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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Definitely a HOFer, not sure about first time but definitely the second if not the first.
  2. I am not a great admirer of Urlacher the person but do admit he was a great linebacker when he was at his best. That being said, I never felt he was a good ambassador for the city like Butkus and Singletary were.... And I heard a radio interview given on NFL Access where he claimed that he did not like the way the team handled his negotiation, feeling like they gave him a "take it or leave it" type option and also mentioned the issue of wanting to play if Lovie was still around, which I think speaks volumes about Lovie and feel it would have been likely under the old regime that they would have kept him as he is, overpaid him, and wasted the cap space in essence. Good riddance to Lovie. Basically I would have thought that he would have been a bit more humble now that he knows that no one else was willing to pay him at all and the Bears were actually being generous...but never mind, that is consistent with his overall ignorance.
  3. The guy sounds like he has a lot of upside, one can only hope he has a good attitude and wants to work hard as it sounds like the talent and size are there!
  4. It will be interesting to see if Hester can make the team, I wonder how he looks to the staff? It is hard to imagine he is worth the money paid under the old regime. Signing Melton for a long-term deal would be nice, and getting Idonije back would be excellent IMO...he is a good solid player and citizen that meets our needs. I wouldn't mind seeing a speed guy for the WR corps....
  5. Spot on, I think you are exactly right.....too bad though, it seemed clear he had talent and what a waste of a draft pick! Thanks JA and LS.
  6. We seem to have top class men at the top at this point, heres hoping that time will see them improving our team and lead us to some long-term success!
  7. I sure didn't see this one coming, I thought Carimi was someone who was still a strong candidate to be a starter in the future and a long-time contributor to the team.....a shame a first round pick so quickly appears to be going sour.
  8. That is a fair point, I am not familiar enough with Grange but know enough he is extremely deserving. I just felt Ditka personified the Bears, but take your point. He was the quissential Bears coach at the time...
  9. Halas, Ditka, Sweetness, Butkus. I wish there were more heads to fill, but with four I will take those.
  10. Agree wholeheartedly, the Special Olympics are great and any athlete who helps out is really giving back to a good cause. Over here in the UK they showed all of the Special Olympics on prime time TV, alot of coverage, it is almost as big as the Olympics here! It was cool....
  11. This is a very disturbing article, it is hard to believe Lomas admitted to "whiffing" on a block. I can imagine things like this happen but that is pretty dastardedly behaviour....
  12. That guy is not that stupid judging from what he said, come on.
  13. Webb seems to be talking sense from all angles, trying to acknowledge his issues and be a good player. I am nothing but encouraged of his future with the Bears after reading the comments he made. Good for him!
  14. And he has zero losses as well....let's wait and see.
  15. My thoughts exactly, at least we can look forward to the potential of a new way of thinking working!
  16. Excellent point, to pretend that we know as much as guys who have proven themselves at a high level for years seems foolhardy. I can see many here have great knowledge but can't help but thinking that inside/scout information is valuable to say the least. I am going to have confidence in Trestmann/Emery until they give me reason not to.
  17. It is good we have a solid group of players to choose from on the O Line, if we are able to put together a solid lineup hopefully it will give Cutler a chance to shine, Jeffery coming back strong and Marshall continuing to kick aS$$, and Forte contributing, we can become a top of the line offence. On defence I think we will be solid with a chance to be excellent!
  18. It is a bit of a hard draft to analyse in many ways for a guy like me who does not follow the college players closely and only knows the Bears and their needs. Everyone says Long was a reach but it sounds like maybe he wasn't a reach in the back rooms of the owners/teams. Two linebackers seems strange to me but they seem to have drafted two high-quality players so will hope for the best. Time will tell, have the new Emery/Trestmann team done a good job? One can only hope and have faith, which I do at this point.
  19. I agree completely, I thought he was going to be a problem but he has been anything but that, a player worthy of a jersey purchase!
  20. Surprised at another LB pick...but hope for the best. Would have loved to have had a WR.
  21. Won't be long now, 15 picks to go!
  22. Thanks for that, I just found the NFL live site, will keep it on here.
  23. I would like to see a speed WR as well, that would make us a complete Offence IMO. How long till we pick? Getting info over here in the UK is difficult...
  24. My general view is not to post in response to Terra but here goes.... Terra seems to love the Bears but has an inherent negative streak which dominates. I would be willing to bet there is no player the Bears could take in any round of the draft which would meet Terra's approval. Terra also threatens to give up on the Bears, on innumerable occasions, which is irritating. However, his love for the Bears is obvious. Terra, please do all a favour and think before you type. Maybe think for an hour or two before if you are really upset? You will feel better and so will many posters here. I think we could all do with some thought before we post and some consideration of other's feelings, although this is a net forum we are all human beings and as with verbal diolague words can hurt here. Also...if one does not approve of another's post, and thinks it silly, how about not responding? Is that not the best medicine for idiocy?
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