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Posts posted by Daventry

  1. 2 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

    Does anyone think Tomlin or Belichick are going to lose to get a higher pick? They just both won this week , hell no. Winning creates a winning culture, much more important than a couple higher spots in the draft. That is what losing cultures do, we are trying to change that. Whether we change QBs or not, the rest of the players that are going to be here and they need to learn how to win. There is a 90% chance we are picking #1, that is the prize, not pick 7 instead of pick 9.

    You can keep saying it as many times as you like, but that is bullsh£t.  The culture will be re-set next year.  I don’t expect the players to quit, but I will continue to hope they lose pointless games that only results in sliding down the draft board.

  2. 2 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

     What's your opinion on this subject? If you posted it, i dont remember it. They're just opinions but , I was trying to show I am not alone in my opinion. Smarter people than me have similar thoughts. Some of these people only job is to analyze football players, therefore they put more time in it than me. GMs get paid for their choices and get it right 1 out of 4 times a draft. 

    If you get sick, are you going to take a friend's advice or listen to a doctor with 20 years experience? We all acquire information and try to think what would be best for the Bears future , I was actually out on Fields after the last game and listened to so many of these guys, It flipped me again.

    Dave Wannsted has the best idea, IMO, keep Fields for next year, maybe 2 , build your roster up, draft a prospect and develop him. Then you can decide who you want as a QB of the future. If Field's gets better, and wins you games , you can trade the other prospect. It eliminate the chance you regress with a rookie QB for one or two years. Just look at last year as an example, Young was most people's choice as the best QB, several teams tried to trade up to get him, Houston got stuck with Stroud. He is the better QB at this time, no one was saying Stroud was the next great QB, but there you are.

    For me, if Fields didn't show signs he was getting better, I would be rooting for someone else but a rookie brings risks to. Change the OC, design an offense to fit his strengths, put better people around him, and see what you got. Baltimore did it with Jackson. ( not saying Justin is as good as) . This thought is based on Poles brings Flus back, if he lets him go, then we might as well bring a new QB with him. This is my opinion, you can sort information out and decide for yourself. Why are we on this site if not for throwing out opinions and discussing them? 

    FWIW, I would prefer seeing Fields be traded and taking the best quarterback available in the draft.  We still have Bagent as well, he is at least a solid backup.

    As noted by someone else, the people you identified as being pro-Fields are not necessarily so entirely if at all.

    I guess this topic seems to have been beat to death and most importantly been the precipitant to two of the most prolific posters on this board get into some pretty unpleasant conflict.  I would really hate to see that continue.

    I have given up on Fields.  He has been poor overall for three years.  That’s enough for me.  He seems like a great guy with loads of talent but he doesn’t get it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, ASHKUM BEAR said:

    I think bear fans are torn because they want to see a drafted player succeed. But they also see the failures, whether it is missed targets or a dropped passes.  The offensive disappointments are not just on the QB but the 11 that miss the assignment.  

    It is a difficult question, not least because of JF’s talent and likeable character.  Recent media seems to indicate he will be gone.  It is going to be a very interesting next six months.  I certainly don’t trust that what the talking heads say in public is really what they are thinking, and I am not sure most of their opinions are any more legitimate than anyone else’s.

  4. 4 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

    Brian Baldinger

    Tim Jenkins

    Chase Daniels

    Mike Florio

    Hub Arkush

    JT O'Sullivan

    Dave Wannsted

    Troy Aikman

    Matt Bowen

    Kurt Warner

    Jimmie Johnson

    Terry Bradshaw

    Herm Edwards

    Adam Rank

    Peter King

    Dan Orlovsky

    This is a list of people that said if they were GM of the Bears, they would bring back Justin Fields. Now to be fair, some said they would draft a QB to develop over the next 2 yrs also. These are recent videos and interviews, they may have different opinions after the yr is over or before last week.


    Your position on this question is clear.  Does it matter one bit what the above are saying?

  5. 5 hours ago, BearFan PHX said:

    If Poles doesnt already know what he is going to do, they should fire him immediately.

    Im not trying to be personal, but this is just terribly naive thinking.

    Also, no. 2025 will be $25 Million guaranteed to Fields. 2026 would be your rookie QB. of course then why did you spend a year paying Fields if youre just gonna dump him?

    It makes NO sense, youre mixing plans together without understanding the choice Poles has to make by May.

    Go all the way with Fields, or lose him and go with the rookie. There is no middle way.

    Unfortunately, this does seem to me the bottom line due to the salary cap issues so well described.  I guess we could shut our eyes, take our favourite intoxicant, and convince ourselves that we are so sure that the most recent version of Fields will become a reliable superstar.  I fear we will wake up from that strategy right back where we started.  I do trust Poles, and I agree that he very likely knows exactly what he will be doing this offseason.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    We know the debate will continue about Justin’s ability to take over as the franchise QB.  But a poster on X-witter compared Bagent’s stats and the play calling versus Justin’s first game of this season against the Pack (eerily similar).  Big difference was the Bears were losing 31-14 going into the fourth quarter before Justin threw the solo pick when the team was “chasing points”. Obviously the defense has improved vastly over the last couple weeks.  


    Sometimes the imagination of those dreaming up excuses for JF is astounding.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    Not as bad as those who supported Mitchell.  Former players and fans are still divided at about 50/50 or better on Fields.  Unlike Trubiksy, the story’s not done for Justin in Chicago…yet.  

    Hard to believe in JF at this point. He is completely exposed now 

  8. 2 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

    I hear you, but Bagent got the same things Fields did today, and you could feel the difference in timing. Fields is too slow, he doesnt know where his WRs are. Bagent has vision and a fast release. I dunno if Bagent is the guy moving forward, it will take a greater sample size, but it shows glaringly how bad Fields is as a passer.

    Exactly.  How much longer does Fields get to be consistently good?  Let’s move on, play Bagent and look to the draft and FA to continue to build.

  9. 37 minutes ago, madlithuanian said:

    I also think going away form Jim McMahon and Wilbur Marshall impeded us severely.

    McMahon was hurt a lot by the time he left the team.  The Redskins offered Marshall big money and he took it.  I wish they both would have stayed too.  That was a magical team and year.

  10. 57 minutes ago, Lucky Luciano said:

    if you don't even read it closely why waste my time and the rest of the people viewing this?

    what results are refutable? he was a HC that got one superbowl ring?

    real facts? of course i don't have real facts. riddle me this... how is that even possible to have facts in this discussion? it's MY opinion like it 

    The facts are that Ditka was the HC of arguably the best Super Bowl winning team of all time.

     The list of Super Bowl winning coaches is pretty short compared to the list of people with opinions about the coaching acumen of said coaches.

     The man did a lot in his life to even get to the point of being considered for a head coaching position in the NFL.  Again, the list of people who have been considered for head coaching positions is much shorter than the list of people who have opinions about football and coaches.

    Mike Ditka accomplished a great deal in his life.  It wasn’t a fluke that he did so.

    It is easy to have an opinion, the old saying that everyone has one springs to mind.  Criticising accomplished people and dismissing them entirely is not a reflection of reality.

  11. 4 hours ago, Lucky Luciano said:

    uhhh... didn't you read my previous post? you can say ANYTHING you want about ryan being a HC. he was terrible. but nobody can take away his DC ability as a freaking genius.

    credit for what? pounding square pegs into round holes with a sledge hammer and 'being tough'?? so what if he was a disciplinarian. ANY mediocre coach could have surpassed his accomplishments with the talent on that team. his ranting on young players on the sidelines AND in the media is no help developing players at all. his my way or the highway? it's laughable.

    he might have gotten away with it with some of the strong personality vets because they knew enough just to ignore him. but young developing players? not so much.

    everyone knew his main objective was the almighty dollar. how do you think that played out to a team like that? do you think some of them figured if he's doing it i might as well too? that's losing focus on what you are there for.

    quite frankly he was an idiot that had no real qualifications to be an OC let alone a HC to anyone besides GSH who probably hired him because that's ALL he ever hired as coaches was former bear players or former bear coaches. plus dika probably was hire for pennies on the dollar by halas.

    I read your post superficially, which was more than your posts deserved.  You criticise extensively with no real facts, just your views.

     I could waste my time refuting your opinions, but I have better things to do.

    The results speak for themselves.  The facts are irrefutable.  

  12. 19 minutes ago, Lucky Luciano said:

    i have to respectfully disagree. he doesn't deserve credit, he just got it from the media for that ONE superbowl. if it was a fair evaluation he squandered the talent on that team with his stubborn nonsense (just ONE example... can you say flutie?).

    on the defensive side the players paid absolutely no attention to ditka. it was ryans show completely. that is why they put him on their shoulders after superbowl XX. there were two head coaches there until ryan left (ryan actually hated ditka and it showed).

    even jim mcmahon thought ditka was an idiot. he just had the balls to tell ditka to stuff it and do it his way. speaking of mcmahon, his attitude brought the whole team up and got them fired up more than ditka ever did (maybe a hampton exception LOL).

    after XX ditka was more interested in making a dollar and making the talk shows than winning another one. he gets no credit from me.

    PS-Buddy Ryan really tore the league up with success during his head coaching career didn’t he?  Oh yes, I forgot, that was someone else’s fault.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Lucky Luciano said:

    i have to respectfully disagree. he doesn't deserve credit, he just got it from the media for that ONE superbowl. if it was a fair evaluation he squandered the talent on that team with his stubborn nonsense (just ONE example... can you say flutie?).

    on the defensive side the players paid absolutely no attention to ditka. it was ryans show completely. that is why they put him on their shoulders after superbowl XX. there were two head coaches there until ryan left (ryan actually hated ditka and it showed).

    even jim mcmahon thought ditka was an idiot. he just had the balls to tell ditka to stuff it and do it his way. speaking of mcmahon, his attitude brought the whole team up and got them fired up more than ditka ever did (maybe a hampton exception LOL).

    after XX ditka was more interested in making a dollar and making the talk shows than winning another one. he gets no credit from me.

    Totally disagree.  How no credit at all be given to the HC of arguably the most entertaining and dominant Super Bowl winners of all time is beyond me.  All of the criticisms are subjective.  How about we judge results for a change?  Or do we want to keep blaming outside forces for success or failure?  Justin sucks because of coaching right?  Give me a break.

  14. 1 hour ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

    I would say the current issues with Fields is a microcosm of the systemic issues that are the current Chicago Bears.  I would think the macrocosm is the overall system (aka organization).  How far up does the dysfunction go is the question to ask. To the pic below I would add that there are a bevy of other issues that factor into the equation to include injures and third stringers starting in key positions (oline and def secondary for sure).  


    I can’t disagree with the overall dysfunction, but you could have Jesus coaching Fields and he still wouldn’t be kicking any ass.  

  15. 32 minutes ago, Stinger226 said:

    Actually both can be true at the same time.

    To be clear, I don’t believe coaching can be blamed for all of Fields problems.  That’s what they said about Trubisky and he went to some other teams with other coaches and hasn’t set the world on fire.  Fields would struggle regardless of who was coaching him.

  16. I wouldn’t be looking to fire Poles, he has made some very good moves.  However, if we don’t start looking better pretty soon, some of the coaching staff has to go.  The two that spring to mind is OC and HC.  DC is already gone, and the whole thing seems to be handled pretty poorly so far.

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