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Posts posted by Daventry

  1. Easy stuff to write. He can talk about all the negatives of losing but doesn't acknowledge any of the positives such as a defense that is still ranked 11th in the league. An Oline that despite losing 3 starters still managed to put together a decent run game and pass protection against Tenn.


    It's not all roses that's for sure. Yet there are some positives out there especially considering the M.A.S.H. unit that gets weekly work in the locker room.




    16th in total yards per game despite using 3 QBs this season including one who wasn't even in training camp.


    5th in the league rushing yds/attempt. How do you do that with the Oline and WR turnover (they block too) we've had? Howard a part of it but he's part of the glass is half full story too.


    15th in passing yds/attempt and passing yds/game.


    10th in sacks given up.


    While we can move the ball, we're absolutely horrid at scoring, 31st in the league.





    10th in yds/play


    13th in pts/game


    7th best in rushing yds/attempt


    10th in passing yds/attempt (not even sure how we pulled this off with the musical chairs in the secondary)


    12th in passing yds/game


    15th in sacks


    We're 18th in pts/game.


    I understand that stats can sometimes be manipulated to be what you want to see. Certainly there are categories where we rank near the bottom. Given the train wreck this team is supposed to be we're still not a pushover for our opponents.



    That is all true, but the article was really about how the original football team, the Chicago Bears, have sucked for many years. The lack of attention to the QB position is the identified issue in the article basically IMO....and I think we held on to Cutler way too long. With all of the excuses, look at the wins and losses. Maybe there was other issues that contributed, but his demeanour did him no favours and his turnovers hurt time and again. It is hard to believe we never at least drafted a young guy to develop or signed a solid and young FA who could be the long term answer in how many years?

  2. it's his job to misdirect the competition to try and help WIN games not to placate the media, it's fans or tank games for draft position. even if everyone knows what the score is it still instills some doubt no matter how small.


    i also heard that this information could have been because cutler wanted to see if his shoulder would heal enough to at least showcase himself for the offseason for other teams as he probably will be cut loose. this would be a favor from the coaching staff to a guy who gave it all on the field.


    i see no problem with this coaching staff doing this stuff. that cheating scum from new england does it all the time and yet everyone loves him for it. go figure.




    I don't know about that; the news was all over the media Cutler was done for the year. Fox comes out and says otherwise, two weeks later Cutler is on IR.


    Come on, we are not in the SB hunt...what difference does it make really. Cutler is not exactly Brady, so having him does not guarantee much better than Barkley IMO.


    Maybe idiotic statements like Fox made is why the media reportedly don't like him much. As a fan, I think it is way over the line to make constant BS statements. For me, I don't believe anything he says anymore about injuries, and the only person he is fooling is himself IMO.

  3. I believe he did say they explored all options. Regardless, Cutler is done.


    Peace :dabears



    Sure hope so.


    I have seen some press announcements leading to questions....please let's let him go.

  4. I think we have to let Cutler go, that is the first thing really. The reason being, he has not worked out here after many years. I know many have reasons they use to explain this but the bottom line is that it does not appear there is any great upside. Let's move on.


    I would love to see us get a young prospect but those seem hard to find. The guys we have, Hoyer, Shaw and Barkley seem OK. Giving Barkley a chance to show what he has over the next few games might just show that he is a guy that we could hope could do something in the future. For me, his performance last week was pretty good given the circumstances.

  5. I'm fine with the idea, but let's be real here. You'd be butchering Cutler for the exact same performance. If not for the stupid, desperation interceptions, the Bears win this game.



    Agreed on that, but Cutler is a many year veteran and Barkley is essentially a rookie with one previous start. Cutler is still making the same mistakes that Barkley is with how many years experience under his belt?

  6. I have seen many news articles saying that Fox is on shaky ground; what does everyone think here?


    Personally, with what I know I would not tend to want to start over at this point again with another unknown quantity.


    That being said, not sure about Loggains and wonder about why we get hit so hard with injuries.

  7. That is a really good point; to be honest I would hate to see Fox go now as it would automatically mean more "rebuilding". Start over from ground zero again.


    If we even had half of the injuries we have had, who knows what we might have done. Maybe it would not have meant that much, but I am inclined to think that it could have made a significant difference.


    The big question for next year is Cutler IMO. We have to decide what we are doing at the QB position.


    I also think the Bears should take a long look at any possible training/conditioning/rehab or any other possible reasons for all of the injuries. It might be a coincidence, but maybe not.

  8. Agree with Jason's Ro-no (good one).


    But lest we forget we also have the 'other bald guy' in Connor Shaw on the roster who some think could be decent. Maybe not started quality but at least in the running...until we find the franchise QB we all want and need.


    I'm still good with trying to cut ties with AJ too. He's turning out to be more trouble than he's worth.




    I agree on AJ, does he really want to be a Bear? I think not...skipping camp, wanting an unreasonable contract etc....I wonder if he is a BM guy and is still not happy with all of the drama there. Nothing I have read about him indicates he wants to be around. So, let's try to get something for him if he doesn't, because he won't be a long term answer if he is not bought into being a Bear.

  9. All I know is I do not want Cutler as the transition QB. If you don't want Romo, sign Hoyer for another year or two and have him be the transition QB.


    Peace :dabears



    That would be cheaper and smarter.

  10. I am not sold on Romo really, and I guess it would matter how much we would have to pay for him.


    If it takes anything like two 1st round picks for Jimmy G, no way. Let the Patriots keep him and he can sit on the bench.


    I would really like us to try to get a young guy with talent, hopefully in the draft. We need a long term answer, as hard as that is to come by.

  11. And that worries me. I don't think this is a playoff team. I think it still lacks major talent. But with that schedule, I could see a W or L in any game. Which makes me think out of the 8 remaining games, the Bears win 3 or 4. Which places the Bears right around 5-6 wins. And what does 5-6 wins get you?


    About 10th or so in the draft. <_>



    Exactly my thoughts, I am somewhat ashamed to admit...

  12. Did anyone else see the comments Kyle Long made after the game that his arm was really "f'd up"? I just wonder if he is effectively out for a big bunch of time this season too, not that it really matters as it looks like we will be lucky to win any games anyway.


    I don't have a good sense of the league overall really; anyone have thoughts on our injuries and how common this amount is in the NFL? It seems like we are really getting hammered this year.

  13. That was an absolute idiotic drive to end the half there. Should have ended up in points. Fox is a moron. 3 timeouts and he lets the clock run for 30 seconds after Alshon's big 3rd down catch. Inexcusable!



    Agreed, that was dumb. Seems like after the penalty was over turned they just gave up....

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