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Everything posted by Stinger226

  1. He is not in that group, but definitly falls in the next group of 5. The problem is none of the great ones will ever hit the market, so is the best available player.
  2. Louis played well at guard but not so much at RT. I dont want to see Omiyale on the team and Webb as a starter. I would be ok with Carimi at LT if we have to.
  3. I think Bowe will get the tag as well as S. Johnson. That leaves Coslton and Jackson. Somebody will pay Jackson big money which probably leaves us out of the picture. So I think we should go after Coslton. Others going after WRs will be Minn, Cleveland, Jacksonville, Jets, and I think SD will try to replace Jackson. If we cant first day land Colston, need to hit up Wayne, Laurent Robinson from Dallas. Since Johnson will get the tag, go after Bell/LT from Buff. Then with our first pick grab Floyd. Second round take Minnifield/CB. Third round a/ Zeitler/OG. b/Branch/DE. #5 Loiseau/ILB. Also in FAgency we need to get a backup QB.
  4. Of course they need a DE, they need lots of spots filled, but this year you have to cater to Cutler. You add WRs and OLs, and do the best you can on the defense.
  5. I would rather see Carimi go to the LT spot and draft a RT than see Williams or Webb at either spot.
  6. There is not many options in fagency at LT, so hopefully one of the tip 4 tackles are there at 19.I think LT is our highest priority, We have to have an impact player at .19 so if one of LTs aren't there we can't make a reach.
  7. I remember Hub saying a few years how terrible our wrs were when nobody else was, so he was dead on with that.
  8. He was one of the last cuts in training camp, and I dont think they put him on the practice squad. I thought he would hang around and eventually get a shot.
  9. So I guess what I can understand here, is you dont think that figure is true, and the fact I have read several projections to the contrary of the 46+ cap space, that that is not a good enough of a reason to disagree with the genius. I am sure when the true figure comes out, we wont hear a word from you. I have it figured out now, you just like to argue with no apparent point.
  10. I know it wasnt your prediction, I am not sure you have any original thoughts, but you sure did jump on the bandwagon. I dont think its true. I said it wasnt ture because I dont think it is. A statement is an extension of a thought. I have no idea where your coming from with that statement. So because I dont agree with someone, how is it i dont comprehend what your saying? It is quite simple, I think your genius is wrong. Why is that a problem for you? For you to carry his torch, I might be able to say, that you believe it true.
  11. I listen to the score all day,everyday, and heard from Hub that it would cost a 1 and a 3, Im not actually that knowing on my own.
  12. there are going to be several choices fall by the wayside and I really didnt think we would chase him anyways.
  13. I am dismissing it because I think its to high. I actually don't think anybody' knows the exact amount. It is a mute point we will find out in a month. If your right , I will praise u and be glad I was wrong, for the bears sake.if not then I will be lipping off again.
  14. That secret website is(spotrac.com)all we are doing is relating to other peoples info and forming an opinion. I have read tons of projections and best estimate I can come up is 28 to 30. I wish is would be more, but can't agree with your 46+ projection. We will find out in a month.
  15. If they tender him, he will cost a 1 and a 3.
  16. After we do Forte , lets say we have 20, so two big time contracts are out of the question. I hope we make some cuts and get a little more cap room, but they will add some fringe players not studs. You want to continue to live in cap fantasy land, good luck with all that, I have to be a little more realistic. I am sure you will say Briggs doesnt know what he is talking about and refer to your expert fan on the cap.
  17. I think it is time to put it rest that we have 40plus mil in cap space, but then I guess you could say Briggs is full of shit.
  18. You do realize the base salary and cap hit are two different figures? I double checked the figures off the website and 92523500. As I stated that doent include some of the fringe players but could very well have been on 1 year deals. I am not exact with all the info, but am close to what it might be.
  19. I found a website that lists 2012 player cap hits for the Bears. It doesnt list all the fringe players and practice squad players. Just main roster and it comes to 92 mill. so I would say to add 5 to 7 mill to accomidate the ones not listed. so with a percentage of roll over from 2011 we have between between 24 to 28 mill to spend if the cap is at 120. I researched this all afternoon, because it bugs me that people get on here and say we have 40 mill available.IT AINT TRUE The. IF we cut Omiyale and Barber that would save us 5.8 million. So it could be a little higher. and by the way Hesters cap hit next year is 7.4 mill.(how lame is that) We need to redo his contract. My suggestion would be to draft Wright with the 1st pick and cut him. He can return kicks. Forte will cost 8 mill Davis, Graham, Bell, McCown,Idonije,Steltz, will cost 7 mill Rookie pool around 5 mill Top flight WR 7 to 9 mill That blows our budget right there. Now if we let go of Wooten, Barber, Omiyale, J.T. Thomas(drugs) it will save us 6 mill. So we need to sign another WR, CB, DE, dont look like we can afford any big names with the money we have left over. I suggest Royal/WR 1 mill, Routt/CB 2 mill, Mathis 4 mill(he made 5 last year and will need to pay him close to that)
  20. The problem is you dont have many options at OLT. I would prefer a vet to a rookie, but there are only 3 legitmate options, Bell/Buff-McNiel/Charg and Gaither/Charg. All three have question marks, but would like one of them and still draft someone fairly high. I dont want to pinned to one player having to be good, I want two options are key positions.
  21. Here are contracts for the top WRs in the NFL Fritz-8/120 mill C. Johnson-7/62 mill A. Johnson-6/55 White-6/48 Marshall-5/47 Holmes-5/45 Smith-6/44 S. Rice-5/41 I think Jackson will be about 5/49 Bowe will be about 6/48 Colston will be 5/45 S. Johnson will be around 6/43 None of the top WRs will come cheap, so who will we pay?
  22. Your right on on accounts. I am starting to like Wright more and more, and with a FA big WR, we dont need to draft one.
  23. Moss and TO were more valuable along time ago, but TO is coming off a major injury and is (lets face it)old, and an issue in the locker room. He aint got it, he would probably be a good Arena league player now. The problem is Moss is starting to slow down and the most important think is he has quit on teams when things dont go good for him. He is just not to be trusted any more as a consistent threat. If he was the 4th WR on the team, maybe but I dont see him doing 1000 yards and 10 TDs. Moose was a #2 wr that had one great year, and we tried to make him a #1.
  24. The only think I am aware of is the cap rollover is only a percentage of the amount and DOES NOT carry over the total amount. Uncertain if 50% or something close to that. There is no way we have 46 mill, in cap space, sounds like somebody is day dreaming with that figure. I have read in many different reports and seems to be between 20 and 25 mill.
  25. They are #1s and we need to pay what the market bears. We can't play around any more with maybes.
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