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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. I can only say I wish..... I agree with the others; it is obvious this season is just about over with so we might as well let Cutty go out there and suck.
  2. Gotta love Butthead.....but nothing with Cutler's name is coming in my house. Bears Fan Always Here....
  3. Sorry Mad, darn it.........the Bears suck this year. But as a Bears fan......I will always be. No Cutler jerseys for me...ever. I did get my daughter a number 9 jersey for her birthday.... Gould.....McMahon.
  4. Awesome Mad, have a shout out for me! My name is Don! GO BEARS!!!!!!
  5. He can give the Bears the finger if he likes, and Bears fan will give him one too. This is the same guy who crashed his Lambo, obviously drunk, ran home and reported it missing and the somehow didn't get charged? Can you say pay off?
  6. Daventry

    SMC is back

    I have to say Terra, you do have character.....
  7. Thanks Adam, it sure is great to have the chance to read so much great stuff from true Bears fans like you and many others here!
  8. He cried because he felt he should have been a higher draft pick...and then got bullied after he arrived. I would love to have him back.
  9. Me too.....time to watch the Bears again! Yay!!!!!
  10. I wouldn't mind giving him a try......he might make a good partner for Forte and get those tough inside yards.
  11. No, you just don't know me.... And with that, I will argue no more...dude.
  12. Haha, good one man! I vote for you!
  13. Really...I wouldn't take the money if I couldn't deliver...would you? Really dude.
  14. Who do you blame when they don't live up to their end of the bargain? The people who you convinced to pay you, or yourself? I blame myself...so I blame Cutler.
  15. He took the money....so it is his fault.
  16. You are comparing the whole starting defence to one man's pay??? Please....give me a break.
  17. You are competing the whole starting defence to one man's pay?
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