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Everything posted by killakrzydav

  1. I'm definitely team Poles. It's been quite some time since I have felt so optimistic and Poles is the reason we are there.
  2. They're really setting him up for success leading him with a carrot. Very smart
  3. https://twitter.com/Schrock_And_Awe/status/1772693595163652428?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1772693595163652428|twgr^00a1c9952459843be43382eae8c7ca4d541715e1|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.realgm.com%2Fboards%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ft%3D2364107start%3D1720
  4. Like him or not but this dude is a Bear. So far gone IMO
  5. Almost 30 years into my love for drafts and mock drafts, CW is the highest rated prospect ever going back to the PM/RL draft.
  6. CW is the highest rated QB prospect since Peyton Manning would be a fair assessment. He and Luck are similar minus the flags we are, IMO, making a bigger deal out of than anything but in fairness this is a new age. Luck was more cerebral. Players like CW more. CW was better in college. Luck had a crazy dad too. Certainly, there's a race aspect in play here too on that note. We'll never know how much CTE affected Lucks career until they cut him open but I bet he was done being concussed. It would be short sighted to assume that there are still living Bears fans that would rather lose that win a black QB. Additionally, People gravitate towards leaders who look like them(Hence the JF locker room love. ) Also, IMO, the Maye love. Nothing besides being tall looking the part of "prototypical" qb was demonstrated on the field. It's highly unlikely anybody will acknowledge this. The locker room don't realize or want to admit he's a shit qb because he's so well like inside the locker room. Furthermore, he was so well liked because he could relate to most of the team.
  7. Highest rated prospect would be correct. He isn't the best anything yet. Projected to be the best would also be correct. Words are important
  8. No lie, I wasn't expecting such alligator arms. Theory dubunkedish.
  9. Well, the first player I looked up was averageish. 33 3/4’’ DW
  10. Dying reading a man type that "you're pissing me off." ?? Wish I knew where those pushable buttons were located cuz I'd be tap dancing on those MFs sending you to tilt land.
  11. My option for a "Chicago Bears slap the shit outta your Talkbears rival" meet and greet remains on the table for training camp.
  12. I'm thinking, without looking up individual arm lengths, that Poles favors longer armed prospects and wanted to have a discussion or thoughts on how he's choosing his prospects. Last year, we had a OT and several DL come through his draft process and I wanted to predict which Line prospects are Poles dudes. This year, the only OC prospects, that I can tell you off the top of my head with longer that 33" arms is PSU's center. JCP has average length and the other top two C prospects have below average length. Who recalls the arm length on Poles line targets? IIRC, we brought Wright in for a visit correct. Did we draft anybody that we didn't visit?
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