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bear trap

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Everything posted by bear trap

  1. Kinda agree, but at the same time benson has suffered a ton of injuries for a "workhorse" back and at that pos. we need someone who isn't made in the mold of grossman (fragile).
  2. I'd rather cut him and keep hass who hasn't been given an opp.
  3. I disagree, we really don't benefit from keeping him. The way I see it I feel wolfe is a better compliment to forte than forte is to benson. When benson's on the field it was usually a run. Then garrett goes out there and it's a pass or screen. With forte teams wouldn't know if we were running or passing and when wolfe comes in they'd still be guessing. Mainly cause we can keep forte in on second down pass plays and not have to worry about his blocking ability. Many teams knew what we were doing last year with the personnel out there. Benson does nothing for this offense but hold it back and I think that a combo of forte and wolfe could really make for a potent 1-2 punch kinda like jacobs and bradshaw from the giants. Sure jacobs I believe is bigger then forte, however teams would be kept off balance between he and wolfe. If wolfe were in it could be a run or a screen. If forte is in it could be a run or a pass or a screen as well. If we're smart we put c-bass at the bottom of the depth chart or waive him before the season. He's damaged goods and probably even slower than before. Putting him in will only result in us being transparent with our play calling.
  4. While forte or williams may have great impacts for us this year I really believe the biggest rook impact will be on the other side of the ball. Steltz is a smart football player just like brown, and looks to me like he's always in the right place in the right time. Pair him with a healthy (yeah, I know not really expectible) mike brown and we could have a very smart secondary this year. Steltz is I believe 6'0" or 6'1", whichever he's also over 200 pounds and can punish receivers coming over the middle, but at the same time he has great awarness when the ball's in the air. Combine that with his ballhawk skills and height and I would not be surprised if steltz beats out payne and mcgowan and manning as our starting SS with a depth chart that looks like this: FS - Mike Brown Reserve - Mcgowan, Manning SS - Craig Steltz Reserve - Payne, Archuletta CB - Tillman, Vasher Nickel - Mcbride - Graham Odd man out Manning JR. June 1st casualty We if healthy will be turning some heads defensivly and making the rest of the league and media remember the first half of the chargers game last year! No matter what we do offensivly as long as we stay healthy on the Defensive side of the ball we'll be in every game including jacksonville and indy and minny!
  5. Yeah, I'm sure everyone can play through a sports hernia. You talk of something you know nothing about. You try throwing the ball with a tear in your abdominal muscle. Mcnabb tried and even he played differently!
  6. bear trap


    Since you put it that way I figured I'd change it from if to WHEN
  7. No one's overrating Kyle, everyone's sick of seeing rex hand the other team the ball 3-6 times a game. Sure Kyle may not put up peyton manning numbers, but at least he's not giving it right back to the other team on a regular basis. Oh and by the way rex isn't really putting up big numbers too. Especially for someone who's had most if not all the snaps in training camp with the first unit. How can you expect orton to go out there without a start for a year and play lights out? You take a year off from throwing passes with the first unit and see if you come back with no rust! I've seen too much of rex's bad rex games to be excited seeing him behind center again. Yet whenever the organization realizes rex is a moron they try and throw orton out there with minimal practice time and little options with the playcalling. It's like the coaching staff wants kyle out there playing with handcuffs on. The real reason rex got the starters job last year isn't b/c he played better in camp, but b/c JA spent a first rounder on him and refuses to cut ties. Rex had his shot, now Orton should start and get majority of the snaps with the first unit. If he stumbles we let rex retry, but that would mean JA and Lovie would have to get over their man-crush on rex which won't happen till week 4-6 after rex throws his 12th int of the year and botched the snap for the 3rd time. Then we'll see a screwed over orton take the field with a vanilla called offensive playbook. REX IS GARBAGE THAT NO ONE WILL THROW TO THE CURB UNTIL IT STINKS THE WHOLE HOUSE UP!
  8. I'd rather cut Lloyd and keep Hass, who atleast should be given an opportunity. Lloyd's had his chances with the 9ers and skins. Hass hasn't had the injury rep either.
  9. How can you possibly need factual back-up? How's this we've not had a decent qb since '95 with kramer and even he wasn't all that great. Pile that on top of the fact that we drafted an o-line guy who's pre-draft bio has him as a better pass blocker than a run blocker for a team that "calls themselves a running team". There were a few decent qb's that we could have taken in the 5th rd like dixon or woodson or ainge or brennan. Are they any better than what we have? Who knows you sure has heck don't know. No one will know for a few years but the Fact is that we are stuck with another year of watching rex botch snaps, throw into double coverage, and say the same B.S. he said after every game he sucked last year and the year before. What was it I just got to play better, I just wasn't focused, I'm really disappointed about the way I played. B.S. Just b/c you don't agree with his pesimistic outlook doesn't mean you're right and he's wrong. Sure 1-15 is a little harsh, but last I checked it's his god given right to state his opinion. If you don't like his post ask the mods to change the thread name to future record outlook (only blind optomists) thread. If someone posts something you don't agree with you always reply trying to be inferior to them and act like you know so much more about football then them. That's fine, and you may, but some things are better left unsaid.
  10. but hey at least we got another de to go with wale, brown,anderson,bazuin, and idonije I was so scared we'd miss out on that position!
  11. Damn straigt! Look at their qb production the last 20 years, if you don't think anyone could pick em better then the fo you don't know a damn thing about this game. Do you honestly think taking a blocking te is more important than a 3 string qb. With our o-line there would be no surprise if we do need one. ignorant
  12. Exactly, now they have not only mortgaged this year, but also next year if neither orton or rex (who we all know will suck) work out. So we have no one sitting behind them this year and will have to draft a qb high and let the piss poor winner from this year stay the starter for next year. This org never learns it's lesson even when hundreds of thousands of fans are screaming get a qb and the media laughing at us for the last 20 years. We truly are the worst managed professional team. Not because of players we pick, but due to the things we continue to ignore. Giants have eli, but they were still smart to draft woodson, and look at the vikings with J.D.Booty, sure not a great pick but at least they think for the future. We truly did show our true colors this year and should be the worst team in the league next year. Maybe we can get a top 5 pick next year so ja can trade out of it and ignore the problem again! I was really liking this draft through the first 3 rds, but now I give it a F due to the fact we grabbed another cb which we grabbed plenty of last year and a te which we took at 31 last year. And don't give me that blocking te crap, they're a dime a dozen, I'm sure there would have been plenty to look at in the 7th, but now we're left with no qb THE MOST IMPORTANT POSITION ON THE TEAM! I hope rex and orton briefly go down this year so ja gets fired he's no longer trust-worthy.
  13. I'm with you pix, I really like this pick and we could't put our faith in benson next year. The way the rbs were coming off the board there wouldn't have been a solid competitor for benson left to take. Ray rice was still there , but that's it, and I wasn't too high on charles ability to be a three down back. People need to realize benson's injury was career threatning, and considering his work ethic, I don't see him being better afterwards. I mean he sprained his knee two years ago and his running was different. Now that he broke his ankle can we be optomistic he won't be even worse. I really like forte, his video shows a rb with power,speed, and I'd have to say he can make cuts with the best of them. Looks like the total package and if we wouldn't have picked a rb in the second we'd be setting ourselves up to finish last in the league in rushing yardage. People who think it's too premature to call benson a bust should look at this fact. He ave. the same ypc as peterson last year. I don't care how bad the o-line was. With the 4th overall pick come better expectations than the same stats as a player who was drafted much later. That alone makes him a bust. It may be unfair, but it's life and top ten picks that aren't considered busts put better stats up than their back-ups.
  14. I hope we didn't hurt benson's feelings by drafting forte in the second. ah well, I'm over it HA Don't let the door break your ankle on the way out c-bust!
  15. I'm not upset with ol in the first, however I do question the intellect of our org when we call ourselves a running team and select a pass blocking finess lt like williams with road graders like albert and otah still on the board. I mean really do they know what they're doing? Sure 14 sounds high for a g however albert is a rarity who can have lt potential and can pull and plow running lanes down field. At least a real team who knows how to draft o-line took him he'll get "proper" coaching rather than the tips from chicago's peewee league coaches.
  16. So in other words mendenhall will "PUMP, YOU UP!" Or is benson too much of a "GIRLY BOY"
  17. WHY? they're in the same market as us O- line. If we'd trade, we'd a.) be stupid to trade with someone who has the same need in the 1st rd as us and b.) move so far down that we'd settle for a second tier o-line with our first overall pick. Stay put and take bpa and go from there. Sometimes moving back only gets you more guys to play on s/t's which we have plenty of.
  18. Cameron Worrell was released from the dolphins. I say give him a minimum vet contract and we could have our s/t ace back, and some depth at S. He also know's our system as far as s/t's play.
  19. I too don't like the idea of moving up,but if we landed albert or clady then moved up for brohm I'd understand. Or even Mendenhall and Baker or Cher - (B.C.). I also agree with your needs list except for the one I put in bold. Wr I don't fee is a need THIS year cause look at who we have. Booker, Llyod, Bradley, Hester, Davis, and Hass. I would have agreed had we not signed davis and llyod, but I don't see us taking a wr until the 6th or 7th rd and nothing more than s/t potential or p.s. signee, cause we'd be crazy to bring in 7 wr. I believe lovies plan is for booker/llyod to fill in for moose's absence and for hester/bradley to fill berrian's spot and don't forget davis will be our likely slot man.
  20. I'd be content with flacco, however I'm not sure we'd have to move up to the first to get him. Maybe our second and our 5th or 6th to move up a little in the second to nab him. I feel brohm after ryan is the only qb worthy of a viable trade-up. Henne would make me the sickest since hearing benson's name called a few years ago. I remember feeling like we just threw away our 4th pick and believe throwing a late 1st for henne would be deja-vu.
  21. Did you just refer to benson and a rook as thunder to thunder attack? If we draft mendenhall he would be the thunder (although quick and powerful) and wolfe would be the lightning. Benson is more like heat lighting. His position with this team should be just as brief, and if we upgrade our oline with clady/albert and a g in the 2nd or 3rd everyone will see it and stop using a poor oline as his excuse. He just doesn't have the heart for the position. Combine that with a plate in his ankle and the #32 will be available to next year's top pick at rb.
  22. If we move up for henne I'm boycotting this season. My good friend is a mich. fan and from what he and many others have said henne is worthless. Moving up better be for brohm if a qb is the intentions cause jerry would only making a case to be handed a pink slip with a henne pick. Henne sure did a lot for mich last year, Hart carried that team henne is a bust written all over him.
  23. I would have no problem with that draft, maybe change the second first rd pick to baker, I think he's a better ot, and hasn't gotten much due respect due to injury. I'd like to pick up the g/c from bowling green too cause he can play guard or center after kreutz retires. Maybe with our fifth rd pick 1 - mendenhall 1 - baker 3 - Mcglynn 4 - hills 5 - BG kid 6 - Dixon 7 - bpa May be a lot of o-linemen, however we'd be really injecting youth into our line and all the people who wanted o-line with the first pick wouldn't have any bickering after going 4 o-linemen after 14. Besides if tait goes down, we'd have options like baker at lt and hills at rt. I would love this to happen. It all starts with the running game and we've added a back with a high ceiling of potential and loaded the line with youth and depth.
  24. Guess the first 14 picks of the draft, thought it would be fun and the winner can post how awesome he is and how everyone else can bow down. (Just for fun) P.S. you can add trades, however you don't have to say what they're giving up, just throw out the order and the pick. (guessing what they'd give up would make it a little harder, but you can if you want) guess the 2nd 3rd and 4th rd picks for a tie breaker. I'll start: Miami - J. Long if anyone screws this one up let me know and I'll have grouchy hit you with a tack hammer cause you're a moron. St Louis - Last night I said G. Dorsey, but my opinion has changed - C. Long Atlanta - G. Dorsey Oak - Darren Mcfadden K.C. - V. Gholston New Eng - Cromartie New York - Mendenhal Baltimore - Matt Ryan Cincinnati - S. Ellis New Orleans - K. Rivers Buffalo - D. Thomas Denver - R. Clady Sorry guys I just can't imagine den passing him up Carolina - D. Harvey Chicago - B. Albert immediate replacement for brown and possibly frees tait to move back in a year or two Det. - Who the F cares they'll still suck GO BEARS. Sec. rd pick - Forte trade two thirds to move back in the second - S. Baker. Fourth - D. Dixon If no one replies I hereby accept full acknowledgement of being the winner. HA!!!
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