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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Allright all right...........
  2. In his first year with Lovie's offence...yawn....
  3. Nice one Mad.....my boy is named Sawyer......
  4. With all due respect to all..... If you cannot see that McCown would have been the better option for us this year......then we will see. It really depends entirely on Cutler not turning the ball over. And I want nothing more for our Bears to hit the SB this year. GO BEARS!
  5. Awesome stories there buddy, thanks for sharing!
  6. Congrats to Fuller, that is awesome! He just might be a great one.....
  7. I sure will miss Peanut if he can't come back....a true Bear. Thanks for the good years Peanut, you kicked some good a$$ for the Bears!
  8. Daventry

    Kyle Fuller

    Please stop that Terra.....have some respect for people.
  9. Daventry

    Tomorrow Night

    love that avatar Stinger...damn!
  10. As a Child Protection Social Worker...I say, never harm your children....
  11. Iron Mike is family, he needs to get the call first.
  12. Me too! I have been telling all here he is a tool for how long?
  13. Yeah....we wasted a lot money... No Cutler jerseys for me until he wins a SB.... Otherwise.... KISS MY ASS CUTLER
  14. Daventry

    Matt Forte

    Gotta love Forte!
  15. Damn I hate agreeing with Terra.....
  16. He is not God, no QB could go in and win in the first year in an new system...has it ever been done? Plus, Cutler knew Marshall from Denver days and had two years to work with Alshon.... I hear what you are saying though. I sure hope Cutler is trying to learn from his mistakes.
  17. Don't forget, this is his first year working in a new system with all new guys, and the guys he has don't compare favourably with ours. What year is Cutler in with this system?
  18. Guess we have to agree to disagree there Mad, but hey, I hope we are not stuck with him for three years or it is going to be a tough three years if he doesn't stop throwing those interceptions. The reason McCown never took us to the playoffs is that he was never given the opportunities Cutler was. And comparing Cutler and McCown stats is interesting, but does McCown have Jeffery, Marshcall, and Bennett in TB? And he has the offensive genius of who? Lovie? Oh well....
  19. Daventry

    Play Review #2

    Effective as lying on his back in the fetal....classic! I had a good chuckle over that one, nice one Adam! Bench Briggs or trade him to SF, not that they are stupid enough to want him any more...... I still like Conte.
  20. Here is the bottom line IMO... Cutler should have been released...this is a mistake. McCown would have been the better choice for Trestman's offence..... But who knows that politics are involved? So, we are stuck with Cutler for now.... However, if Cutler screws up again.....then he should sit. Does McCown have the weapons Cutler has? Did McCown come in an win games? Nuff said folks. I say tell Cutler no more turnovers or he can sit. You don't win with turnovers. Check the stats....sigh.... I fear it is going to be a bad week for us next week!
  21. Yep.....wish we would have kept McCown.
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