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Everything posted by BearsFan1974

  1. It's official...Lee Dewyze. Eccchhh
  2. I truly do. It's just a way to show patriotism. I actually enjoy it because it shows that we are getting support back home. I take it as cheering for me and my fellow brothers serving the greatest country on earth.
  3. If you have ever been to a Blackhawks' game, it's even louder. Like someone stated in the post already, it started with the Blackhawks as a way to show patriotism. I don't think it's any different that flying a flag outside your home or a patriotic bumper sticker, or voting on AFN so an active duty Bear fan can see the game while serving overseas.
  4. I agree...the lady is like 45-50 years old. It's not like it was an 8 year old. Yeah he snubbed her in the airport, but geez. Regardless, he'll get his come Sunday!!!
  5. BearsFan1974


    I had open house at St. Patrick HS that day. I remember the whole hallway walking with walkmans and listening to the game and the cursing that filled the school was rampant!!! That was funny, the call was not.
  6. So you are saying we need a cornerback?
  7. The fans are cheering for the country. I love the fact that no matter what, we can all agree that the US is great. Regardless of political affiliation, or any other nit picky crap we do on a daily basis, we love America and support that and the troops. I am a troop overseas, and it sends chills down my spine every Hawks game and now the Bears game. Whether it's Wayne Messmer at the '91 NHL All-Star Game or the '11 NFC Divisional playoff, I take it as 20+ years of good old American Pride delivered the Chicago Way.
  8. Otto Graham was the other one and he did it 2x in '54 and '55 Cutler is turning out to be a great trade. I look at that game and wonder if Orton would have been able to do the same thing and the answer is easily No. We wouldn't have gotten this far if Orton was at the helm.
  9. Welcome, Bill. As long as it's our trophy case, it doesn't matter what's it's called to me.
  10. ...at QB. What a great game in all aspects. When the o-line couldn't hold any longer, Cutler adapted. Defense played strong until the end. Looks like the 25 year reunion is no more...Bye Bye Patsies!!!
  11. We've been waiting since '06 for this chance, Boys. Let's KO these SeaChickens and get the Pack back. I am truly amped up for this game. I have been craving Bear Playoff football for 4 years now. I'm ready.
  12. Cutler 17-24 243yds 2 TDs Forte 21 rushes 102 yds 1 TD 3 Rec 28 yds Bennett 7 Rec 98 yds 1 TD Olsen 4 Rec 45 Yds 1 TD Bears 27 SheHawks 9
  13. I remember that. It was hosted by Janet Davies and it was in front of a jukebox. I got a copy of it off ebay when I bought the '85 post season a few years back before they came out with it on an orriginal DVD. I remember the played the lone ranger on Gault's 99 yd KO return.
  14. I didn't assume anything. You typed it and said it.
  15. You can be wrong and fascinating...lol
  16. As a footnote, those little piggies are hilarious!!!
  17. until it comes out that he cooked the meth batch up...then FOX Sports will give him his own cooking show. I can see it now..."Freebasing with Favre"
  18. But you know the fallatio will continue and he will get an announcing/analyst gig with ESPN. I hate him as much as you do but until he's in a box wearing a suit and holding some flowers, we'll continue to hear about him. Magic is still in our faces constantly being an analyst however Jordan has faded away only comparisons keep him in the light and his owenership of the Bobcats.
  19. Edwards drops the ball too damn much and Knox covers that aspect as it is. I say Mankins should be signed... Or we can go BearsFanNYC's rout (the JA way) and draft 7 offensive lineman and hope one of them is good.
  20. I agree. I think the Minds of the Midway are hard at work. Do I smell smoke? Anyways, I think with the line coming as far as they have, we are in for a treat this year.
  21. 24-13 and hosting the NFC Championship
  22. Exactly. Maybe Martz changes up the game plan sooner and we beat NYG, Sea and Wash. Things happen for a reason. We won, we're in. That's that.
  23. Don't backpedal now, Pal. You said "It would cheapen the Super Bowl if a team like the Bears can go relatively uninjured, get the wildcard bye, beat two teams that maybe ought not be in the playoffs, and then go to the super bowl." That being said from your mind to your keyboard that if the Bears made it, it would cheapen the Super Bowl. I'm not looking for a Super Bowl appearance unless it results in a win. The championship determines the last team standing, and yes in certain cases the underdog wins ('07 Giants and last years Saints). Does baseball put less stock in the World Series when the barely over .500 Cardinals win it all? No...they are still champions. Just like when the 10-6 backed into the playoffs beat the undefeated Patriots. If the Seahawks somehow win it all (even though they are done after this Sunday), doesn't that make them the champions? If you win it all, you win it all bottom line. Whether it includes "injury luck" or beating playoff teams, a Super Bowl win is a championship.
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