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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. We will see how the W and L's look...I personally see much reason for optimism. The whole offense, not just Cutler, is adjusting to a new system this year. Let the new coaches, not least Tice, have a bit of time to work with what they have and make some additions, this could be a good team.
  2. The offence is clearly better than last year, with much more reason to have hope for the future. Time will tell....
  3. We will see....I believe that Martz is a big upgrade from what we had before. There were lots of people crying and moaning about Turner last year...does anyone have the sense to realise that our O Line sucks and we are in the first year of a new offense? Or should we just keep blaming the coaching when we are unsuccessful and change coaches every year? What do you think, armchair QB's?
  4. I guess lists like these will always cause arguments, but Jerry Rice and Lawrence Taylor over Walter Payton? I would have definitely put Walter over those guys, especially LT, does character not count at all? What an embarrassment he has been. I have to admit though that the list seems pretty fair...
  5. There is a great deal of risk in regards to the distraction provided by events such as the press conference that he held after the last game, which I am sure is the reason he was let go. Can you say "out of control."? No way RM gain outweighs the potential loss...bye bye Randy, you should have learned long ago that you are not bigger than the game.
  6. We don't need the distraction Moss brings, that press conference he held illustrates an out of control player....let someone else deal with him and let's focus on making the guys we have work.
  7. I tried to do it but it asked for my email, I did not think it would be wise to enter it so I terminated the connection. Is it OK to enter my email?
  8. Daventry

    New Coach

    I loved Singletary as the MLB, but am not sure of him at the HC position. Some of his behaviour has been a bit bizarre, and I am not sure he has the ability to lead a team as the coach. That being said, I would take him over Lovie effective today!
  9. Only time will tell, and I did not mind Orton except for the neckbeard and JD pics, overall he was a solid QB. However, he will never be special and Cutler could be. I wouldn't mind those O Linesman though....
  10. Agreed on both, and would note that many here were Manning haters all along.... IMO if Manning gets a chance to stay at one position he will likely flourish.
  11. I am far from giving up on Cutler, and as far as Orton goes, his upside is nowhere near as high as Cutler's can be. Let's give the kid some time to throw and then see how he does, and let's not forget this is his first year with a new O coordinator...
  12. I agree with this and previous comments about Martz being thought of so favorably recently etc... We all know the O Line sucks, yes we are not likely a playoff contender without getting some help there, but the worst 4-2 team in history? We have had some good performances this year, Martz has shown an ability to do a good job at times, and all is not lost IMO. Yes, O Line has to get better, but otherwise there is alot to be positive about.
  13. If we ever put together a complete game, and the O Line finally is just average, we could be damned good. Could this week be the first glimpse?
  14. I always thought Brandon Lloyd must have irritated someone badly to be taken off the team, the year he was with the Bears he showed flashes of being very good and seemed to be our most solid WR that year if I remember correctly...
  15. I cannot think of a better player to put forward as "the man" of football than Walter Payton. Pure class.
  16. For those who were able to see the game, how did the O Line look? Forte had a big day, does that mean the O Line were an improved unit?
  17. How about the fact that we won??? Collins poor performance underlines the importance of the QB position, and the quality of the guy who is the usual starter. I am glad that Cutler sat this week and rested and we still came up with a win....
  18. That is a little dire in light of a 3-1 record... I would like to see DA too...another mystery Lovie deal. However, the other WR have looked damn good so far this year IMO... I am glad the Bears had the sense to make Cutler take a week off...and Collins is the more experienced guy. I am ok with that decision. Anderson has never lived up to expectations...but I would like AB back. Martz had one bad game and 3 good...let's see what he does this week. OL sucks, lets hope they rebound to be just below average rather than a joke this week..
  19. Sorry, I did not read your post thoroughly enough...my bad.
  20. I can't say I agree entirely with what you have said. As far as I am concerned, getting Cutler was a good move. How many times do you have a chance to get a young guy with that much talent at the QB position. I liked the move, the price was hefty but worth it IMO. Orton was never going to be more than ordinary. The O line is hurtin for certain. Agreed there, we suck on that front. However, I think we got two good coaches in Tice and Martz, big upgrades. The D is getting somewhat old, probably at least a few good years left with most core players. If we could get better fast at O Line we might be playoff material. The Bears have been up and down for years and probably will always be, AS MOST TEAMS ARE. Wasn't that long ago New England was a perennial joke as was Dallas in the past. We are at least average in wins I would say. I don't think we are all that dumb of an organisation, everyone cannot win every year.
  21. The DA and MA episodes are very similar to the Corey Graham issue as well as many other cases where guys look really good and suddenly fall out of favor, never to be seen again... I wish we could know what happened in these situations.
  22. Hasn't that been suggested from last year and it seemed that Harris's contract left him untouchable? Alot of guys who were thought to be Bears starters are going out the door...
  23. Agreed, let Cutler recover and get some rest. What a shame that he had to take such a beating...
  24. Who would have predicted this one? I would never have imagined Anderson would get cut....wish we had Brown!
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