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Everything posted by killakrzydav

  1. Those are lazy comparisons. He is nothing like Cam. As far as Colin goes, I think that they have a more favorable comparison although its a pistol vs. read.
  2. Disclaimer: I hate Rapise. If he went to the joint tomorrow I would celebrate. That being said, I think he is Micheal Jordan. He possesses a quality rarely found that is next level extraordinary. His moxie and what he brings as a leader is not quantifiable. He is the next Peyton; he is the next Tom. I hate him as a person yet would welcome him on my team. Krzy
  3. If you have watched more than a half of football that Mariotta has played you'd realize that: He has no pocket presence. He rarely makes it past his first read who normally is wide open. He needs to gain 20 pounds of muscle. His system hides his many flaws. He lacks arm strength. You'll have to teach him how to be a QB in a true system. He is incapable of leading a team, for at minimum, a year and a half. His numbers are awesome yet flawed. Don't analyze a read option QB on his stats only. #ragz 2 bitchez
  4. What I love about this list is that more than half of those teams aren't going to be looking to take a qb and only 3 teams above us that need one. NYJ and WAS for sure. TB and TENN are possibilities. While I want no part of Mariotta, I would not mind if good ole Rapeis fell into our laps.
  5. I'd like in on the pay league if we happen to lose anyone. Ty
  6. No thanks. Nobody on that list I want(Saban/Gruden) is coming here.
  7. With no hope of playoffs this year I sure would like to be picking 4-7.
  8. In no order of importance what do you all think our draft needs are for the upcoming season. Safety (both) CB Slot receiver Center LB's (all) #1 receiver return man special teams help Tackle Running back DT DE Punter Did I miss anything? (in my terra voice) F my life!
  9. killakrzydav

    What now?

    I still fly my colors..Bears and Gators...yet I'm getting ready for the draft and a hopeful Muschamp replacement. We've overrated our offense horribly. Cutler has his bad Rex moments but I do not think this whole season is his fault.
  10. A small jig saw of a slot is what would make this offense elite and vastly improve our 3rd percentage. Our massive receivers don't run these routes as well as a jig saw can.
  11. I truly believe that our offense is missing one true component. And a upgrade at a second. I think we need a slot receiver that can consistently get open and run a 5 yard route. The second...a running back. Forte is pretty good but rarely gets tough yards
  12. If you can get +7, I'd take it. Wait for Sunday's movement
  13. Thjs train is getting out of hand fast. Everybody is tossing em under the bus
  14. As far as the Jeff George comparison Alaskan...stop letting ESPN cloud your judgement. Yet semantically, you state he is on the same skill level as George which is a lazy comparison. Skill wise George likely was superior to Jay. George was a cancer who constantly got in fights with coaches and even went so far as being directly insubordinate to his coaches play calling by ignoring the called play and running his own.
  15. For some reason I can't get the quote link to work. Either way, thanks for pulling those stats together. Cutler is by far, by the numbers, the best QB the bears have had in essentially forever.
  16. Absolutely CrackerDog Most of these posters emotions regarding our team vacillate from extreme highs to unheard of lows. Its like you all bleed from between your legs every other weeks 16 Sundays a year. Get a fricken grip!
  17. TD- Is he not the best Bears QB of your lifetime as well? If not, who is? Cutler is firmly an 8-12 qb in this league right now. The top 5 are true franchise qb's that are all destined to be HOF's. After that we have Romo, Rivers, Joe...etc who each have flaws like our qb. He's ou unquestioned leader that will be here for years. Get used to it. Some posters are never satisfied.
  18. I honestly have no clue why people hate Jay so much. He's the best Bears QB of my life time but I'm only 38. People bitch about his contract like it's their money the Bears spent and hate him for it yet the bottom line is you cannot get a QB of his caliber in today's NFL for much less. That being said: He has looked more prepared these last two years. This year moreso than last. He appears quicker through his progressions and has been making much better decisions. Why is it we can't stand behind our QB? Would you prefer Rexy or Kyle?
  19. Yes please. Not liking a players personally that would help your team win is plain tardlike stupid as freak.
  20. While Singletary was an awesome player he truly sucks as a coach. Yall really want more mediocrity just because he's "family?" Sounds freakin brilliant.
  21. Absolutely on Mettenberger or McCarron. Long term I believe that Metts has the better upside while McCarron is probably better right now. I'd love to see our qb guru work some funk on these guys or Murray for when not if our stater is injured. On another note...how is Cutty not thrown into the same vein as say a Vick in terms of inability to play a full season? Interesting.
  22. I want to be completely honest here. I am a biracial individual born of a black father and white mother. Moms from Chi; pops is from FLA. My mothers brother nurtured my sports alliances while he was still alive. These are the Cubs, Bears, Bulls,, Blackhawks and Sox just cuz they are Chitown. College is the town I live in; Gainesville Fl. so that's Gators all the way. I even root for NW and the Fire. While he's been dead nearly twenty years, I've never had any other allegiances other than the ones he taught me. That being said, I had found it increasingly difficult to relate to our boards viewpoints on controversial issues. Its quite apparent that the majority of our board is white individuals stuck in the past. The few that are willing to speak up are slammed for not conforming to the otherwise "group think" of the board. Regardless if they have a valid point(that eventually turns out to be gospel) they are put down fore not believing what the majority of our board thinks. While as I am admitably a homophobe. Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot. Our Sam's thread reiterates my point that this board is getting impossible to read. The lack of diversity and understanding is troubling. A person is a person and they are entitled to their own opinion. Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when they missed the tackle. Or if our board would blame Sams orientation as the reason why he missed one. All in all, as a black bears fan, and in the year 2014 one would hope that our members were more understanding of people that weren't just like themselves. Get your freakin head out of the sand ostriches.
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