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Posts posted by Daventry

  1. You should know better than that. I think most everyone here are devout fans AND have an opinion about how things should/could be. Hence the name "TalkBears". Kind of the subject matter. It's good to bounce off ideas to those that might be more in the know. If you hear something to either refute the rumor or perpetuate it. Being from Alaska I can tell you that I don't get a lot of front line coverage to Chicago Bears football, let alone Chicago itself. I rely on those more closer to the action; like Connor Bear, Ashkum, Adam, Mongo etc that are nearer to Chicago than I and have more access to more media sources to research. Even you being in Florida have that capability. My friend Daventry is located in the UK and sometimes has better info than I. Go easy on the opinions offered here.



    There we go

  2. Thanks Uncle Buck for the kind words. And to all my friends here (yes even you Stinger) all my best in the New Year. I hope 2015 is better to you than 2014.



    Happy New Year to all; 2015 has got to be better than 2014.

  3. Sadly, I am a bit of a masochist and watched the last game until the final whistle....sigh.


    I think Christian Jones has awesome potential and deserves to compete for a starting job; he was a beast out there yesterday.


    And there was little else to cheer for.

  4. While we ease into the holiday season, I am grateful for this site as a place to interact with passionate Bears' fans. Whether flush or flat all during the year, I at least got to get on this site and enjoy some fun and thought provoking discussion. Life is too short to let much get under your skin and this site helps keep things light. So to all who post and those who just enjoy reading the exchanges, please accept my wishes for a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. I'm glad we got through the year and look forward to many more productive years in my life and hopefully in yours as well. Bless you all.



    Good stuff Uncle Buck, appreciate your contributions, and Merry Christmas to you. Bless you and yours.

  5. If we could get some team to take his contract and we get a pick for him, I say dump him.


    I would rather move forward with Clausen and whoever else we can get and start over completely.


    I totally agree we need a rebuild in coaching all the way up to McCaskey.

  6. Some people are ready to see Cutler back next year. That's fine, everyone is welcome to their own opinion. I just want to understand how you come to this conclusion. Convince me on why Jay Cutler should be the Chicago Bears QB in 2015.


    I don't want stats. I don't want contract details. I don't want physical traits like a strong arm. I don't care about relationships with players. I don't want to hear about quarterback carousels or potential replacements. I want to know where he excels to you.


    What are the positive aspects you see in Jay Cutler's play? What, in your eyes, does he do on the field that separates him from average quarterback? What actual parts of his on field play makes you think that he is the guy?


    Help me understand where you are coming from. I'm talking along the lines of ball placement, reading defense, making progressions, mechanics, decision making, being clutch and so on.



    Can't help you here, because I don't want him back.

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