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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. I wonder if there is a question about his allegiance to the team; he was allied with BM and then the year BM left he suddenly had all of the somewhat questionable injuries? Just a thought...
  2. I rated edge pass rusher first, but the more I think of a good QB in the draft the more I like it. Not that I am not happy with Cutler right now, as I think he can do well for us for awhile, but after a year or three he will likely need replacing and if we have a high draft pick young prospect sitting behind him learning, that would be great!
  3. I too wish we could have held on to Forte....I am not cap savvy enough to know if it made sense from that angle but he sure was a true blue guy all the way. I wish he could have retired as a Bear. Bennett and Marshall, I think you have to be behind the scenes to know maybe. However, it is clear that what we got from both did not seem to equal the loss.
  4. I think we need Oline more than Dline, whether it be draft or free agency. We need at least two good solid guys to be solid.
  5. Like I have said, I am impressed so far this year with Cutler...first year in a new system, praise from Fox and that seems hard to come by, and he obviously makes a huge difference. If he can keep progressing, I can see him being a top 10 QB...wouldn't that be something? We would get what we paid for and maybe even a bargain in the next few years. I would be happy to eat crow to see that.
  6. Defence not looking too good today, although I am counting on the NFL play by play as Game Pass doesn't work when the cable channels are showing the games here in the UK, damn it.
  7. I hate to eat crow, but I am starting to be a believer. The article posted here awhile back about the Denver days made sense, and I think some of my earlier thoughts of him were just plain wrong. I hope he keeps it up!
  8. Having been a long-time Cutler critic, this article does help explain much, as AZ54 pointed out. I won't say I am on the band wagon but it is obvious that he is our best option right now and I can see the logic in saying that he has never worked in an offensive system with the Bears long enough to get it mastered nor has he had solid offensive lines. I hope that he continues to progress and surprises me, there is no doubt that he has all of the tools.
  9. Makes me think of Alonzo Spellman, I wonder what happened. I hope he is OK, very surprising how quick things change.
  10. No way that ball that Tate caught was a TD/reception.....what a ripoff! Terrible call.....
  11. Jeffery is going to suffer if he keeps being injured..... If Royal and Jeffery are out, that makes life hard. Go Bears!
  12. I agree, I am hoping for better things and at least there were some good things to be seen in the losses. However, if Cutler isn't better, I hope they give Fales a try; Clauson just isn't doing it.
  13. I haven't been a Cutler fan for years; but he is not the worst problem IMO. He didn't look bad at all before he got hurt and he wasn't bad in the first game. The mistake was that big contract that was given to him, that is the problem. Who is to blame for that? Cutler? Emery? McCaskeys? Angelo? Who ever, that is the issue for me; he is overpaid and at the point he was given that big contract he had not earned it. But, we are stuck with it. For at least this year, and maybe next it seems. I hope he proves me wrong and kicks some butt, but even if he does, he is only one player and I don't think that he is enough to cover all of the problems. It is rebuilding time....as MadLith says, I think I am going to relax for a year or two. Kind of wished I had saved my cash for Gamepass, but oh well. I still like watching when they are competitive, so maybe there will be a bit worth watching this year.
  14. Damned GamePass is giving me the Skins game, won't give me the Bears! Aarrghgghghhg
  15. I can't help but thinking the same, this has been the strangest off season that I can remember....mystery injuries, surprising cuts..... It looks to me like we are in a major rebuilding mode and I don't doubt that if Cutler had a contract that would allow his release he would be gone. It will be an interesting year.
  16. I agree with this post; it is so hard to judge this years Bears, but well, as a fan, one can only hope for the best. It helps to have Jordy out, it is Fox's first game and at home......we have some weapons and who knows? The only person picking a Bears W on ESPN is Ditka... But I am going to be hoping for great things....
  17. And Goldman out with a concussion on top of it...what a drag.
  18. http://www.chicagobears.com/news/article-1...a4-a937abd6a2c5 What a bummer....and two years plus later?
  19. I have watched the first half, overall, I was happy. I am not expecting Super Bowl this year, and so anything better than last years embarrassment will do well with . I feel we might just be 8-8 at worst, with a lot of upside after the season. First year coaches and new schemes cannot make miracles, but improvement is what I am looking for. Overall, I am encouraged.
  20. Impossible for me to know if I would like him personally, but I certainly don't care for how he plays.
  21. Rest in Peace Doug Buffone....so sorry to hear this.....a great Bear.
  22. Daventry

    Goodbye Peanut

    Very very sorry to see Peanut go, wish he would have agreed to a safety slot. What a shame. Oh well, best of luck to Charles Tillman, I hope he retires a Bear!
  23. Agreed, a good player, sad to see him go.
  24. I am excited about the coming year.....and will be more excited when Cutler leaves. BTW, I am coming home in July for two weeks!
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