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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. I agree, I really like what Emery brings to the team and trust his decisions with personnel and coaching. I think we have great personnel/players and even though we will have to implement a new system at some level I still think we can compete and win and have much more to look forward to in the future than we did a month ago! Go Bears!!!
  2. He has not done all that much on the field firstly, in light of the team behind him. When/IF Cutler ever wins a Super Bowl then get back to me on the comparison with two QB's who have each won several.
  3. I have seen little indication that his teammates love him, and if there has been some expression of this sort do you wonder what the consequences would be for a player who said that they did not love Cutler? Especially under Lovie, with various examples of players being cut for reasons which seemed based on issues outside of the playing field. Every QB has run-ins with coaches and players? I don't see that much generally, how many QB's have accosted a teammate on the sidelines? Obviously there are many who still question Cutler and I don't see him having a great number of fans considering his position as QB of one of the greatest franchises in the NFL.
  4. I guess all of the people who point out Cutler's attitude are completely off base and just imagining the problem? I think not. I believe that a QB is the face of the franchise and has an obligation to present the city he represents in a positive light. And if he is unable/unwilling to behave in a mature way how can his leadership skills possibly be up to the task? Regardless, once again, I am sure that Emery will ensure he has on offensive line that is solid in the near future and we will then be able to definitively grade his performance fairly.
  5. There are many QB's who get sacked and don't behave in that way. It is unhelpful and immature and would never result in a positive outcome. Part of being a pro QB is doing interviews. Surprise surprise. QB's don't get paid like they do without media and fans. Want to compare Billichik? Look at the W/L record. Manning? Please, he might give a bad interview here and there not as a rule. Also, again look at the W/L record. I don't have the time or motivation to "prove" to you that Cutler is immature and/or has a poor attitude. Reference the myriad of media that will expound on the issue in depth. I have not listened to all of Cutler's radio shows, can't say I am that motivated to, but regardless he needs to present better generally radio show or not. At the end of the day, let's see what he does. I am quite sure Emery is going to ensure he has a solid O line soon. Wait and see what happens then, I know where I am betting.
  6. How would you suggest I explain? Cutler's attitude is constantly in question as evidenced in posts made in this thread. Cutler comes in front of the camera with a very bored, one could interpret arrogant, demeanour which is backed up by incidents like grabbing an offensive linesman on the sidelines after he did this year. Compare his press conferences and statements with professionals like Brady and Manning and tell me you don't see a difference. Cutler did not get a bad rep just because his name is Cutler, he got it by appearing to have a poor attitude.
  7. Exactly, and along with the baggage that Cutler brings of a poor attitude, which RG3 has never shown any signs of, perception of the incident is completely different. I would add that the perception of Cutler is entirely of his own making and certainly not attributable to outside bias. Being a Bears fan does not mean ignoring reality and closing ones eyes to glaring issues at the most important position on the roster.
  8. The national media don't pick on Cutler for no reason, he presents very poorly and has never managed to carry a team to the next level as so many other great QB's have. If he even got the Bears to the Super Bowl he would receive great acclaim and if he managed to have sustained success he would be respected. All of the excuses for failure will be meaningless if he is not able to put up wins for the team, there are plenty of examples of QB's with the tools, ie Jeff George, who could not succeed in the NFL because of their lack of personal skills. IMO Cutler has shown signs of maturing recently and I hope he is able to take the next step and become an elite QB.
  9. I hope Cutler does have a good year next year, but we will see. I hope we can put together a really solid O Line so that he has a chance to show what he has got... And RG3 showed real class and maturity throughout the year in my view, 100%. Whether he should have come out or not is speculation, just as all comments on Cutler's injury and leaving the game are.
  10. Highly doubt it, Emery is much too smart for that.
  11. Loved Singletary as a player but no way is he a HC.... Good for the Bears for giving him the respect to have an interview though.
  12. I never recall it being said the Bears coaches wanted Cutler to leave the game..... I still think the whole issue is very questionable, Cutler did not appear hurt and was frustrated.... Regardless, best wishes to RG3, he has the character one needs at the QB position and the maturity that we lack at the position IMO.
  13. Daventry


    Peppers would be one of the last players on the team I would want to cut. He is an elite player with at least a couple of years left, is a great face for the team, and a hard worker. Maybe see if restructure is possible if appropriate, but we have alot of other guys to get rid of before one of the top, if not the top, player on the team.
  14. I am not sure that I would want him that bad if he didn't have the injury problems, he had some real issues with catching and running routes at times.... I will always go back to Hester and say what an excellent example of a how many year experiment that never produced a good WR while passing on FA and draft picks which might have made the difference. Let's pick up at least one FA or get a good draft pick to go along with Brandon and Alson and sweep out some of the old guard who led us to nowhere over the last few years.
  15. I don't think any of us would say that Lovie was a bad guy or completely inept BUT.... One thing for sure is he couldn't figure out how to run a good offence. And there is a whole bunch of other reasons, not least the lack of sufficient play-off/Super Bowl appearances which make me happy he is moving on. More power to him, thanks to him for being a guy of character and representing Chicago with dignity and class. Let's go win the Super Bowl now!
  16. Great post MadLith, I agree with much of what you say. I feel we have a good base to build on, we certainly are not in a position to have to clear out the entire roster but the roster does need to be carefully considered, with the dead wood cleared away and the solid players kept on with new blood brought in to get us up to speed in some areas. I certainly feel much more optimistic with a new head coach and Emery in the lead to take us to the next level!
  17. Daventry

    Thank god

    It is sad to see Hester not taking his opportunities at the receiver position to the next level and failing to live up to the glory years of yesterday with kick/punt returns. We all get old, if he retires now he has much to be proud of. That being said, I am not sure the Bears will be looking to keep him on after this year and it is hard to imagine that his future opportunities will be.
  18. Daventry

    Thank god

    Good news, maybe now we can actually look forward to a more successful future! GO BEARS!
  19. I guess being a "fan" is being happy with losing, not making the Super Bowl or playoffs, etc.... You seem to think you hold the definition of what a fan is, to me a fan is someone who wants their team to win and be successful. Now we have something to look forward to rather than the "same old same old." Real fans want to win.
  20. Thanks for that, have been looking for that since the news was broken! Great stuff, let's move forward!
  21. A happy day for sure once verified, I will feel much better after the official releases are out and Lovie's departure is definitively verified. Let's get someone in to upgrade the offence a bit and give a more modern overall approach. Let's get back to the Super Bowl!
  22. So hopeful that this is true, let Emery make his mark and find someone who can take us to the next level! We have a good base to work from.
  23. Daventry

    Thank god

    Unfortunately, I feel the same and it makes me wretch. I may just start a bit of a personal boycott if Lovie and Co returns, which is one of the few things fans can do.
  24. Congrats to Marshall and Peanut, Marshall has been unbelievable and a good pickup with none of the character issues coming to light which were somewhat concerning. Peanut has been a great Chicago Bear, through and through. What a great face for the franchise!
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