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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Thanks Mad, I will pass on the suggestions!
  2. Sorry to say that I don't know her that well, so not sure on either count. I would guess she is ready to spend some money, she is going to follow Route 66 apparently. Thanks for the suggestions Brian, I will pass them on.
  3. Hi All, I know a young woman from the UK who is going to be visiting Chicago next month, any suggestions? Thanks!
  4. I don't think one realises just how easy it is to do without the NFL until a stoppage comes along; like Tom I am old enough to remember the last one and it was amazing how quickly I found other things to do on Sundays, and other things to think about generally rather than the Bears, and that was with replacement players. I reckon the smarter of the respective groups involved in the strike know this full well but the more ignorant might have no idea. To be honest, I love the Bears, but there are many things I won't miss if there is no football...that being said, I hope that there is football next year.
  5. The players better remember the last time they walked out and replacement teams went in, people started to forget about the "regular" players and also the popularity of the sport declined significantly. People will find other things to focus on if football disappears and it may be hard to get some of those people back after they do...
  6. Here's betting that he will....
  7. If we lose him he will go on to be successful somewhere else IMO....I hope we keep him.
  8. Daventry


    Not far off from my wish list, which would be OT, DT, WR, OG, and then best athlete type picks...maybe a LB as some of ours are a getting a bit old.
  9. AMEN!!! One good year, mainly due to a forced assistant coaching regime change, and we have Lovie for longer? Should have at least given him another year to prove himself, I am sure that no teams were waiting to snatch him up....
  10. Daventry


    Agreed except for the safety position unless Manning cannot be resigned...if he is signed I think we are fine there with Major Wright working into the mix and starters Harris and Manning....let's get one or two O linesman, a nice DT, and a big target WR. I still think we could really use a quality WR...maybe even in FA?
  11. Absolutely agree, Manning is underrated, Harris is solid, Wright is up and coming. Our corners are also a very solid group....let's get some O line and a big D tackle, maybe a WR too!
  12. RIP DD, you will be remembered.
  13. AMEN! I cannot imagine a more worthy HOF member, he has really been overlooked the last few years. CONGRATS RICHARD!
  14. Not all who have wondered whether Cutler "pussed out" have realized they were wrong, I can assure you. Most may have gone quiet on this board but that does not mean that many are waiting, like me, to see what the future holds, after an incident which calls into question the fortitude of our QB. Personally, I hope time will prove me wrong... I could go on and on with alternative views and reasons but all know what they are and can decide for themselves. Keep in mind many get bored with defending what are very reasonable positions with obvious idiots who seem to have unending time to post on this and other boards.... I think we need a stud O linesman or two more than Fitz, and we can't have both. But, if we had to give up a bunch to get him, I would not be saddened.
  15. Daventry


    HAHAHAHA, you must be kidding. This post is a perfect illustration of the anti-post, the I will disagree regardless of reality post. Le Beau vs Buddy Ryan? Can you say Earnhardt vs Labonte?
  16. Daventry


    Those are some excellent points and give me cause to reconsider my position, I have been watching almost as long and have to admit the modern teams have been overall more successful....hmmm. I will never like him and the Cover 2, but maybe he is not a bad option.
  17. It will be a mistake to let him go, I hope we keep him. If they would let the guy play the FS position for a year or so more he could be a great one IMO.
  18. Daventry


    Why not? I can't believe anyone would want him that badly...he certainly is not Bill Parcells.
  19. Daventry


    No way does Lovie need to be resigned at this point, one could argue that the success this year has much more to do with the assistant coaches brought in, which I believe he resisted and was forced to accept, rather than him. Let's see what happens next year.
  20. Daniel Manning has to be one of the most under appreciated Bears on this team. He played solid at safety this year, the first time he has been able to stay in one place for any length of time, he is very athletic, and a good returner. Keep him all of the way IMO. Manuwhatever has not seemed to do much.... Taylor has not done much. To pick a CB in the first round is a poor choice IMO, have to go OL or WR. I would not bother with CB until much later, we are solid there IMO with good backups besides. Corey Graham deserves a chance if the others can't get it done.
  21. We will be much better next year just due to everyone having another year in the systems. We will finally have some draft picks and if we pick up a FA or two we could be a lock for the playoffs....I am truly looking forward to next year.
  22. It would be foolish to even think of any other option than Jay Cutler at QB for the Bears. We paid alot of money and picks for him and he is obviously very talented. The sky is the limit if he can manage to get the mental part of the game down. That being said, I wish he would act like more of a man and stop the pouting and sour attitude. He does himself no favours with the media and does not seem to understand that ultimately the fans pay the money that pays his salary. As far as the recent injury questions, time will tell. It always does.
  23. \ He must have got the MCL in the locker room then because he was off from word go....
  24. Absolutely agree, we went much further and played much better than I ever hoped in the beginning of the year. I feel very optimistic about next year with another year in the system for the O, hopefully an addition or two to the O Line and WR corps among others, and with the same coaching regimen in place to continue on the same program. As far as Cutler goes, he definitely can be great and I hope that he did not leave the game prematurely. I hope he does not turn out to be the modern day Jeff George, great arm and talent but never accomplishing much due to attitude.
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