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Everything posted by selection7

  1. Technically Bears88 didn't complain about people loving Orton. He complained about loving Orton while hating Rex, which he sees as unfair to Rex relatively speaking. I suppose given Bears88's reputation, which is his doing, most people will assume the most anti-Kyle connotation from it. IMO, Rex looked rusty and a bit nervous, just as Kyle would have been (to some extent anyway) in reversed roles. He played mediocre but was also responsible for both 2nd half TD's. And after the Bears trailed most of the game, he led the O to take the winning lead, with the O scoring more in the second half than they did with Kyle in the first. Clearly Kyle is playing better than Rex, but there is a reason you need more than one QB on your roster who can at least play well enough to win, and today's "W" in the won/loss column is the perfect example. As I said in that other post about what we do about Rex next season, I'm happy to have him if he's not expensive and wants to be here (he certainly owes the Bears for their loyalty). Next week's game against the unbeaten Titans is unfortunate timing for Rex's first official start at QB in 2008. Maybe Rex will benefit from the Titans not having game tape of him running this season's plays? But Rex is pretty much a veteran by now so I expect much more than "Bad Rex", regardless.
  2. If it meant returning him to his former glory, then for sure that would be preferrable. We've got Lloyd and Rashied and Olson healthy. We were still getting the indirect benefit of Hester on special teams as recently as a couple of weeks ago, but if something doesn't happen quickly, it won't last. Keeping that in mind, he may have been a horse collar away from taking one to the house today, and that particular run was a big gain nevertheless. I think he's probably pushing too hard to get himself a big one which keeps him from mentally taking care of the other issues like ball protection and following (trusting) his blockers.
  3. Don't #7 and #8 contradict each other? And isn't asking the crowd for support by being loud the absolute most mature response to that situation? He gets paid too much to sulk or be psychologically weak. What a strange complaint on your part.
  4. The fans booed a 5 yard outlet pass on 3rd down that was well short of the 1st down marker. Not Rex in general. QB's know to expect boos on a play like that.
  5. What's his story? How'd he fall that quickly? Injury? He was a stud not long ago.
  6. At least we saw some signs of a ground game for the first time in I can't remember how long. Yet again, our O did it's part and so did the offensive line.
  7. WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN!! Now we just pray that Kyle has an injury that will heal. Bears are 5-3 and in first place. Green Bay lost. Aaron Rodgers had a poor day. With Favre at QB, last year's awful Jets are now also 5-3 (though Favre didn't do any better than Rodgers today).
  8. We can't give Calvin Johnson another chance to prove Tillman likes to trip over his own feet on jump balls. Of secondary importance, no stupid penalties.
  9. I guess 10 yards per rush for Forte didn't make an impression on Turner. A give to McKie.
  10. This is one of the most amazing defensive turnarounds I've ever seen watching the Bears. From scoring every drive and a new to the NFL QB looking unstoppable to nothing but futility in the second half. What on earth happened? Babich actually motivated guys?
  11. Detroit is running out of chances!
  12. In fairness, the EXACT same thing happened to Orlovsky a few plays layer. I mean identical in the way it was tipped an everything. He just got luckier.
  13. Not to be an ingrate, but how does Steltz let a fatty tackle him with only open field in front of him? What a pretty pick by Steltz though.
  14. What a great run bllitz by Roach!!
  15. Stop getting torched would be a good start.
  16. It's interesting watching that slo mo replay of Tillman. Once he figures out the ball is going to his man, he makes no break for the ball. It's as if he feels he's too out of positon so why bother trying to time the hit and force a drop...he's resigned himself to just making the tackle is good enough. Weird. Is that the way it's taught in the NFL?
  17. We sure won the line of scrimmage battle on that play. Ouch, but NO pass rush on the next one.
  18. Nice, TD. Back in the game. This is why my only concern with Orton is that it's a season ender. Rex should be capable of playing well enough to win.
  19. Thayer says Tillman's shoulder will be an issue all season. It's just his speculation, but that's EXACTLY what I didn't want to hear. Rest the guy until he's healed. That's what our backups are here for. We're not so dominant that we can get it done with our best corner at 80%.
  20. why did olson even catch that. Bat it down.
  21. Just like old times. Mike Brown out. Starting QB out.
  22. If our coaching is good, they'll use the how dire the situation feels to motivate their players. The NFL isn't supposed to be easy. I bet Rex is having some butterfiles right now.
  23. I wouldn't be surprised if Rex is good. Truth is, watching our D, that's why we can't compete for a Super Bowl. I never expected Orton to make it the whole season anyway. Unless your last name is Favre or Manning, because it's like a once or twice every 10 years thing for us (for a QB to make it all 16 games without missing due to injury).
  24. What's Lovie mean by saying they haven't done anything on either side of the ball? The O is on pace to 26 points. Last time I checked, that's supposed to be enough to win.
  25. At least we can see how it happened, which is better than one of those non-contact injuries that always end up being season enders (like Rex's actually). Bears88, now you get to see your man.
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