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Posts posted by Daventry

  1. I would of thought that Barkley would be in the mix too, but with getting benched against the Vikings, sucking the last few games and now Mayer saying so definitively he is out makes me wonder. Not that it would break my heart at this point, it is hard to imagine why he stunk so bad the last few games.

  2. What does everyone think is going to happen with Barkley?


    I didn't watch the second half of the Vikings game but saw he got pulled...that seems like an ominous sign.


    Also, watching "Lunch With Larry" and he is saying he does not see Barkley coming back and forecast Hoyer and Shaw in the mix....interesting view from a somewhat insider that he would say so blatantly he did not see Barkley in the mix.

  3. I also don't want to lose high picks or AJ for Cousins. He looked good against us but hasn't been great all year, and like Pix I don't want more Cutler/Mirer type losses of picks to see nothing from it. I think we pick our own player, whenever seems to make more sense, and develop guys we have and/or pick up.

  4. Barkley with his 4th INT, regardless of receivers and protection, he generally looks terrible. Way more bad than good. Some ugly throws, it doesn't look like he has the arm strength to make certain throws. I am now thinking Hoyer or Shaw and saying no to Barkley. I've seen enough, Redskins are not that good.



    He sure is not helping his case today....cannot afford 4 interceptions every week.

  5. So I am sure all of us have heard by now about how Cre'von LeBlanc has been absolutely dominating practices since the Bears picked him up from the Patriots (especially in the takeaway department) and we all know about his pick six in last weeks game, but some analytics point out that his actual production the past 4 weeks has been "elite". Thought it was an interesting read and I've definitely seen a lot of positives out of him (not to say he hasn't had some rookie mistakes as well). Given the major need in the secondary, would be huge turn LeBlanc into a starting corner or better yet a well above average corner.


    I know I have seen some recent gripes on here about our DB coach, Donatel, but he is widely regarded as one of the best in the business and like Fangio has done for this entire defense, I'm impressed what Donatel has gotten out of such an unknown group of defensive backs (none of which have been high picks...with the exception of Fuller who is finally back from injury).



    Would be nice if we got a quality corner for next to nothing; our first round pick, Fuller, is looking like he is ready for the scrap heap.

  6. None of the other Patriots "backup's" were 2nd round draft picks though. In terms of your comparison to Wilson, I won't say the two are identical, but they definitely have similarities. Russell never wows you, but the total package works very well and I feel the same way, long term with Dak. He clearly benefits from the oline and running game, kind of like Wilson benefited from having such an elite defense (and for a while Lynch).



    If that is so, why can't we get a 2nd round pick of our own and let him grow like Rodgers in Green Bay? I think the idea of giving the Pats a high pick for JG is silly. We have to get the system right, i.e. coaches and team strength, and then a QB can be less than perfect and shine. Look at McMahon.....lots of wins, but he didn't do it on his own.

  7. I wouldn't give New England a first or second for JG; they have a record of passing on back up QB's who don't cut it. Think what we gave up for Cutler; he was more proven than this guy. And what did we get? Not much, and lost a load of picks. No way. We need to develop our own, and in the meantime use what we have. We are not a SB ready team anyway right now, let's see what Barkley, Shaw and maybe Hoyer can do and try to pick someone up in the draft. There has to be some Prescott's out there next year.

  8. Marquis Wilson, Josh Bellamy, Meredith - Keep one. I don't really care which.

    Royal - Gone. He's never on the field anyway.

    Alshon - Despite what we've said, he likely stays. No way the Bears could move forward with zero viable WRs on the roster.

    Logan Paulson - Who?

    Larsen / Kush - Meh. Keep one. Start neither.

    Cutler - Obviously gone.

    Hoyer - He can leave too.

    Leno - Stay, but he's a backup. I'm sure there are several LTs in the draft better than him.

    Massie - Tough to say both OTs are gone in one offseason, but I also agree he's not worth the $6M hit. A FA should be his replacement. I'd prefer Matt Kalil or Riley Reiff.

    Mike Adams - Stay. He'll be cheap and he's a good backup.

    Houston - See ya. Injuries, and he was never as good as McPhee. When healthy, McPhee and Floyd should start at OLB.



    Out of those three, I keep Meredith 110%. He has been one of the few positive surprises this year in the WR camp.


    Tend to agree on Alshon and Paulson.


    Shame about Houston, but too many injuries.

  9. Besides Cutler, how many of those guys were actually starters? Those are all fringe guys and will all probably be gone next year anyway.


    Wilson, Thompson, Bellamy, Paulsen, Larsen, and Hoyer are all FA's.


    The bigger questions are Alshon, Miller, Leno, Royal, Porter, Houston, Massie, with the last 2 making over $6mil each.



    I definitely say goodbye to Royal and Houston, not sure about the rest. Leno and Massie seem OK to keep I would think, as well as Porter.



  10. I really like what I've seen from Barkley. He's only made a couple throws that are absolute head scratchers. And he completely outplayed Stafford. I'd love to see what Barkley could do with some real play makers out there. He's been putting us in a good position at end of games. We at least get into overtime this week if it wasn't for the 2 holding penalties. Especially that 1st one on Leno. That was so obvious he didn't even try to argue it. With sitton I agree he hasn't played well. I think it's a combination of joining the team late and he's been injured alot



    I agree, we have to keep in mind all of the backups Barkley is throwing to....11 drops in one game? I think he has potential, he has pedigree and could be solid at least.

  11. Barkley is NOT our franchise QB. He is a great backup, but he is not much better than Bobby Douglas or Bob Avelleni, etc., for those of us who (can, at my age!) remember. We have got to get on the draft a QB train, or we are screwed for the rest of my lifetime.




    That could be true....but I hate to waste a number one draft pick on another question mark. It seems there is no certain pick this year......but then honestly, I don't keep up as much as I could on the options out there. Is it worth moving up vs getting a sure bet stud somewhere else? Some teams have won with decent QB's....can we?

  12. I am starting to think that Barkley might be an answer....I know, some here will say I am nuts but considering he has not played with the first team until a few games ago, we are working with rookie WR's, not to mention a new TE, I wonder how he might do with a few more games experience and a full pre-year training camp as a number one QB getting all of the reps.


    I guess what I am saying, we have a lot of needs; secondary, WR, offensive line, another defensive stud wouldn't hurt.

  13. yea and i'm not so sure that is a good idea either. this guy and staff seem to be able to get good results out of our string of nobody QB's. unless we find a proven, can't refuse this guy quality OC that looks like he will be around for a number of years, it may be best to let loggains have another year.


    we don't need another OC who is gone in a year or two. we need consistency. consistency and more consistency.



    At this point, I would bring most if not all of the coaches back and give them another shot. See how we can do with less injuries and no Cutler.

  14. if true, this would set this team back 1-2 years minimum.


    you are right, it doesn't make ANY sense. we $h!t can our standard 4-3 defense and draft/acquire FA's in the previous 2 years to play in a 3-4 after picking up one of the few available GOOD 3-4 coaches in the league. this would be a major loss especially if we lose all the position coaches that go with him.


    if so, welcome to the bottom of the league/division/barrel yet again.



    I have a hard time believing this rumour....if anyone is gone, it would have to be Loggains I would think.

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