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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. I have just re-read Jack Tatum's book and he notes that his primary job was really to strike fear in the other teams receivers....maybe that is different nowadays with the rule changes but I don't think so really.....I would love to have a good hard hitting guy back there who can also cover and who could take care of running backs too.
  2. Agree there Stinger, but damn, with your avatars, who could not? Is there still a Taco Johns on Riverside? Mr. Donut on N. Second? I want hitters, that is what the Bears are about....Pryor it is for me if we go safety.
  3. Excuse my ignorance, but are you referring to center when you say C? If so, didn't we just pick one up in free agency? I can't see us going in that direction.
  4. Although I have not felt safety was as huge a need as some, I have to admit that Pryor looks pretty impressive and thinking about it we do need to definitely need a safety, either a free or strong, even if some of the players they have pan out to some degree. Pryor sounds like a young Jack Tatum, which may be why he caught my eye as I just finished re-reading Tatum's book after some 30 years! Still a great read....could we dig up Tatum and get a bit of DNA and clone him, haha?
  5. Daventry


    Makes sense, I think you know more than I of the draft options so would not disagree.....
  6. Daventry


    I think it would be ridiculous to be looking for linebackers this year when we just drafted two studs last year; way too early to give up on them. Maybe later on in the draft if there is a bargain, but I think Bostic and Green have huge potential. In the draft, we obviously have to focus on the D, and Donald seems to be the guy for us IMO. It it is not him, then I am sure there are some other big tackles that will kick some ass for us. I guess a safety would be nice, but I am not convinced at all that Conte sucks. The D was in meltdown last year, and Conte was a young guy who was caught in that mess. He hits a ton and is smart. And, risking the wrath of all, I like Steltz too. He also brings the wood and I think could be a good SS if given a chance.
  7. Daventry

    Great news

    I hear you, I may have been out of line....I feel Conte was part of a bad D last year, and if he had been part of a better overall D I think he would have been at the very least much better. I think he is a hard working kid doing his best, I think we have all piled on him a bit much personally and I like him and hope he makes it. JMO As a lover of safeties, I just bought a vintage Jack Tatum Raiders shirt! One of the few non-Bears shirts I have ever bought, but had to have a Tatum! I wrote a paper in University on his book, bought a copy of the book too recently. He is a fascinating guy....
  8. I too am very impressed with the offence...but do not forget the Conway and Graham years, with Kramer at QB...those were some big years for Bears offence and wonderful to watch I have to say. I would not take any other receivers over the two we have; they are great Bears and have good character as well as play making ability. Good times for Bears fans!
  9. Daventry

    Great news

    Nice one....any more witty comments to share? Let's just all berate players that we loved a year ago when they struggled as a young player on a defence that was leaking everywhere..... Let's just all pile on Conte, why not? A young guy who was proud to be a Bear and did his best out on the field. Let's just all analyse, criticise, and kill him off....Plank would never have lasted through such a world. When did the good discussion start? Did I miss it? The title of the thread was shit, and it is hard to get much of a good discussion from shit. And by the way....I don't let my dad fight my battles youngster. My invitation to Terra stands to you too, send me your phone number and we can have a chat. Is that bait enough for you? Let's Go Crazy!
  10. Daventry

    Great news

    How about if you PM me your phone number and we can have a chat???? Keep talking internet warrior, and I will make a fool out of you with your imbecilic and childish replies. Your comments are not interesting and illustrate my point entirely. Fool.
  11. Could we start a petition? GET RID OF BRIGGS! I would be happy to contribute some money to that one!
  12. Daventry

    Great news

    Sorry Terra, your constantly negative posts are too black and white and show little insight...grow up and try again.
  13. Daventry

    JA vs Emery

    The wins and losses will tell the tale, but I feel confident in Emery...we will see. As far as Conte and Wright go, both I feel need more time to see, and I hope Conte is given every opportunity to compete...I still think he has ability and could be a a quality safety.
  14. Good point Mad...but I would like someone with a little more class to be the front head of the Bears...but you may be right...I need to think about it.
  15. I don't think Brian is necessarily speaking up for his brothers; if he is, he has, and always has, forgotten the fans who pay for his ridiculously luxurious lifestyle. He is a man, not a boy, and if he cannot figure out how to behave within the Bears, and what it means, then I don't have much time for him. The reason he has, and does, somewhat bother me is because he never had the character, or respect, for the Bears and the fans that he should have. I saw Mr. Url at the Bears game at Wembley a year or two ago, he was arrogant and not pleasant at all.....he obviously did not wish to be there. He forgets entirely how much money the Bears have paid him over the years...choosing instead to cry when they offer more than any other team was willing to and pout because it isn't enough. I will never own a 54 jersey, and have no use for him. Bye bye Url. when you figure out what it means to be a Bear, then I MIGHT be interested...in the meantime, F off! And take your buddy Briggs with you; when we win the Super Bowl, Mr. Lamborghini drunken crash/liar can be absent too hopefully.
  16. That article really speaks to the heart of the whole Brian Url issue....and I would just add, for me personally, I have a hard time separating the player from the personality. I don't want or need players to be perfect, but if I get the impression they do not have character, I would rather they not play for the Bears, even if that costs us some wins. I know it may sound a bit over the top, but I would honestly rather lose with a group of good guys than win with a bunch of a££holes. Oh well, glad Url is gone, hope his buddy Briggs is following out the door soon...
  17. Daventry

    middle backer

    If we could get a second or third round pick for him I would love to see him move on...but then, I would love to see him gone period.
  18. Daventry

    middle backer

    If we could get a second or third round pick for him I would love to see him move on...but then, I would love to see him gone period.
  19. Have you been reading Rumsfield comments Jason?
  20. Great to have you here, and great to have Jared as well! He will look much better in a Bears uniform!
  21. Great pickup, very glad and relieved to see this addition to the D..... Pretty good off-season for Emery I would say.
  22. Money is always a pain..but if you want to come to the UK to see the famous Tigers, you let me know...I will board you and be happy to attend with you. I have gone to one game there and attended a training event there as well, it is very nice.
  23. In the 40's today, some mild rain, as usual....not too bad at all. Can't complain, at least I am not on a flood plain, haha.
  24. Amen...how is Alaska nowadys? Weather OK there?
  25. Rugby fan eh? Message me and come to hometown of Leicester and see the Tigers.....they are one of the best!
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