible performance this year and what Caleb has been subjected to is a confirmation. I just hope the sacks he has taken this year does not have a permanent effect on his career.
  4. That pass to DJ Moore was special. The Bears have shown pride in the 2nd half. If we win this, my friends in the USA are going to have a sweet Thanksgiving Day.
  5. I only watch the Bears games so I'm a bit biased. Is there any teams that gets stiffed as much as the Bears by the officials. The horse collar tackle is another horse shit call.
  6. Oh and happy Thanksgiving to you all in the USA. Hope you all have a great festive holiday and enjoy your turkey with all of the trimmings
  7. Nice to see the offensive qplayers showing a bit of pride. WRs completing their routes and fighting for their QB. Hope Caleb is not hurt.
  8. I can't see where we have a good roster. I accept that coaching is important but what about a players pride. Where is our strength? All the WRs look bang average. We have a terrible O line. Wish we still had Montgomery over all of our backs. The defense is the only area of the team in which I think you could have confidence going into next season, other than Caleb who looks like he could be something.
  9. This season has gone south very quickly. I thought we might get close to the playoffs. Hope we haven't finally got the franchise QB and got nothing around him. We have flipped with the Lions to being a joke of a franchise. I'm 60 this year. Will I see another competitive team in my lifetime. I'm unsure. Never thought I would be wishing that my team was as good as the Lions. We are a complete shit show.
  10. I think the NFL know we have a franchise QB. I hope the management don't mess it up by not putting everything around him to win including the head coach and their staff.
  11. Worst drive by the defense came in overtime. What a shame. I thought we would get the win after we got the game into overtime.
  12. Missed the first 3 plays of over time and shocked we we re facing a 3rd and 26
  13. A long time since we have had an offense put together the performance we've seen in the last 2 drives. Might be looking better because I've been hitting the Jack Daniels tonight 🤣🤣
  14. What a comeback. Caleb has been fantastic and I will say we definitely win tonight. Watching in the UK so might be behind the game. Just watching the coin toss😁
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