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Everything posted by Stinger226

  1. the idea of having keepers shouldnt be a penalty, In one league I was in , after the 5th round we could keep one keeper and lose that round. Leaves for a normal draft and doesnt dilute it as bad. It worked out quite well.
  2. Gosh I dont think I have been on here since the football season started. I vote for one keeper, if we all keep 2 it will dilute the draft and not make it as much fun. I also think whatever player you keep you just lose that round in the draft. So if you keep your first pick, you lose that round or your 5th pick lose that round. that makes picking gems in later rounds more attractive. Who was crushers, who won? I took a nose dive at the end, but had it going for awhile.
  3. never mind already been done on another topic.
  4. Do we start to get lucky again with stars not playing at the time we play them. This will be a huge advantage to us with him out.
  5. In a ppr league, it probable favors the Marshall trade, if he gets his act together, which is a gamble for the trader. I would stay away from Marshall, but the Broncos will get better as the year goes on and he might turn into a good soldier. So if the rest of the team in your fantasy team is good, he will be playing well during your playoffs.
  6. I pretty well agree with your predictions except if we play the Falcons at home in january I see us winning that game but dont make it past the next. If we go 11-5 that means our defense is pretty good and now have a past rush, so a january win sounds likely in the cold.
  7. Stinger226


    Since we have our league set, why dont you random the picking order, so I can mock draft my position and be prepared for our draft, the date is ok with me. I am retarded so I need more time than most.
  8. Jay Cutler has moved from the #16th selling jersey to the #1 spot now as a Bear, according to the NFL team shop.
  9. Stinger226


    I have the 30th open, and previously stated was taken, so that is an excellent day.
  10. Dont you think with Browns experience he should have helped the new CB to line up properly to take away the outside?
  11. Im not sure he is in the doghouse, we have a new DB coach, and I think the moves are based on his opinion of who can play. Our perception of him being the next in line at CB was based on last year. With the weakness at FS they moved him there, and must have been lacking to fill that position, so they give the job to DM right before training camp begins. So no one at nickel, so moved him in there. With the passing teams we are playing early in the season, nickel will be on the field most of the time. So moving him to nickel isnt necessarily a demotion.
  12. Stinger226


    With a 10 team league, you can draft 16 deep and make it worth while. PPR is cool if it is only one point. Last year in a league, they had it worth two points, and a good day for a receiver was 40 to 50 points. A RB would have to have a hall of fame day to get into the 40,s as well as a QB. Dont know if anyone is interested, as it sometime get screwed up with collecting the fees, but we have $1 roster changes and $2 for trades. It adds around 150.00 to the winners take at the end of the year.
  13. Stinger226


    I also think one flex player would be good, the more options the more diluted you get.
  14. Stinger226


    I want in the money league and already have aug 30 and 31 taken for draftes.
  15. I think with the new pieces we added, it upgrades the starters from last year that will start. I think with a better RBlocking O lineman we will look better on the pass blocking just to due to the change in our offensive strategy being we have a total upgrade of the QB position. If we run the ball well, that would be in so much of a pass rushing mode and if we pass first to set up a run, the confusion will slow down the pass rush.
  16. Stinger226


    Sunday nite works best for me, and want the money league. I would like to establish the date because I will be in 3 other leagues and when the time comes, dont want any dates to conflict.
  17. Stinger226


    FF is fun because I can pretend Im smart, but the side kick is the back talk, it makes things interesting.
  18. Its nice to get a national prespective on our chances.
  19. Stinger226


  20. I think both Bennett and Hester have between 60 and 70 catches. With Bennetts YPC at 11 and Hesters at 14. I think Bennett has 4 TDs and Hester 8. I think we will have Olson catching in that range and Forte around 50. So what it amounts to is we will be spreading the ball around quite a bit, with Olson becoming a pro bowl TE and Forte, one of the top 4 RBs in the NFC. So I think we get the job done without a #1 per say, and will look to add another WR next offseason.
  21. As much as we want a number one, I think sitting pat and let the cream rise to the top with the WRs we have. Next year there are several stud WRs up for FAgency. Roddy White, Brandon Mashall, Braylon Edwards, Antonio Bryrant, and TO is on a one year deal. Also V. Jackson from SD is up for contract. We should play the hand out and then grab a FA after we find out what we have and maybe by then we will have our own star on the team.
  22. I think the fact we were in the running for a playoff spot figured into the equation for letting the vets play. Looking back, as bad as our WRs were, how could he not get a chance to show his stuff. The coaching choices on this team amaze me sometimes.
  23. forget about Marshall , he will cost us to much, when we can get Plax for just a bowl of money. We have to pay Cutler at some point in time and beside wha we give up , he will want around 10 mill a year. Save the money and get a one and done WR like Plax and get back to the SB.
  24. I too would like to develope our young WRs but we are poised to go back to the Super Bowl and Plax would get us closer to it than our young wideouts. Give him a one year incentive laden deal and we still have room to develope some talent. We are so close to a run at the SB lets go for it now.
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