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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Exactly, who could have failed when all of the available resources were directed towards the defence, with a flawed system in place I might add which if a differing system had been in place much better results could have been obtained with much less resource, and so little towards the offence? Are there any head coaches in place who could not construct a number one defence and a bottom of the barrel offence? If such coaches are in place, they won't be for long.
  2. If one watches football it does not take much time to see that the NFL is very much an offensive minded league, thus if the head coach fails to address the offence appropriately failure is sure. Thank goodness Lovie is gone.
  3. I would not disagree that Lovie had some ability with defensive strategy, but given the authority he had over personnel decisions I believe that his achievements could have been equalled or exceeded. For Lovie to take a defensive coordinator spot would have been a demotion, he is probably waiting it out and hoping he can find a head coaching job at some point. If he needs the cash he will take a defensive coordinator job, it remains to be seen IF anyone would be interested in offering him one. We will see if he is offered one, I don't think he is special enough to have a lock on any such opportunity. I have not seen him take blame for anything, but if he has that does not take away the fact that the teams he coached failed to succeed to win the big prize. It is always easy to admit failure after failure has been proven and employment is lost...
  4. What needs true context is the position you have held throughout, sorry if you don't want to acknowledge it. This team has nothing to do with the Redskins, keep clutching at straws and you will be lost in Lovie land.... I am a Bears fan, for likely as many if not more years than you, and your claim on what "traditionalists" want is surely not consistent with what I wish for. One has to adapt to the times, remain fluid and do what is necessary to prosper. Your endorsement of Lovie speaks volumes about your ability to judge the direction of a team. Thank goodness there are those in positions of authority who differ, or failure would have been what all Bears fan would have continued to endure. The Bears have been top-ranked in defense for many years before Lovie and will continue to be so....Lovie had little to do with it, and judging from the lack of judgement he and his chosen staff displayed wasting the majority of high round draft picks on defensive players and ignoring offensive needs, most notably offensive line help, he did not do particularly well. He is unemployed by the way..... Your opinions seem to be flawed from the foundation, thus my observations. Nothing personal, just my views. Grounded in 40 years plus of being a Bears fan, by the way.
  5. Graham was one we should have never let go, let's point him out as a Lovie failure as he was clearly good enough to play on the Super Bowl winning Ravens this year and actually was an important piece in their secondary. I am glad to see Bowman back, he is a solid player who will contribute this year.
  6. This from the poster who wished for Lovie to remain and who called those who desired more losses to ensure his exit, which ultimately did lead to his demise, as not real fans. Important to put all of that in context. Lovie's appeal is no longer relevant, and the attempt to tie Peppers coming to Chicago, and players like Tillman and Jennings to stay is laughable. Those players want to get paid and win, end of. If history had been so good Lovie would be at the helm, his current status being unemployed I might add as no other team seems to feel that he offers the traits necessary to assist a franchise to move in a positive direction, and most Bears fan would be looking forward to more 10-6 years with some chance of getting in the playoffs at best but no chance of going to the Super Bowl. Speculation based on this kind of logic is laughable and has nothing to do with reality. Players want to get paid and go to the big dance. Lovie could not deliver that which is why he is unemployed. I am happy to let what seems to be a very competent new team decide how much to offer an aging player who is clearly past his prime and has been less than a good ambassador for the city of Chicago, with my preference clearly being to let go of dead wood and get someone much better for the same price.
  7. Urlacher's performance over the last several years shows clearly what he is worth, right around 2 million a year....if he does not want to take that, give or take a bit, then send him packing. Loyalty runs both way and his play is deteriorating and he is not a good spokesman for the Bears. I would love to see him go personally, he was once a good player but never a good ambassador, and the good player aspect is well behind him.
  8. I agree wholeheartedly, we can keep making excuses for Cutler on and on but the bottom line is wins and losses. Remember all the excuses for Hester when he was first transitioning to WR? How did that turn out? This year should tell the story, I hope that he steps up and fulfils his potential, he could be a great one....
  9. Very interesting, I think that really says alot about Lovie and Co's poor decisions on personnel at times....Hester should never have been a WR, or at the very least the experiment went on too long.
  10. I tend to agree on that one, we can always look to fill positions in FA or trades if we don't meet our needs in the draft. There aren't many positions that an excellent player would go unused....
  11. I wouldn't want to commit to Cutler right now, he has to prove he is worth another contract this year and if he fails to deliver I hope we look elsewhere for a QB....as with Lovie, there have been too many years of excuses.
  12. I can't say I am a big fan of Lewis, but I think his team loves him and will be stoked for a win. Two very good teams here, can't pick many holes in either, Flacco's play will be a key IMO. I would bet on Baltimore, 24-21.
  13. So who is going to win tonight? Who does everyone prefer? I like both teams really, love Baltimore's defence but San Francisco is a very solid and exciting team as well.... I have to go with Baltimore, they are veterans in the big games and the Ravens will be playing big for Lewis's last game.
  14. Really cannot fault Marshall in any way, he has been damn near perfect since he has been here and what a talent! He seems to have dealt with past issues and is now a mature and positive force on the team, I hope he carries on in the same vein and retires a Bear!
  15. I agree completely, if we want to have a new coach and system come in we must let them put their framework in place. We are getting old at many positions on D and will need quite a bit of new blood anyway, so we are at a good point to make some changes. I am an old fan of the 4-3 but recognise that things change and the main thing is about winning. We didn't win enough with Lovie, we need to win more now, let's see what Trestmann and Co. can do!
  16. I noticed ex-Bears Corey Graham starting for the Ravens and doing a damn fine job, always liked him and wish he was still with us although hard to see how he could supplant either of our excellent CB's.... Also noticed ex-Bears Brandon Lloyd with the Patriots, wouldn't mind having him back at all...
  17. I agree completely, let's hope he pulls out all of the stops, grows up, and fulfils his potential! I have no doubt he could be a great one...
  18. Careful now boys, we wouldn't want to make Cutler accountable for his play now would we?
  19. Right with you on that one Pix!
  20. Daventry

    Samuri Mike

    Fair enough, but comparing Singletary to Billechik and Carroll is ridiculous and the issue of whether someone is coaching material is irrelevant when considering passion, ie Lewis. Passion does not equal a good coach. IMO Singletary showed a lack of maturity when HC in SF and his behaviour became an embarrassment. Hopefully he has learned and perhaps would do better in the future, and I will leave that to the Emery's and Trestman's to determine. Facts are facts, "harsh" or not.
  21. Daventry

    Samuri Mike

    You are not seriously comparing Singletary to Belichik and Carroll are you? Now that is a reach way too far. Isn't Ray Lewis a player not a coach? Think before you type.
  22. Daventry

    Samuri Mike

    If Emery and Trestman are happy then so am I, but he did not impress me with his performance in SF. He came across as immature and way over the top....
  23. I don't feel like Marinelli did that much considering the quality of the players on the Bears, overall I expected more from all of the great media attention he received once he arrived. I don't feel he was bad but am not sad to see him go, let's re-do this coaching staff from top to bottom and build from the ground up!
  24. I agree, I really like what Emery brings to the team and trust his decisions with personnel and coaching. I think we have great personnel/players and even though we will have to implement a new system at some level I still think we can compete and win and have much more to look forward to in the future than we did a month ago! Go Bears!!!
  25. He has not done all that much on the field firstly, in light of the team behind him. When/IF Cutler ever wins a Super Bowl then get back to me on the comparison with two QB's who have each won several.
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