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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Haha, good to know I am not alone in that!
  2. Have to agree, and apologise to the board for agreeing with the comment to start with..drink and the excitement of the game led to me typing before thinking….I need to quit posting during games!
  3. I think I will take number one over number ten….not to say I would dump Cutler necessarily…it will be an interesting rest of the year and off season.
  4. That is what I see as well, McCown really reminds me of Gannon, I think right now he is the better option…..long-term is going to be interesting to see.
  5. Top 10 QB when? I like Cutler, but he has made enough of Bears money….time to go.
  6. Yep, think they will call a pass?
  7. No one wants to make some Cutler excuses? Come on boys, let's hear it! Prove me wrong! Let's see what he does now.
  8. Exactly, bye bye Cutler….now I know why Denver was happy to see you go.
  9. Never mind, he turned out not too bad….although I would still prefer McCown I think, all in all….
  10. Let's keep making excuses for Cutler! Who has some stats?
  11. Personally, I believe that to sit the offensive player of the week last week for Cutler is a mistake….McCown has proven what he can do and appears to have a hot hand, why sit him now? Oh well, in Trestman we trust.
  12. Wow, two great receivers on the Bears? Are they better than the Conway and Graham combo?
  13. I too feel the same, and think it very unlikely Jay will go…..although am unsure whether he is the answer for us.
  14. How about sign McCown to a one-year deal if Cutty wants too much money, draft a QB high or watch the FA wires, and wait and see? Josh is a company man and smart enough to toe the company line…."end of story."
  15. Cmon Bowling, no one is saying that, don't make it Terra like simple…..
  16. I would bet this is close to what Trest and Emery are thinking…but would not be that surprised if they had already decided to let Jay move on unless they get a good deal on him. As much as I like Jay's talent, I would not be sad to see him go at this point, especially when we are going to have to spend big money on the D if we can hope to become play-off calibre. I just don't think Jay's upside is worth the cash the team would have to spend to keep him.
  17. Wow, I hope you are wrong there Mad…..
  18. I have no problem with Wright, have a few wonders about Conte…..but we need to give the boys a chance and not dump them after a couple of bad games. How would Fenzik have fared if that was the philosophy at the time? I say keep what we have and do not even think of drafting in that position, hit some big bodies in the middle to clog up the run! Another O linesman wouldn't hurt either...
  19. Does anyone doubt him now????
  20. Give Steltz a chance, and he will please us all I am sure! We are too fickle with safeties in Chicago….how many have we gone through?
  21. Bears 21, Vikings 28…hate to say it, but AP is too much for a very weak D.
  22. Happy Thanksgiving from the UK, where Thanksgiving is just another day! I miss it! I appreciate this site greatly, I learn here every time I visit! Have a great day all!
  23. Time to think about draft picks….
  24. Perhaps…..but I doubt it. No Billichek=losses IMO….
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