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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Ready to win the Super Bowl? That is what I want to know...
  2. Here is another name....Dennis McKinnon! He was a good one IMO.....
  3. Daventry

    New D scheme?

    Here is my opinion...for what it is worth. The Tampa, zone, thing...doesn't work. Buddy's way works... Attack is defence...it is simple. Watch Buddy punch the O coach...all you need to know
  4. we are bored, waiting for the action! GO BEARS!
  5. Daventry


    Ahh, thank you Cracker, Mark was quite a good one eh? Thomas Jones was not bad either.... And Thomas Sanders...watch some of his runs, he was quite a back!
  6. Daventry


    6 hours from here to you...
  7. Daventry


    Good Morning All, A quick question...does anyone know how to find out quickly all of the players who have worn a given number on the Bears? I have a number 20 jersey, and I know Steltz wears it now, and I believe Thomas Jones and Thomas Sanders have worn it in the past, but with the net being what it is, I would have thought I could quickly go somewhere and find a list... Google has not resulted in anything helpful.
  8. Good to hear from the master....hope you are well. I am coming to your parts soon, within the year. I will look you up.
  9. Welcome back Grouchy! Can't wait to see your posts...and more of those avatars.
  10. I thought his comments were dead on; also found Marshall's comments to him very interesting. He seems a very mature and wise man.
  11. We'll see....Url has played his hand out IMO.... He better cash his chips and stay home, try to do the interview thing.
  12. Those are interesting picks, both great Bears. I am looking forward to seeing how Long progresses; he could be an all-time great IMO....
  13. We'll see about this one...but I will not hold my breath waiting to see if someone wants Url.....
  14. Good to see you back Terra! I agree.Forte is the man, a tough one for sure. I have high standard with running backs I suppose....having lived through so many good ones....Payton, Anderson, Harris, etc........ And i tend to lean on defence...that is me, hence my love for the Marshalls, Singletary's, and Planks. Forte...one cannot complain about him...he is a good Bear, to say the least.
  15. Indeed.... But I feel guilty for leaving out Singletary, Hampton, McMichael, Parrish, Brown, and so many who shed their blood on our field. But for me...in my life....Wilber Marshall was the man.....
  16. I love watching them too...what a duo! Hard to get better....I would not trade with any other team in an even swap.
  17. I will keep an eye on Sutton...he must be good! I checked out NFL game day and watched the Bears vs the Packers from last year...that was a good game! Old MC redeemed himself...
  18. I would have to go with Brandon as a close second to my fav current players.... Butkus...yes, he has to be the man...hard to beat. But we have Payton, Sayers, and so many others. How can you pick one? We are spoiled for choice!
  19. I remember that Connor, and I am glad that you are back! Your thoughts are much worthwhile here...
  20. It is a great place to be, I enjoy it....but still miss my home. There is fun to be had everywhere eh? Sounds like you find plenty where you are as well.
  21. Allright....back to the Bears! Who is everyone's favourite Bear within the current team? I would go for Tillman probably myself. I am waiting for a Bears safety to come out again, like Plank, Brown, Parrish, or Fenczik (spelling? SCS, can you help?) But my favourite of all time......hmmm. I have to go with Wilber Marshall.....what a linebacker he was!
  22. OK...this is what I wake up to. Hmmm.... Somehow, we have gotten off on the wrong foot. Again, you are a bright man, and if we need to play word games, best we do it on the phone etc....not here. So, my offer stands, I have no message from you. If you choose, I can call you and we can settle this all out. The men on this site are good people; sometimes things get a bit out of hand. I don't always like everything I read here but then I look back and what I have written and realise that hey......I am not perfect either. I think we would get along well in person....as I would with all of the guys here. I surely don't want you to go from here; you are a smart man. So, I am done on this one gentleman. No more comments from me on this post. Take care Lucky, and if you ever want to talk, PM me and I can give you a ring. And hang around, there are a lot of good Bears fans here. And you know what? Next year might just be our year! Stick around for the party!
  23. Damn, that Dalimore was wicked...but good...not that heavy really. I was drinking gin most of the night.....good stuff, and pub atmosphere....what happens in the pub, stays there. I love that smoke too..... I keep telling them over here...give me what it takes that you think will kill me....I haven't died yet! Haha. Good times with good people. Pubs are a great experience; find the right one, and it is a wonderful place to go....all we need is some NFL!
  24. OK-you want to discuss the Bears? The typical fan, the real fans....hmmm. A poor opinion of Chicago? Please.....you are wrong. I am from Rockford, and love the Bears, and have done so since birth. There is no need to always be politically correct with language, and to use profanity at times is not such a bad thing....not that I particularly endorse it, but I understand those who feel the need, and take no offence? Do you? Because if you do....then I am not sure you know the real Chicago as I do. And by the way....sorry you find that offensive. If you disallow others who use the language that they do in order to meet your standards, then you are DISCRIMINATING.....do you understand? And yes, really, have you been to a PG movie lately? And OK, yes, if this is an "R", then fair enough. But guess what? We are all adults here? AND CHILDREN SHOULD BE MONITORED ON THE INTERNET. IT IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY TO MONITOR MY WORDS HERE BECAUSE PARENTS ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN HERE WITHOUT SUPERVISION. And if they do....nothing I say will hurt them IMO... And I see nothing here from others who hurt either...and when I do, I speak up. Where have you been? Tell you what...I get bored writing... If you want to PM me your telephone number I will call you and we can talk it through. No threats of any kind....I am offering to call you on my dime and speak to you directly, and if we disagree, then we will, and I am civil and peaceful, and will wish you no harm. Do you know what a "Masters Degree" is? You don't need to put it in quotes, it is what it is....it is six years of full-time education my friend. Dude? How much education do you have? Extrapolate? That is an interesting word....but I don't think it fits this conversation at all....maybe you feel you can elaborate a bit? Do you like to play with words? OK, let's play. I don't like some of the guys who have been lost; but I don't know why they have left either. Do you? They may have got bored, moved on, whatever....I don't know why...do you? And if you do, let me know..... This is not a "good old boy" site by any length; these boys know the Bears, and the history. If you don't think so, maybe you should find better eh? There are a lot out there. Sometimes language gets rough...OK, I don't like some of the quotes that appeared as they are on the net and I wish they were not...although they would not bother me in the bar. But IN CONTEXT, these are all good guys here...and they may have said a few things for whatever reason, but they are good guys. So chill out....and if you want to PM me your number, we can talk it through. It is hard to type eh? Have a good day....and I am glad to have you here.
  25. Daventry

    Trade Briggs?

    I agree, he abandoned the Bears last year when they had the worst game in history on D and left the locker room, leaving the rookies to fend for themselves with the media. Unforgivable, as was his critical words of the Bears after they simply took the option of tagging him, which was well within their rights. Check out those quotes folks; check out what Briggs said a few years ago when the 49ers wanted to pay him, violated league rules and were fined for such, and led Briggs to spew disrespect on our team and everyone associated as well as the city. Check out details of his car accident in Chicago with his Lamborghini, where he was likely inebriated, and reported the car stolen and then retracted..........given him time to sweat out a bit of alcohol eh? And it all went away for him. So, if we need him this year, I will leave it to Trestmann and Emery to determine, as they see the practices, talk to the players, and know much more than me. However, he will never be a Bear to me, and I will never purchase his jersey. He was over-rated, playing next to an excellent MLB in Urlacher, and never did much except deliver solid performances....give him his due, he was solid, but that was it.
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