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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Say what you will, but the modern-day Bears take care of their own. The lack of offers from outside proves the case, Forte is a good RB, and worth said money, but not superstar stuff.
  2. Absolutely, obviously, and if nothing else such obvious events should be met with the appropriate revulsion.
  3. Daventry

    Wow really?

    Hmmm, OK...but the very consistent theme of foolishness wears thin, and really, if there were an "ignore" function, I would have utilised it many moons ago.
  4. Daventry

    Wow really?

    MODERATORS, Could we get a "block" function please? The sooner the better, I have had enough. Pure idiocy. Grow up Terra.
  5. Marcus Harrison is a big disappointment, what a waste of talent! Too bad.....
  6. Daventry

    Typical BS

    I think I understand, and respect, your view but the essence of what I am saying is that I wish there was some aspect of loyalty to the team, and fans, particularly since they are fortunate enough to be paid an extraordinary amount of money to play a game. Maybe it has always been the way it is now and I am just becoming more aware of it, perhaps I was just naive when I was younger in thinking that players actually had some loyalty to their team, the fans, and the city. Regardless, I don't see that now very often and it disappoints me greatly. And in regards to Briggs, not only does he not care about Chicago but he is a turd. I hope he goes, one way or another, and I will be willing to bet that we don't see much reduction in performance at the position. He has always been over-rated in my view.
  7. Exactly. Forte is a good back but nothing more, pay him a good back plus type of wage and if he is not happy let him go to Washington or somewhere and disappear and put Bell in in, who just might prove to be an upgrade or else find someone else.... I like Forte, but he is not worth big money right now.
  8. Daventry

    Typical BS

    Maybe the players should grasp a little sense of reality and think that what they make is obscene amounts of money and they should have some loyalty for the team that is shelling it out? Give me a break, this is not Wall Street, this is football!!!! Stupid fans? Many of us have the Bears in our systems, been Bears fans for decades, not years, so we have no right to an opinion? At the end of the day, fans pay the salaries, we have all of the say, AND FOR ME I SAY F BRIGGS!!!
  9. Ahh, you are killing me....haha.
  10. Daventry

    So far

    Damn, I cannot believe I forgot Gale, has to be the beer.....early alcohol-induced Alzheimers methinks. Not familiar with Bronko as much but am sure you are right...I am not going to post in this thread anymore, I am just making a fool of myself, haha.
  11. Daventry

    So far

    OK OK, you are right. But he was very tough for a couple of years....but not in the same class. I take it back.
  12. Daventry

    Typical BS

    I agree 100%, to be honest sometimes I am struggling with continuing to be a fan of sport in general in this day and age. Alot of these players make me sick, and we all pay the price for them to be complete dogs.... I wonder if there could ever be a time where many started to say "no more" to being a fan of a sport with so many shitheads.
  13. Daventry

    So far

    No contest, Bears win. There is no greater RB than Walter, and the addition of N Anderson and others make this an easy choice IMO. Let's not forget just how good NA was, he was an awesome RB who supplanted Payton, could run and catch, never complained, and was a great role model. Brown was awesome, as were/are OJ, Adrian P, Okoye, T Anderson, B Sanders, E Smith, C Foreman, T Dorsett, T Thomas, and one could go on and on. But the Bears have produced the best overall....no contest.
  14. Character. character, character, is everything. Before talent, before X's and O's, in the long-term, character is everything. I hope Lance is gone soon.
  15. We should have let him go during the last fiasco, as we should let go players with serious character flaws generally. I say let him go, let Roach or one of the others take over and I am willing to bet we lose next to nothing in performance.
  16. Good to see you back NFO, your posts have been missed!
  17. That might be a telling comment....I was not that worried about Williams before, but comments like that from Cutler make me start to wonder.
  18. I don't have alot of time for either Briggs or Urlacher, but to compare the two? Please, Urlacher is by far the more valuable and I would be willing to bet a months salary that we could have had Nick Roach start in place of Briggs and had no more than a 10% drop-off. Briggs is nothing special, he is not fast or a big-hitter, just a solid guy to count on when you need a tackle. I say let him go and put one of the other guys in....ala Nick Roach.
  19. I still remember all the antics of a few years ago when he didn't get what he wanted and was made the franchise player, he was very immature and disrespectful towards the Bears organisation. Then on top of it, he crashes his Lambo on the Dan Ryan, phones the police and reports it stolen, and somehow manages to get away with it! I would be happy to see him gone, as good a player as he is....
  20. Got it working, thanks for the link!
  21. I don't have the option of watching the games so did not see it, but if Cutler can get time to throw and used to the system, I cannot imagine a better scenario. That guy has got immeasurable talent IMO, he can throw the ball, if he has the time, personnel, and mental part down he is a lock to greatness. LETS GO BEARS!
  22. Cool Terra, as much as you irritate me at times, I am glad you are around here. Keep on keeping on.
  23. No, referring to Terra entirely. That being said, Terra is not all bad and I did not mean to imply that he is....as irritating as he can be I know he loves the Bears!
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