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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. I hope so too....for the few Bears fans who will attend...I reckon there will be a lot of TB jerseys in the stadium.
  2. You just might have me coming around to Lovie.....just wish he could have sorted the O out....
  3. That is the best news I have seen all year!
  4. I hope it hits him in the a%% for as long as his life. He is no Bear to me.
  5. I love Peanut. But never Briggs...he disgraces the number he wears... Look up how he crashed his Lambo on the I90
  6. I wish we could stomp a mud hole in his a@@
  7. I am cancelling my NFL Game Pass after this year, and would cancel it now if I would get any cash back.....
  8. I am cancelling my NFL Pass for next year...nuff said. This is a disgrace.
  9. Amen! He doesn't deserve to be a Bear with that crap attitude.....
  10. There we go...that sums it up.
  11. The team is in disarray....who makes the most money on the team? Trestmann? Nope, the answer is Cutler....
  12. We'll see....with the last place Chicago Bears.
  13. http://chicagosuntimes.com/football/amani-...-coaches-fired/ Cutler=George
  14. Time to lose it...Ditka style...time to kick some A££.
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