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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Time to think about draft picks….
  2. Perhaps…..but I doubt it. No Billichek=losses IMO….
  3. I am not sure it is that easy, what makes a "better" QB? Arm strength? Intellect? Brady has won more so I would pick Brady, but would not discount Gannon, as I remember watching him when playing with the Vikes and thought he was much better than the credit he was given. Wrong time, wrong place, etc….Brady has benefitted from being with no question the best team in the NFL throughout his career; it would be interesting what may have been if he had started in other franchises. I highly doubt he would have been as successful.
  4. I have never had doubt of your love or knowledge of the Bears…and hope that you are doing well. I too would love to have a guy with Cutler like skills, but I am not sure the mental fortitude is there nor I am sure whether the physical skills have become eroded…..in this system you don't need a Brady, you can do with a Gannon….
  5. Alaskan, my old nemesis, I hate to admit that it makes me happy that you agree with me….at least to some point! :noteworthy You may not believe it but I do respect your views, maybe more now though, haha. Seriously, I am not saying that McCown is THE answer, that we should sign him up to a Flacco-like contract and ride him to the promised land. What I am saying is that if the Super Bowl were tomorrow, I would take him over Cutler based on what I have seen, nothing more and nothing less. I am also not entirely convinced Cutler should not be re-signed, I will leave that to the experts, who we seem to have now, and who see much more, and more accurately, than I ever will. Part of me would not be sad to see Cutler go, and a part of me would be…..I am honestly not sure about the long term, but lean towards him not being the answer.
  6. I go by results, and what I have seen from McCown is results in this system. And what I have seen from Cutler, over many games, is continued bad decisions and interceptions that have arguably led to losses. I believe in wins and losses…..so although I know that my position is quite controversial, and open to criticism, I would take McCown. Not making mistakes is what is needed at this point on this team.
  7. From an viewers standpoint, McCown to me has made a lot less bonehead throws than Cutler and to be honest, if we were in the Super Bowl tomorrow I would take McCown over Cutler, injury or not…..
  8. Still remember Ditka putting it back to Walsh with the Fridge back in the day!
  9. Absolutely agree, the Lions are a very solid team who could beat anyone on a given day….a good coach and/or time would have them winning much more. I feel positive about the coaching, despite the obvious problems, and think we have much to look forward to.
  10. History would find it shocking that I agree with the post above, but I do….I would have preferred to see McCown have another go and see what he did…quite sure Cutler is rushing back for a reason.
  11. How many more games will it take for McCown to have with ratings like last week and some QB controversy starts? One has to wonder….
  12. I know next to nothing about such injuries but would much prefer our QB, who although I have been critical of at times in the past, has overall done an admirable job and could still be a great one, take his time and take care of himself before he rushes back. Let's face it, we are not going to the big game this year, Cutler has more upside than any options I can think of, so why not rest him up and get him healthy for next year…. Not to mention, let's not let our guys maim themselves to win games. I would not feel good about seeing a guy out there who was jeopardising his long-term health.
  13. I would much rather Cutler takes his time and saves his body, he still could be a great QB and there is no use to rush back this year….we are not going to the big game regardless. Take care of yourself Jay!
  14. Bears 28, Redskins 14. Come on defence, take care of RG3!
  15. It would stand to reason that much of the reason for the D not performing would be the injuries in the middle, which would be hard for any team to cope with..... But, Peppers seems to have disappeared and one does have to wonder whether some of the changes made were for the best. Hindsight is always 20/20, and as a very anti-Url guy I hate to admit it, but it is something to consider as to whether maybe Url could have helped a bit this year....would have been nice if he had accepted the offer he was given and seen how it turned out. We better get some tackles healthy fast and Peppers better start playing better or we are not going to rise much above mediocrity this year methinks.
  16. I wouldn't get too caught up with his "mental disorder," I am still surprised he came out and reported that he had Borderline Personality Disorder, which in the mental health field is almost kin to leprosy....he is a prime time athlete who wants to do be number one..no more, no less. I was concerned about Marshall coming in, but so far he has shown nothing but class. Much ado about nothing methinks....
  17. Absolutely, awesome play calling and execution, let's see more of that!
  18. It looks to be a tight game, mistakes are going to have to be kept to a minimum on all fronts.
  19. I don't like how the Lions cut through us on that last drive! Damn, come on defence!
  20. I predict Bears, 31-21, against a stout and feisty Lions team.
  21. This will be an interesting game, I hope Peanut is available!
  22. Wow...can I buy a Trestman jersey?
  23. I don't mind Calvin's comments, it is what one would expect from a player from another inter-division team that have handed his own team many beat downs over the years...better that some vanilla crap "I respect them" bla bla bla... I hope Peanut can be there, but if not I reckon Trestmann and Co will do their best to manage the situation...one man won't beat us surely..... Let's hope the front 4 find their mojo this weekend....
  24. I was able to watch the game today and enjoyed seeing the Bears win...my observations: Cutler looked pretty good for most of the game, he certainly showed poise in the end although I think a fair bit of that was in some very nice play calling as well. Forte looked great, thank goodness we have him! The passing game overall looks very solid. The offensive line had a good game, almost night and day to last year. Alot to look forward to for that line in the years to come. E Bennett reappeared! It would be great to see him back full strength. Nice linebacker play from all LB's. Turnover machines in the secondary! However, I do think the D gave up too many yards; the roughing penalty really swung the momentum. I agree with others that I am thrilled we are 3-0 but there is much work to do. That being said, I am so happy to have Trestmann and Co. at the helm, I have a feeling we will improve every week.
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