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Everything posted by Daventry

  1. I think most of the reason Bears fans didn't like him is he was an aggressive and outspoken coach of a rival.....I have to say that he impresses me so far and I hope that he is able to make the O Line better!
  2. I am really looking forward to seeing Martz's offence in action. Wouldn't it be great to see the Bears have a sparkling offence? I remember the Kramer years with Conway and Graham, it was fun to watch the offence in those years.
  3. I always keep in mind that most, if not all, of what we hear about training camp is what the Bears want us to hear. In addition, perception of the coaches is always going to overrule "appearance." I am not certain about the Afalava situation, but I certainly do wonder about it, particularly due to the history of decision making of Lovie and staff...
  4. I agree that it is a bit embarrassing to compare this team to the 85 Bears....and I really think that many people would appreciate the Bears more if they were a bit more smash mouth style. I have seen that style of play, not the 46 but an aggressive blitzing style, used with other teams and always wished we could have a bit more of that. Somehow I don't think the defensive style really compliments what the city loves....Chicago has always been about the D, i.e. Butkus still being one of the, if not the, biggest icons of all time in Chi-town. Oh well....guess we just have to wait until a new coaching staff comes in.......what's that about wishing the Bears would lose to ensure Lovie's departure? hahaha
  5. I am really not convinced Payne was out for that much time and we are relying on reports in relation to Steltz's play. Again, I believe if Manning were given a shot he would likely produce, but he would need some time in the position to learn. Afalava has been passed by Steltz as well as passed over by Wright and Harris. So yes, it reminds me of the Corey Graham disappearance amongst others, Mark Bradley, etc....they are spoken of very favourably and wham they disappear. Just strange to me how someone goes so quickly from good to bad.
  6. I get it, you don't think it is all Lovie's fault etc.... It may not all be his fault, but alot of it is his fault and should fall on him. The bottom line is he has not produced and he is the head coach. There are numerous examples of his incompetence. If you want to give him a pass, more power to you. Obviously alot of people around here feel differently, myself included.
  7. The names that come to mind are Steltz, Payne, and Manning. Personally I do not thing Manning was that bad at safety and if we had ever let him play one position for more than two games at a time he might have developed, as he is no doubt quite an athlete. Payne wasn't injured all year was he? I don't honestly remember, but he was another guy who was said to be great and then disappeared into nowhere. I don't remember Steltz looking "terrible," wasn't he a third round pick too? Again, is he another guy who suddenly looks great who looked bad last year? Are we really going to even think about starting a third round draft pick at safety? If so, I will get ready for everyone whining how bad Wright sucks after a few games. Harris should be a lock at one safety position, preferably SS IMO, it is the other safety position I am worried about... In sum, we have Harris and a 3rd round rookie in addition to last year. I still think it is mighty strange the starter from last year is suddenly at the bottom of the depth chart. I probably would not find it so strange if it did not seem to happen so often. I find it absolutely hilarious that some on this board would find Lovie anything less than complete crap as a HC. Noone needs to make up things to identify Lovie's weaknesses, you only have to follow the team and look at the won-loss totals. I hope the team does well, but IMO they will do so in spite of Lovie and never because of him.
  8. IF the wasn't that great why did he start last year? We had other options but chose him, now he goes from hero to zero in one year? Why would that not be questioned? So were they wrong last year or this year? No one needs to twist anything with this coaching staff, the problems are there for all to see. I am willing to give the coaching staff a chance too but I won't be holding my nose and looking the other way when they pull the next stupid move either. I do agree with player acquisition...now let's get some wins.
  9. And isn't it interesting how Al Alflava was the starter and is now the bottom of the depth chart? I wonder why players go to the top from the bottom so quickly in Lovie's world?
  10. First, I do not think there is anyone on this board that would wish for the Bears to lay an egg this year so Lovie would go. Above all, we are all Bears fan here, and we all hate it when the Bears lose. Do a poll on that one and see how it works out. That being said, Lovie has been part of very poor teams over the last few years. And his demeanour, lack of emotion, ABSOLUTE DENIAL of reality in relation to the state of the team, questionable personnel decisions, and a whole host of other issues have led to people being sick and tired of him being the coach of the Bears. I am sorry, but this guy went to the same school that politicians go when they study media relations and outdid them all! And Bears fans do not take kindly to that kind of bu££shit! "Airing team business out in the media puts him at a competitive disadvantage?" There are degrees of dishonesty, and Lovie is way out on the extreme end when it comes to refusing to acknowledge poor performances at any position. Noone is asking for a Ditka-like brutal analysis of mistakes made, ie Donnell Woolford assessment after being torched by the Redskins, but wow, can't we acknowledge we need to make some big changes to win? I don't think Lovie wants to make the changes necessary. I think he sticks with a defensive system what won't be successful and insists on staying with staff and personnel who don't do the job. And above all, he is an ass-kissing wimp who will say whatever necessary to keep his job and not put any pressue on his own, or other Bears personnel, failings. By all means, prove me wrong Lovie and do the right things....lots of us are watching. And if the team is unsuccessful this year, we will be looking for you to go.
  11. What are the odds of that happening, maybe a million to one? Obviously everyone here would be happy if it did happen, but what is the point of speculation like that? The fact is that the team has gone downhill the last several seasons and Lovie bears alot of the responsibility.
  12. Very nice...could have used some more Bears photos, as this was absolutely the Bears best year ever!
  13. Absolutey agree with your identification of the real questions....spot on. I might add in as relatively minor questions whether Forte will look better this year and will Peppers be a superstar for us.
  14. Daventry


    LOL, agreed, but what can he say? I am sure that he would like to speak his mind but needs his paycheck, as we all do. Labelling Kreutz elite is a bit laughable, but understandable given his tenure on the team, and Williams has the pedigree but not the proof yet. We have to be better this year than last, how could we be worse? We have some new faces and guys who needed experience got some last year....please let it be better.
  15. I thought of Graham immediately when I saw this thread, surely Bullocks is well more expendable than Afalava? I wish we knew the story behind these kinds of stories...maybe the staff thinks he has a character issue? Drugs, alcohol, women, guns, who knows? Regardless, I truly believe that if we had kept D Manning at one position he would likely be a solid player at the very least, he is too talented not to be IMO. And I shudder to think of Wright as a starter....you can wruin a good player placing him in that much pressure, not to mention he was only a 3rd round pick....let's be careful we don't end up having another year of moaning when another new safety tandem sucks...
  16. The OLine does not worry me extremely...there are many more important concerns IMO. How is Martz's system going to work in its first year? How is Cutler going to look? Is the DLine going to generate a pass rush, can our secondary be effective? Can our coaching come up to first class standard? Those, and other, questions will worry me more....
  17. That is the way I remember it too, there was lots of good signs of progress from Graham and then he disappeared. It reminded me of McQuarters being summarily dumped by the Bears, later we learned he had a few words with Lovie. I wonder if Graham is not thought of well by coaching, because to me he looks like he could be a good one.
  18. I really like him too, now let's utilise him appropriately and let him be a solid safety in Chicago like he was in Carolina when we let him go.
  19. Those are good points and I can see what you are saying. You may be right actually, I may be unrealistic and/or unappreciative of what makes a good football player, never having played football in an organised way myself. At the end of the days, the Bears are one of the last remaining sports interests that I have and I tend to get quite irritated when it appears that the players or organisation makes the team look like fools. Perhaps oversensitive...
  20. It is not silly for me, for me it is the essence of my discontent with the Bears, and athletics, in general. I sometimes ask myself, why am I supporting a team which pays Brian Url millions of dollars of year? He is an ignorant loudmouth embarrassment, his best playing days are well behind him, and he is considered to be the "figurehead" of the team? So, when I wear my Bears jersey many would associate this with the trailer trash image of Brian Url? I support the Bears DESPITE players such as Brian Url. I support the Bears because my father, and his father, and likely many before did. I support them because I believe the Bears reflects the character of an honest and hard-working population of a great city, Chicago. I do not watch the Bears, buy the jerseys, and follow the team to have ignorant idiots such as Brian Url spouting off about previous generation players comments in a disrespectful and foolish way. In the end, the more Brian Urlachers, the more Tank Johnsons, the more Lance Briggs, the more embarrassing and idiotic players/personnel the franchisee holds, the further it will push me from the team. Until such time that the Bears are no longer relevant to me, because I just cannot endorse what they stand for anymore. So, i hope that the organisation will choose to avoid such an environment and give me a team I can be proud of. I know this is a large request in the modern day, but hey, it is my money and time and i will spend it as I like.
  21. No insult intended, apologies if I came across in a rude way. My point is that personally I find Urlacher's behaviour childish and infantile, not just now but in the past as well. Competitiveness should show on the field, not off the field with verbage. JMO
  22. I would be happy to accept that verdict with a full year of giving the boy a chance. He has been moved around endlessly....he is very talented and cannot be that ignorant, give him a shot and I bet he will shine!
  23. Manning is extremely talented and if he was allowed to stay at one position would likely excel. I am very glad we have him back and hope the coaches give him a shot at the FS or nickel position and keep him there.
  24. I don't like Urlacher's "fire," I would call it lack of maturity and embarrassing ignorance. Not all Bears fans are cave men who want their players to eat raw meat and mutter aggressive statements. Pride has nothing to do with ignorance.
  25. Briggs for slagging off the Bears organisation in the press unmercifully when he could not get the contract he wanted and subsequently wrecking his Lambo while drunk and originally reporting the car stolen...to be honest I have more problem with his mouth during the contract negotiation, which illustrated his lack of intelligence and arrogance quite nicely. Url has had numerous issues with women, had a period when he refused to speak to the media, and when he does open his mouth he is an embarassment. It is too bad that we cannot have players who have an IQ above 70, and a shame that he is the "figurehead" of the Bears.
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