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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. Questioning Cutler's injury is a different issue than making personal comments to other posters when they do not agree with you. BTW, several posters here have agreed that the situation is questionable as do other NFL players and columnists, check out the article on Yahoo. I won't be replying any further to those who cannot communicate in an amiable way when someone is expressing a differing opinion to their own.
  2. Nice to see "ADMIN" encouraging name-calling on the board.... Did you see the poll on the Tribune regarding Cutlers toughness? 50% of people did question his toughness and 19% were waiting for the MRI results. Also, the linky provided by Alaska mentions two other players questioning Cutler leaving the game.....I guess some of us here are not alone in our questions eh?
  3. Why is it that if people have a different opinion that they cannot express it without getting personal and engaging in name-calling and the like? Newsflash-Everyone has a right to an opinion, no one has a right to call names and be derogatory. Want to know what a jerk is? An internet tough guy who calls names behind a keyboard.
  4. I will wait to see whether Cutler was told he could not return to the game via medical reports etc...either way, I am relaxed. His teammates may have been telling the truth or they may have toeing the company line. I can not believe that anyone who watched today's game would not have questions. It does not mean that Cutler was absolutely in the wrong, but there are many reasons for questions.
  5. Hard to understand Collins coming in...he looked sad.
  6. Agreed...it is hard to stomach your franchise, overly paid QB, sitting on the sidelines in the NFC Championship game with a coat on and a sour look on his face while the game goes on around him. I too was a big supporter but today has made me wonder....when it looks like a monkey, and smells like a monkey....it usually is a monkey.
  7. No way is the window closed. This is the first year of a new offence, only the second year with Cutler, and we have lots of young guys waiting in the wings, ie LB Wilson and Roach, DE Melton, etc. We have no one I can think of ready to retire, and we finally will have a 1st round draft choice this year. We should be a better team next year, no doubt.
  8. Personal attacks and comments are never helpful. It was obvious that there would be questions about what happened with Cutler today, he left the game with no obvious injury and did not appear injured on the sidelines. Who would not question? Caleb Hanie did more than Cutler did in the brief time he was in the game....Cutler looked like crap while he was in the game today. Lots of reasons we lost today, certainly not at all just on Cutler, but Cutler gets paid alot of money and much was given for him to come to Chicago...so much is expected. And today, little was delivered.
  9. I felt very frustrated that the defence did not blitz more earlier when it was obvious Rogers was going to pick them apart. There would have been little to lose to go to a more aggressive package earlier. More downfield shots would have also been welcome if Cutler had shown any signs of being able to complete one... I agree the better team won today, the Pack are tough and solid and there is no shame in losing to them. If we bolster the O Line, get a big time WR, and hopefully Cutler comes back strong, we will be really good next year IMO...
  10. I felt very frustrated that the defence did not blitz more earlier when it was obvious Rogers was going to pick them apart. There would have been little to lose to go to a more aggressive package earlier. More downfield shots would have also been welcome if Cutler had shown any signs of being able to complete one... I agree the better team won today, the Pack are tough and solid and there is no shame in losing to them. If we bolster the O Line, get a big time WR, and hopefully Cutler comes back strong, we will be really good next year IMO...
  11. I am waiting for the verdict, although the obvious facts in front of my face do not look favorable. I watched this game, and many other games, and as I have said in other posts, there was no obvious reason he went out. I have never seen anything like it in all of the years I have watched football, and would not be surprised of some other posters views that he was pulled out by the coaching staff, were true. Either way, he did not seem to earn his keep today, and unless I learn that he had a real injury, backed up by medical reports, I will suspect his toughness and resolve from here on out. As will most fans I suspect. When was the last time you saw something like this happen?
  12. I am shocked that anyone is not taken aback by a QB going out of a game without an apparent injury!! Can anyone remember the last time they saw a QB, or any player, go out of a game and stand on the sidelines with no obvious discomfort? GIMME A BREAK INDEED! BANDWAGON INDEED! Cutler looked like crap the whole game and then went out, mysteriously, with no obvious hit or reason, and one should not question? Please...give ME a break! He is paid big money to perform and he definitely did not today. Perhaps the Broncos fans were right all along, I hope not.
  13. I am definitely waiting for the verdict and hope that some solid information comes out that verifies that Cutler was hurt. But, it sure does not look good that he goes out looking basically OK, with a bit of a limp and standing on the sidelines with no obvious discomfort. It is questionable to say the least. AND, BTW, no one here has been calling for Hanie....it is reasonable to ask questions about why your QB goes out in a Championship game without an obvious injury.....can we forget what was given to get him to Chicago?
  14. I hear you, but I think we were outplayed overall, we nearly stole the game but that is what it would have been, a steal. We never established any consistent offence, although our defence did us proud. We need a bit more help on O Line and a prime time receiver, hopefully our franchise QB will show that he is worth what we paid for him.
  15. I have to say that it is VERY disappointing to see a QB go out like he did, I have never seen anything like it that I can remember in the 4 plus decades I have been watching football. He did not even look upset or in pain....WHAT? But it is hard to think of giving up on him after the price paid....damn. Perhaps all of the naysayers have been right. Not to mention he sucked while he was in the game, I don't think he made one extraordinary throw and missed some pretty easy ones. Disappointing.
  16. A hard game to lose today. Rogers came out on fire and looked unstoppable, while Cutler looked mediocre. We were thoroughly outplayed for most of the first half. Then, Cutler went out of the game??? WHAT? He is standing on the sidelines, talking, no obvious pain, and he is out? Hmmm.....I have been a big supporter of Cutler, but do we have a pu$$y here? I told my wife, "No one takes himself out of an NFC Championship game at QB unless he can't walk." But there was Cutler, sitting/standing on the sideline, usual sour look on his face, watching the game. And getting paid. Defence really stood up today in the second half. We had a chance to steal this game but could not quite do it. Thanks to the D for keeping us close. Hanie is worth giving a shot. He looked good today overall. Collins should be cut. Whoever decided to put him in should be slapped. Hard. Cutler looked like crap before his game ending "injury." If he had a good game early things could have been much different. We don't need to hang our heads, we should be better next year. Thanks for the Bears for a good year and see you next year, it should be even better!
  17. Love your posts, thanks for sharing!
  18. Absolutely! JA is far from great but he is not the absolute worst that some would like to say he is....
  19. Good for Rivera....one of Lovie's stupidest moves was to let him go and replace him with Babich....need one say more, Rivera vs Babich?
  20. The Bears have proven themselves, particularly over the last half of the year, to be a very good team at best and mediocre at worst. They have improved their weak points significantly, ie O line, and if the line can play well and Cutler is on we are hard to beat. We host the Packers in the championships after shutting down the Seahawks 24-10! PS-I think we took it easy and played conservatively against the pack so they would not be ready for the full package when it matters.
  21. I would much rather play the Seahawks, I cannot see them repeating their performance yesterday and the Saints looked flat. However, I can't root for GB....
  22. JA's picks don't bother me nearly as much as Lovie and his obsession with the Cover 2 and bad choices for coaches, see BABICH. Overall, I would much rather see JA remain than Lovie, but I think that Lovie has benefited from the help of his coordinators this year.
  23. I can't see how it hurts to have people make their own threads, particularly as there are some members who I am much more interested in reading than others...
  24. Insightful and well-thought out comments, thanks!
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