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Everything posted by DABEARSDABOMB

  1. I want to see play action passes and middle of the field passes from Rex...its his strength and Babich, expect lots of 1st down passes. Bears better freakin adjust because if they don't, the ineptitude of the coaching staff will be shown.
  2. Bears fans are f***ing disgraceful...shut the f*** up. Grossman is going up against one of the best defenses in the NFL and led a nice touchdown drive and made one mistake. He did miss a shot at moving the chains but nothing boo worthy. f***ing pathetic the way that guy has gotten treated. And in other news...Brad Maynard is having one shitty ass game and to be honest one shitty ass season.
  3. I'm happy with where we are at as of the half. The one thing that concerns me is that I believe the Titans are a better coached team, but I'm hoping Lovie and company can prove me wrong and come out with some nice adjustments for the 2nd half.
  4. Even with the blitz, no pass rush. This will be big, we need to put together a drive here.
  5. Ya, you get that block and that play is in business. Can't blame Grossman for that drive. Still....Titans have full field position and are consistently in scoring position. We need the Bears to make a play, hopefully defense can pull a turnover out right here.
  6. Maynard is done. He is getting no hangtime.
  7. I think a play action would be a very effective 1st down call here.
  8. More bad field position...hopefully we can get a positive play. We got lucky cause the kicker got clocked.
  9. Lets just cleanly field this and hope that we get a touchback.
  10. Beautiful Vasher..beautiful. Surprised the Bears didn't blitz anyone.
  11. Peanut is good with his hands...nice job knocking that out. Huge 3rd down here. Watch the screen and the TE cause everything has been voer the middle of the field.
  12. And that was beautiful...Mike Brown is playing tremendous today. Best game of the season for him so far. Him and Urlacher...impressive.
  13. Lack of pass rush enabled that. That was easy.
  14. We are still missing the pass rush but I love the penetration from the dlines. I'm hoping for a quick 3 and out and than a good offensie drive cause the defense has to be getting tired.
  15. Crap...they are now in Bears territory to start the drive. I don't care though...I love Corey Graham, but it was a dumb penalty.
  16. Time for another turnover so we can take back the field position battle.
  17. It was a good offensive drive just to get out to where they did to be honest. Especially against the Titans defense.
  18. This is a good time for a play action to the tight end or down the field to Hester.
  19. I'm not going to lie...I'm very scared being this close to our goaline with the Titans dline.
  20. WHOOOO.....Bears recover. Nice to see other OC's also decide to hand it off to the fullback when they have Lendale.
  21. What a play by Brown...10 bucks says the Titans go for it and they'll hand it to Lendale.
  22. Is it me or is it ridiculous that offensive PI isn't also a loss on downs. I think that is atrocious.
  23. Rex shouldn't have thrown the ball but it was single coverage and you got to try a single coverage throw. Got picked. Didn't plant his feet though. Great D there by Tillman.
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