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Everything posted by bear trap
Well i don't see much of a drop off if any between floyd and hankins... floyd had a slightly faster 40 time but everything else is pretty close... actually hankns had a faster 20 yd shuttle time which lets face it is more important for a dt since i don't see too many runninf 40 yds down field... hankins also weighs over 20 lbs more than floyd... and his wing span for wrapping up is wider...hankins was the disrupting force for osu s defense and he was on the field a lot... having him in a rotation with paea and melton would be a great combination
I hope we land hankins in the second... he's a beast and paired with melton would be scary games are won in the trenches and we have very little dt depth
Maybe not a second but maybe a third... remember patriots got a first for seymour ... there's a sucker born everyday...
Well if trestman and emery were smart they keep as they are and make everyone believe we have hester in our plans so come draft time someone like kansas city offers a second rounder... (i could see it happening with the dave toube ties... and we all know value of a player goes down when other teams know he isn't a part of your plans...
Well lets face the facts lovie had a lot to do with that dreadful offensive line... he and tice assured that it was okay i'm not gonna put emery on the line for not drafting one last year... lovie gave his seal of approval and that was his undoing... emery got us a legit no. 2 wr and we don't know much about everyone. else. keep in mind emery played a part in us drafting urlacher... i personally would love to ssee the same magic by us going to a 3-4 and mclellin goin to olb like when url went from safety to lb i think that's why emery drafted him... he has a plan
Idk lol i used to have pics with my sig and now its that but don't worry u just reminded me so i fixed it...
Right on alaska!!!
I have to agree with terra... it seems like everytime he posts something you start blasting him... so what terra bitches about the team a lot... so do i and a lot of others... but you seem to try to invoke an altercation when he posts something you don't like... someone told alaska if you don't agree with what'd being posted don't read the posts... that's what i do...and until now the team hasn't given a lot to cheer about... we all have a right to vent at times but not to antagonize...
Kudos to emery mediocrity is unacceptable!!! now get a good coach to take us places
[/color] There's whispers around halas hall that lovie is looking into bringing back a former great bear and the word is its between quasim mitchell and frank ominyal e...
After watching the game with me my eleven year old son looks at me and says that's it dad i am done being a bears fan they suck... i said to him wow buddy i think you just became a true bears fan because we all know they suck... he says well i am still young and don't have to root for them i want to be a patriot fan at least they know how to score a touchdown... what can i say he's right.... i did my best especially when my girlfriend says you can be a packers fan and he says yuck i can't be a packers fan they play like a bunch of girls i will go with the patriots a team tjat k.ows how to wim a super bowl.... thanks lovie for making my son root foe a different team... the org. can give you you pink slip now
At least that is who I thought I saw on tv... I have seen threads on here saying if we don't win the title game or superbowl lovie and the staff should be fired... well I will say this acc... epting mediocrity is unacceptable!!! Our defense has held this team up by the jock strap for urlachers entire career and throughout lovies coaching tenure and anyone who thinks that without lovie the defense would have not been good is crazy in fact I beg to differ that it could have been better... lovie holds this team back from his poor preperations for the team to the poor game plan and to the poor in game adjustments and the poor challenge record... he needs to go after this year and we need a coach who can make us a complete team... the niners finally found their coach and I think we need to do the same. By accepting mediocrity we only cheat ourselves...I am a huge buckeye fans and everyone loved jim tressel they all called him the vest and practically worshiped him because he had a decent record against michigan... only problem is he crapped his pants in big games... I, for years, called for tressel to get fired I never liked his way of coaching... the piss poor offensive game plan and the lack of urgency he displayed I couldn't stand the play to not lose mentality and lovie is the same kind of coach... we can do better... look at the buckeyes now... sure they have things to work out defensively but I expect defensive coordinator hold over fickell to loose his job... he just isn't good enough... but meyer challenges his players and knows what a good game plan is... he took pretty much the same team that fickell coached to a 6-6 record and has them eyeing a perfect season this year... sure firing lovie may have some speed bumps but when we could find our coach that doesn't just help us be better but instead makes us an elite team!!! One thing is for sure this staff has no clue what they are doing when things don't go smooth....
First. Series and webb is doing the same shit he has done the first two and all last season... tells me their evaluation of talent is pathetic!!! Bench spencer and leave in ol concrete shoes webb??? Hopefully culter lands a haymaker this game because webb will get him hurt and the coaches do nothing about it! Mike tice I have lost any faith in your coaching!!! Phil if you were smart and you value your job you will clean house after the year your coaches are horrible and you just inherited them doesn't mean you need to stick with them!
If you want someone to point fingers at and pass the blame to then maybe you should start with the coaches tice and smith should have been the ones getting in webbs face... but since the two gutless wonders refuse to take responsibilities year in and year out for getting cutler hammered I can't blame him one bit... hell I would have threw the ball as hard as I could into the back of webbs leg after the next snap sending the message if you are tryin to get me hurt I will try to let you see how it feels... for the last three years our line has been a wet paper sack, no change that a wet piece of toilet paper and not even name brand like charmin, more like a generic off brand... cutler had every right to do what he did and to be honest I think this sissification of america and what is politically correct is just ridiculous let webb stand back there and get his head ripped off all game see how he likes it I bet he wouldn't be smiling like he was Thursday night during a game you are getting you ass kicked and being handled like he is clay matthews bi$$$! Time for a change at lt you can polish a turd but its still a turd when your done!!!
Been playing ten years now and won my league last two..anks are ranks it isn't always accurate for example last year with fred jackson before he got hurt... anyone playing fantasy knows that you can't just go off ranks you have many factors to figure like run defense/ pass defense figuring out what's the better matchup... not to mention this is a keeper league so the top 20 players were kept... I kept gronk and aj green because rb have a short production life so they kept c johnson and mcfadden and williams splits carries with stewart so... I will end your debate with this... if you go by rankings how would c johnson have done for you last year?? He was if not the top ranked rb up there right??? Ranks can only get u so far...
My draft was this weekend and I couldn't. Do it b/c I was out of town but I think my pre draft rankings made a pretty solid draft... Qb eli manning, carson palmer Rb cedric benson, benjavis green-ellis, adrian peterson Wr aj green, reggie wayne, stevie johnson, sidney rice, eddie royal Te rob gronkowski, greg olsen Def/st new york giants D lance briggs, patrick willis, patrick peterson, and derek johnson... Rb is strong I hope and as much as it pains me to say it I think benson could have a big yr with the pack wr I think is decent aj green was a beast last year and I think royal could be a surprise with rivers throwing it to him...
I expect us to be a top ten offense... for years people could play eight and sometimes nine in the box because they ,didn't respect our passing game or receivers... now they have to and. I almost hope they don't because cutler finally has the type of receivers he likes the ones who attack the ball in the air... bennett attacks it too but he is more of a slot type of guy I think cutler will have the best year he has had yet for his career and forte should really benefit from having less people spying him...
the only thing about the patriots way is the fact that they have a pretty good offensive line... so they can afford to draft like that
It started to look better because martz pulled his head out of his butt and started running the ball a whole lot more I think that it really masked how bad it was at least pass protecting wise... and cutler also did the line favors with his feet let's face it he would have been sacked a lot more in those five games if he wasn't as mobile as he is
And that is why the good teams STAY good look at the steelers for example... they knew just like us that their line sucked last year so the go and draft decastro and adams... I personally wanted decastro because I'm sooo sick of inside blitzers blowing right through the middle and we label it communication problems... and in the end it didn't take the steelers numerous years to notice they needed to address the o line...
I have to say I like emery just a hair more than ja... at least he addressed our wr core I loved the jeffery pick but that is about it lol... we will see one thing I do have to ask why the hell does it seem like only us fans and commentators and analysts and pretty much everyone else other than the gm and coaches see that our o line sucks??? I mean its EVERY YEAR it would be different if it was just every so often but cmon man the line sucks it don't matter that we got rid of martz and his seven step drops because half the time culter was either knocked on his ass or running for his life by his secord or third... our line sucks and it has to do with our coaches and evaluators yet every year we ignore it or drat one guy who ends up playing in a complete different spot he was drafted to play... I mean really are our coaches really that incompetent at evals that it took them two years to see frank o sucked balls??? I knew it in about two seconds after the first snap... sometimes you just have to cut ties because no matter what if you have a turd and try to polish it in the end all you have is a polished turd and nothing changes the fact that it still looks like sh#t...
I'm hoping that the cowboys beat the eagles and the giants win next sunday so that the eagles knock the packers out and take the 6th seed. then have the eagles go to ny and lose so that the g men can com to Chi-town so we can do to them at our place like they did to us at their place! Our offensive line was being shuffled more than a deck of cards on poker night during that point of the season. I think they found the right combination and while not stellar are not the same line they were that week in NY.
if cowher is a no go I'd like to see rivera given the job and if singletary loses the san fran job maybe rivera can lure him to chitown as the d coordinator spot restore the hunger in this team and the mean attitude to the defense
I'd go with Maroney portis is washed up and torain is a nobody... I'm still trying to decide on forte (@ny), benson (@cle), and mcfadden (hou) and recomendations?
I don't mind going for it from the one yard line but damn its one yard why don't we go with the qb sneak that by far is the hardest play to stop for less than a yard. Frankly i'd like to see them practice with a guy like melton taking a snap and doing a sneak. Taking the snap can't be that hard to learn can it? practice a few times each week melton taking a snap from the qb position and let him bulldoze behind kreutz the handoffs to forte take too much time and by that time the d-line is ready for it. If it was snapped directly to a big power runner it'd be really hard to defend.