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bear trap

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Everything posted by bear trap

  1. Yeah, go tell that to Koren Robinsen, or Jerramy Stevens, or Jared Allen. I can't believe you are still in blind support of this loser! I will stop watching bears games if he's sporting a uni for us this year. I don't believe in showing support for someone who doesn't value the Priveledge to play in this league.
  2. "Austin police said Benson was driving a BMW through downtown Austin between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. Saturday." "They allege he ran a red light and he was pulled over near the intersection of 5th and Colorado streets, located in the heart of Austin's night life district, said police spokeswoman Veneza Aguinaga" "In an e-mail, Bassett said Benson was having a late dinner with his girlfriend, and that he had two or three drinks over the course of several hours. Bassett said Benson doesn’t believe he was intoxicated or impaired, and feels he passed the sobriety tests. “[benson] says that he did not run a red light and, though it is possible a pedestrian may have been improperly in the roadway when he went through an intersection, he does not remember coming close to anyone,” Bassett said. Bassett said Benson takes the charge seriously and is sorry he was out so late during training camp. He continues to remain dedicated to his team and the upcoming season, Bassett said." All I have to say is that is one helluva late dinner. He's a compulsive liar and will never take responsiblilty for his actions whether they're on the football field or in life in general. JA's comments makes me believe he'll be released after their "investigation is done" At least that's the way a read it. Good Riddance he did nothing but hold this team back for the last three years anyways. I'd rather us make an offer for alexander, or try for kevin jones. At least when healthy KJ can put up good numbers. I really would rather us take a chance on KJ maybe a low base salary with high playing and stat incentives!
  3. I know why Benson's smiling in the mug-shot. Just before the cop took the picture he Said: "Now say OVER PAID!"
  4. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt after the boating incident, since no one really knows what was said, then came the whole speeding thing at What time in the morning? Then comes this. And you are seriously making that statement. C' mon not every cop is out to screw you and this is just blind arrogance. He needs to be released, before he causes not only more fines to this team, but more distractions which is the most important thing to focus on. He's done I don't care what the results of the boating ordeal are. A month after his first brush and he's still being a moron. He's no professional and definitly no role model. JA and Lovie will lose any respect I have for them if they don't release him before next week's over!
  5. How about this one: Dave Toub: Played by: Farmer Fran:
  6. Now that is some funny shit!!! I don't know what's my favorite one the wolfe lookalike or the robbie gould. Heck even the T metcalf one is pretty darn good. I haven't laughed like that for a long, long, long time!!! Kudos, keep em coming!
  7. Yeah, the worst part of it was when the cops started to write up the court summons and went to hand it to me I was so shocked that I was getting in trouble and puzzled that they could even charge me with anything I said to the cop: Why am I getting charged for providing a place, I just walked through the door less than five minutes ago. I had no idea what was going on here. Hell the cops first asked me where the beer came from, I told him I had no idea, not b/c I was lying, but because I literally had no idea, and I further told the cops that they probably know more than I did. Only because the first thing they asked when they came in was where the everclear was. Afterwards my friends told me that they were talking about everclear from a different party before I walked through the door. Which tells me they waited for me to get home so they could charge me as well. Anyways I said to one of the officers "What the **** was I supposed to do I just walked in a few minutes ago, asked what was going on and how everyone got here then you guys knocked on the door." The officer's response was: "Well once you walked through the door you should have ordered everyone out of your apartment and you wouldn't be getting charged right now. I responded with: "Oh okay I should have sent 4 of my best friends out of my apartment to drive home drunk?" He said yes!!! I said : "So friends really should let friends drive drunk?" I think I pissed him off with that one, cause that's when I was hancuffed outside to the railing. I'd take the misdemeanor any day over the chance of losing one of my best friends in an alcohol related accident. I already lost one at the hands of a drunk driver and that's more than anyone should go through. That's what you get for looking out for the safety of others I guess.
  8. Yeah, my friends felt the worst, they were pretty upset that I was charged and even more upset when the officers handcuffed me to the bannister outside as if I were a threat. But hey, ya win some and lose some, now I can honestly look back at it and laugh. Shoveling Sh*t out of the pig stalls at the county fair grounds did really suck though especially when I was working 40 hrs a week in a factory then going and putting in 10 to 12 hrs at the fair for my community service. Maybe I can show our boy briggs what it's like to have the little thing called "dedication"! Makes me laugh that he can't do what he was orders what a bum!
  9. No,No,No, I didn't do anything illegal by any means. I was not home at time of the purchase and consumption of alcohol at my residence. The Ohio revised code states that you have to knowingly provide a place for underage consumption. So yeah I did fight it and more than likely would have won with the testimony of everyone in the apartment. However upon the day of the trial, my (piece of Sh*t) lawyer worked out a plea bargain that would have netted me only a 100 dollar fine and 1 year probation. However since the two lawyers didn't go over this with the judge and I already signed the guilty plea (as part of the plea bargain) the judge was upset that the two sides didn't include him in on the punishment and he thereby ordered me to 250 dollar fine 2 years of probation, and 96 hours of community service ( 24 hrs for each minor charged) So in the long run by me trying to save myself large lawyer fees I in return got screwed over by both lawyers and the judge!
  10. Dude c'mon this was 9 years ago and as I stated I had just moved out and into an apartment. I'm sure there have been moments in other guy's lives where they date the girl next door. This girl just happened to become a nut and listened through the walls on a regular basis. Kind of a fatal attraction thing I guess. Once my 12 months were up I was out of there. I mean come on did I even have to write this? I stated my story as a simple reference as to the fact that just because you didn't do anything illegal doesn't mean you didn't put yourself in a bad situation. Everyone here thinks just because benson (supposedly) wasn't drinking and that it's legal to have beer on a boat that benson showed no bad judgement, but he really did. Oh yeah and my fav drinking game is @@@-hole which I censored out due to the whole don't want profanity posted. That game is the best, however kings would be a close second.
  11. You're missing my point, which is that we don't know if benson was guilty or not, but they did have the right to question him with the alcohol being in plain sight. I'm no way saying that benson was guilty or not guilty, however probable cause was established with the sight of open containers, and if benson did in fact acknowledge that he was the operator of the boat, which who knows until the audio is let out, the cops did have the right to question him about the alcohol, so they did in fact have every right to SET FOOT on his boat which is what I and madlith are saying. In no way are we saying he's guilty or that the cops had the right to charge him, and neither can you cause none of us know what was said on the boat. Who's to say that the cops asked everyone who was operating the boat and benson says he is? We just don't know, however I still would say that benson put himself in a bad situation by having alcohol on board which gave the cops the right to ask questions once on board. Being on a boat is way different than being in a bar. If what you commented on were to play out like this it's the same: Man walks out of bar and gets in car. Cop pulls car over a few blocks down the road. Cop sees empty beer can on floor board. Cop has the right to give sobriety test with probable cause of beer can in plain sight. I'm not argueing over benson's innocence or the cop's right to charge benson, I'm argueing over the cop's right to perform sobriety test to whoever acknowledges to be the operator and to benson putting himself in position to be subjected to questioning from officers. There was alcohol visible which is why benson put himself at risk to be questioned for more than just a safety inspection.
  12. You're really taking the entire thing out of context. No one said benson couldn't own a boat or take it out and have a good time. All we (the people who see the wrong in his decision) is saying is he shouldn't have had alcohol on board. I mean c'mon their grown adults they know what's putting them at risk. Your telling me they couldn't have went to where ever they were staying and had their drinks there? A person is putting himself at risk just by having the crap on board. keep it on land and drink it when you're at rest and away from the wheel of a car or boat or a lawnmower for that matter, cause otherwise you're just showing bad judgement. It's like your friend drinking in your car and leaving an empty can in it. Sure you may feel you've done no wrong, but you're still leaving yourself open to bad situations if a cop sees it. Benson can go do whatever he wants, but if it's alcohol related he better be off any motorized vehicle if he doesn't want to put himself at risk! Not saying he's guilty or not, just that he showed bad judgement. And if he didn't want to put himself in a bad situation he should have had someone else host the get-together, cause 9 times out of 10 the authorities will go after the person responsible or the host of the party, that's just life. Here's an example. Shortly after I moved out on my own I had two friends come over (no presence of alcohol at this time) We played some madden and watched an NBA playoff game. Around 9:00 I left to go meet someone. I told my friends that they could stay and lock-up when they leave. I came home at 11:00PM and found that 5 more people had come over and beer had been purchased and they were playing cards on my table. 4 minutes after my entry the police raided my apt and butsted 4 of my friends for underage consumption and me for providing a place for underage consumption. After a lot of legal issues I ended up accepting a plea bargain and pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor. I still insist to this day I did not furnish a place for underage consumption seeing as how I left and no alcohol was purchased and came back and was busted rather quickly after entry. Not to mention I had to take a breathalyzer and showed nothing. But to not see the ignorace at the fact that I left myself in a position to get in trouble is just being blind. I should have made everyone leave when I left I was just trying to be a good friend. So yeah Benson may not be guilty of jack sh##, but he did put himself in a bad situation that maybe his "FRIENDS" exploited. Just as I had done.
  13. No that didn't do it but in the picture on this link you can clearly see a liquor bottle and also some chick in the background taking a swig of beer. But hey every party I've been to the host always stays sober http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...1,3135266.story
  14. Dude you can get a dui by driving a lawn mower while drinking. Doesn't matter what it was in. If you are on public property and driving something intoxicated you're taking the risk. I had a friend who was sleeping in his car trying to sleep it off and got a dui cause his keys were in the ignition so the radio could play. That's just the law. The facts are that this is just a slap on the wrist if he gets the DUI, but add in the resisting arrest and now it becomes a PR nightmare. I for one would not be surprised if he gets cut. Everyone points at tank, but honestly all tank did was possess guns w/o a license and not have a permit. Then he got pulled over for suspision of DUI but didn't get charged and we cut him right? That's a far cry from resisting a law enforcement officer. What a role model he is. Hey kids if you get in trouble just fight back that's what I do.
  15. The real question is : is JA as smart as everyone thinks he is? Benson had trouble with the law in college ala possession of marijuana and kicking in the door incident. So did JA include anything in his contract that would void it if any charges were filed by law enforcements? Sure would like to have his ass thrown (literally) off this team with minimal kind of cap hit!
  16. Yeah you're right cause briggs was charged with a DUI also wasn't he, oh and he also resisted arrest and was pepper sprayed by officers right? Totally different. I based my comment off of the fact that the man had to be pepper sprayed. That is the reason why he should be cut. Everyone makes mistakes in life, but when you don't man up to them and make more trouble is when you're an ass!
  17. Word is that he got a dui on a boat and resisted arrest resulting in pepper sprayed. He's really worthless and shouldn't have the HONOR of wearing a bears jersey!
  18. Any info? I read some post from another forum that the score reported today that benson's injury is worse than everyone thought and that his career with the bears is over and it will be announced publically in a few days? Is this true? If it is, do they bring in some vet with experience. I think forte will be a good back, but we can't possibly try going into the season with no experience at all can we? I'd make a trade like a 6th rd pick in next years draft for lamont jordan, or try for alexander if he's affordable.
  19. I read you on that, but I also think there's no harm after june 1st cuts if there is a decent rb available (screw rhodes) that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to explore a trade if any value and bring in someone who wants to be a rb in this league or someone who wants to be out there in the 4th quarter even if they are hurting. Sure we may or may not keep benson, but my honest opinion is he'll be the same if not worse than he was last year, and we can't afford to have a lackluster rb holding our running game back again this year cause our qb play can't overcome it. And after another injury which many said it could have been career threatening I just don't see benson being any different than last year, if not worse. Good night I'm hitting the sack take it easy!
  20. Man what crack pipe are you smoking? Show me where I said hass is the next jerry rice! WTF the point of my comment was that why keep a guy with a bad work ethic and injury list a mile long when you have a guy like hass who busts his ass to get on the team. He can't catch a pass? Once again what are you talking about? Do your homework, I believe hass broke team records in college and is pretty sure handed. I'm not saying he's the next allstar at wr for this team, but he is a hard worker which benson is known not to be. So like madlith said if we were available to get any trade worth decent value why would it be totally unquestionable to keep another wr with youth and upside? Sure they may keep some other position, but you never know. I'm sorry the whole plays with a fire under his ass thing is bull S. He's paid as the #4 overall pick in 2005 screw him if he needs a fire lit under his ass, he should play like that regardless of any circumstances, not just b/c we drafted a rookie to send him packing. That's why this team makes soo many mistakes they give too many "second opportunities" to worthless players with no motivation until they know we've had it with the crap production.
  21. Probably b/c rex is pampered by this organization, he can't get benched until he at least costs us a game or two. Good qb evaluators woulda pulled the plug on him after the 2nd game last year, but JA and Lovie are blinded by rex's excuses each time he sucked it up. I also think that orton looked pretty decent at the end of last year. Sure he may not have lit it up, then again he hasn't been given the time and patience rex has. His first year he played as a rookie and every one expected him to be a top ten qb. Then he's thrown into last year with the team's playoff contention dwindling and little reps with the first unit. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. We don't know what we have in him cause last year he only played 3 games and I would think after letting grossman have numerous seasons we should in the same right let orton have his shot. I'm not going to lie, I can't stand grossman. I've never seen a pro get babied the way that guy does. He goes out and throws multiple int's in a game and botches snaps, yet there are still people on this board who aren't willing to let someone else have a shot. Orton hasn't had a decent shot. Letting him play 3 games when we're pretty much done isn't letting him have a shot. Everyone says all orton is is a game manager, why? Because he didn't go out and throw for 300 yrds/game as a rookie, or because he didn't light it up his whole whopping 2 games last year after not starting for a year?(I'm not counting the G-Bay game because it was terrible conditions that even the almighty Farve couldn't over come). Point is that grossman is given every opportunity to succeed and orton is given his table scraps which is why everyone thinks it'll be rex again.
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