Here's what I'm feeling.
1. The pain of this loss sucks.
2. We were in the NFC Championship, hosting, when not one person on the planet picked us to win more than 7 games.
3. We got better as the year went and that makes optimism run wild for 2011 or 12, CBA pending.
4. Cutler got us to where we were even when the line was sucking ass. Bottom line, give him time, he can be great.
5. His knee and the haters. The Score is reporting an MCL tear and they are determining the grade (severity) of the injury. I was pissed when he came out, but it's his knee and he knows his pain tolerance. NOT ONE OF US CAN SAY HOW BAD IT WAS!!!!
6. The 3rd and 3 end-around after a time out was ridiculous. Bad call. Horrible call. Martz should have his ass whooped for that one..then another for keeping Collins @ 2.
7. Hanie shows promise and look forward to him next season as the 2.
8. Knox needs to know what the hell is going on out there. Get it or go home.
9. For someone who is old and washed up, Urlacher is a f*ckin animal.
I am pissed that GB took our trophy on our field and I hope each and every Packer and Packer fan spotaneously combust during the Super Bowl.
We made it farther than anyone anticipated, even us. I wanted to win just as bad as everyone, and it sucks that we made it as far as we did, 2 wins away. I am still VERY PROUD of our guys for the fight they showed this year.