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bear trap

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Everything posted by bear trap

  1. My two cent is this: It's football, yeah there will be tempers flaring, look at the fight that took place in baltimore's minicamp. People will do whatever they can do to get the coaches attention, and even if that means laying out a teammate so be it. It may not be the best way to get looked at, but that's the sport and that's how it's done. Also, I remember when the injury was announced and brown and urlacher discussed it. I recall them saying it really wasn't a hard hit and I believe benson even confirmed it. I mean c'mon do you honestly think that they were in the huddle saying "Okay guys let's seperate this prick's shoulder", I doubt it. Maybe something like: "Let's make this rookie earn his spot" , but to say they intentionally injured him is incredibly narrow sighted and there is a difference from roughing someone up and actually injuring him. Let's all keep in mind benson really wasn't as tough as adversided and I would have to say the beating and abuse he took in college hindered his development more than a seperated shoulder in 1 training camp. Either way he was the mark bradley of our running back corp and to blame his weakness on our own team is just stupid. Just another reporter trying to make another rift with the team and bensons supporter's excuse to being a bust.
  2. Yeah, I agree Jones is more similar to TJ than he is to cedric. He has higher top-end speed than TJ though and more wiggle than Benson. If I were to compare KJ to anyone it would be more like curtis martin in his prime except for the whole injury issue. KJ didn't get cut from det cause he couldn't handle being the Man , but more so that he just kept getting fluke injuries. Who know's maybe the worst of it is by him, just like hopefully with brown this year. Like I said if his contract is structured correcty with like brown's there would be no risk in signing him. Only reward if he does good. I think he's a better vet min sign than what B. Llyod was, and may just be enough to keep teams off balance with their constant blitzing of rex or kyle.
  3. I think depth wise we should either sign KJ or Lecharles B., whichever is the cheapest. I don't see us signing both because for some reason we can only sign T harris, B urlacher, and D Hester to large contracts whereas the raiders (their spending this offseason has been absolutley ridiculous I just don't get it) and so many other teams like indy(r.wayne,m.harrison,p.manning,d.freeney,bsanders just to name a few) can sign numersous multi-million dollar contracts but that's beside the point. So the question is what do we need more? KJ if healthy and w/a well structured contract could be a steal and make a great 1-2 punch that may keep teams from playing 8 in the box (lets face it every team in the leagues going to do this against a rookie). Yet there's the LB proposition, honestly do you guys think letting metcalf be the starting guard is a good idea? If I'm a def. coor I send the LBer straight through that glaring whole (met. and rookie) So who do you try for???? I say KJ, for these reasons: 1. He's calling us!!! He wants to come here and may be playing with a chip on his shoulder to not only prove to the lions they screwed up, but all of the teams who haven't made a legit run at him. (not to mention reports are he's making some good cuts on the vids he sent to all the teams. 2. When healthy he's a game changer, capable of breaking off large runs. 3. He's totally different from benson and leads me to believe that turner could not possibly be so transparent when he's on the field whereas whenever benson was out there it appeared like we'd run it. (let's face it he telegraphed the play to the other team by putting peterson in on most, not all , but most pass plays.) 4. Bentley would be a good pick-up if healthy and cheap, but at the same time we can also move st. clair in the LG spot and not see too much falloff. 5. Bentley's injury was career threatening, and stated he's about 75%, whereas KJ's saying he's good to go. 6. The team stated anymore this league requires two good running backs, and while I like AP, he doesn't have game changing speed, sure he works his butt off, but he isn't a rb that makes teams think twice about stacking the box against him. 7. KJ's reportedly seeking just above vet min, so I think if we made up for what he gets by taking the minimum by putting a lot into incentives much like we did with brown this year he may take it and if injured we protect ourselves. Everyone is argueing about how KJ wants to be the "man" and we drafted forte and that would not make sense. When was the last time we did that? Is comp supposed to be a bad thing??? I think it worked out pretty darn good for us in '06 and this combo has the pot. to be better.
  4. If we don't bring in a vet rb I hope we get a back-up guard or tackle... Hey I saw Q. Mitchelle just got released from the 49ers... Sorry I just had to!! The overall depth does really scare me more than anything though. Forte could be alright, but what happens if we lose both an o-line guy and one of the rb's like forte for example. It's bad enough that we're relying in Forte, but with the line in the shape it's in I would def consider signing one guy whether it's an ol or rb. My main preference is KJ cause I feel we could get him for the vet min and maybe give him bonuses on playing time and performance. Not to mention there's not too much out there as far as OL. Think about it if forte goes down do you feel comfortable with a peterson and wolfe combo with our line, not to mention they are older and have had their fair share of injuries the last couple of years (Tait to be specific).
  5. I really wish I had photo shop his face in that mcd's pic.... that'd be worth saving as a signature!!!
  6. Will go to..... And the result will be McDonald's adopting a new era of beer battered cheeseburgers and Ronald will be shown the door!!!
  7. I wouldn't say he was the best. We really screwed up with that pick and angelo knows it. We already had a good locker-room presence in TJ and I had felt no need to pick benson. I remember vividly: I was at my best friends house having the usual chips and chili-cheese dip, when they announced benson with our pick. I immediatly dropped my plate in disgust and looked at my friend and said WTF!!! He's a steelers fan and pays absolutely no attention to chicago his exact words were " Don't they have a pretty good rb, what's his name Jones?" So yeah I hated the pick from the very second it was announced, and really was hoping they'd call D. Johnson's name, and look now the guy is an all-around solid and fast linebacker that could have put pressure on briggs to not be a greedy jerk. Also we could have walked away with shawne merriman, so yeah we really did bite the bullet and in the end have nothing more than an empty wallet to show for it! Let's just hope that JA has finally learned his lesson and goes with a can't miss guy. I remember the analysists saying that benson has some character issues like his older brother ricky, here's to JA letting someone else make our first rd picks in the future.
  8. Like I said I would not be opposed to bringing in KJ if his base salary was low and he had some performance and attendance bonuses
  9. The one in blue has already signed back with indy and the ones in orange should never be in the same sentence with the words good running-backs
  10. You better change your rookie predictions, I bet forte goes for more than 750 now that he has the paddywagon out of his way.
  11. With benson gone now, does this mean that he'll not be on the bears on madden 09, I wasn't for sure when they make the final roster edits before the game comes out? If we're going to pick up a vet I hope we do it befor that final roster is made on the game.
  12. What was he doing 74 or 77 in a const. zone which is typically 45, that's not speeding that's an additional 10 over wreckless operation of a motorized vehicle. Sure he may or may not of ran the light, however he did admit to having 2-3 drinks and obviously drove while way past team curfew when on a 0 tolerance policy I'd still say his release was justified.
  13. No, because like many have said he may or may not have been guilty with the boating ordeal, however he was on a zero tolerance policy with it. 5 weeks later whether or not drunk a player on zero tolerance shouldn't be having 2-3 drinks then getting in their car and driving home at 3-4 in the morning. I don't care if he's acquited of both he still showed that he didn't give darn about what he , lovie, and JA talked to him about. If I was in his shoes you can guarantee it that I would make sure my butt's at home when consuming any alcohol and I surely wouldn't be running red lights at 3-4 in the morning after pulling his nascar stunt in the express way a few weeks ago. Just not a bright individual! Not to mention he said he was out to eat dinner with his girlfriend and had a few drinks so a man with an IQ over 1 asks her to bring him home and he could pick his car up in the morning, because he had too much held over his head with the previous bwi not even gone to court yet.
  14. Not saying we do in fact sign a vet but if we did who would you want? I personally want Jones. Sure he's comming off an injury, but with the right structured contract he could be had for a bargain. I like alexander and jordan, but fear that Turner would use them like he used benson. In on mostly running plays and a very minimum passing plays. This is what makes us so darn predictable. K. Jones would keep the opposing defense guessing, cause he's more rounded and accomplished at the passing game than alexander and jordan. If healthy I view a K jones and M Forte 1-2 punch much more powerful than what we had with TJ and Bumsen. Remember: Jones did break our streak of holding opponents without a rushing TD. He can be a good back and with an incentive contract based on games played and certain other acheivments he could be had for a good bargain and cut if injured ( kinda like what we did with brown). Seems like there's a win win situation, and I'd love for him to tick off the kitty fans twice a year.
  15. Who the f is Vinny Del Negro?????has he ever coached sounds familiar, but just doesn't come to mind.
  16. I like that idea. Maybe on the cheap side low base salary with games played incentives and performance incentives. If healthy he and forte could make a potent 1-2 punch and wouldn't he love giving it to the lions twice a year? That alone would motivate me to sign with the bears, and have a darn good season. It's good to know lovie's character issue holds true.
  17. No I believe in my world that if I was truely innocent I would take the damn test. Yeah there have been times I've been pulled over and asked to take the test. Instead of refusing and arguing about the results of my fst I took the stupid thing. People who believe they might be guilty take your way. I don't care how you see it if he truely believes he's done nothing wrong he takes the bac test and shuts everyone up and is released. Your opinion is that of a lawyer trying to protect their cleint who feels they may be borderline over the limit. So yeah benson took your approach cause he thought he may be over the limit. SO in all actuallity he did do something wrong. He drove and couldn't definitly justify being sober. After the first one that may not be a huge deal, but since he hasn't even gone to court for the first and now this it's a huge deal and should be taken care of. I don't care about the "could be off arguement of the breathalyzer or the bac test" Statistically they're more accurate than not, and if he was truely innocent he'd take it. And with the position he was already in there's only room for the truely innocent no if, ands, or maybes about it!!!!
  18. bear trap

    Benson's DUI

    Let's see here. At texas he was arrested for possession of mary jane, and breaking and entering. Then the boating ordeal. Then the speeding (gta style) at 2-3 in the morning. Then running a red light almost hitting a pedestrian at 3-4 in the morning. To me sounds like pretty damn good police work and pretty stupid of a professional athlete! Were you an intern to one of O.J.'s defense lawyers?
  19. Yeah, if my job was on the line I'd lie my butt off too! Just like briggs lied after his accident. The only difference is that briggs didn't wrap another car around a pole and run 5 weeks later. I'm really getting sick of this crap from these stars saying they are right. An innocent man would have taken the blood test and proved his innocence. It's like these guys think they can go out and drink and if they get pulled over refuse to do anything but the fst then claim they passed it, because they know they have the money to beat these things. I don't care anymore whether guilty or not. The moron was once again out until the hours of 3 - 4 in the morning and stated he had 2-3 which in reallity terms was probably 5-6 cause you always cut the number in half when in trouble and it was only 5 weeks after the prior arrest. Not to mention the whole speeding debacle, he hasn't and never will learn his lesson. I would hope that JA and Lovie aren't so stupid to buy into his B.S.!! Cut him take the cap hit and send the message to the other guys that you're not going to be a parole officer team! Pretty soon people are going to call us the bengals of the North.
  20. Hopefully they hurry up and cut benson so I don't have to waste a pause when subing forte in for benson on-line! That would definitly save me the hassle when playing madden 09. (yeah I'm stupid, I just can't play with anyone but the bears on-line even if I always lose.) Anyways, if (when!) he's cut I hope they hurry and pursue a vet like K. Jones so he can be added to the roster before the game comes out.
  21. You've officially been hired. When can you officiallly tell turner to get his things out?
  22. Amen my bear brother. I think everyone just got the wake-up call to take the trash to the curb!!
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